The Manner of Congratulating During the Blessed Eidul Adhaa
Question: What is the manner of congratulating on the blessed Eidul Adhaa, and we learned that the people say on Eidul Al-Fitr to each other: May Allah accept from us and you the righteous actions (Taqabbala Allahu minna wa minkum saalih alaamaal), so what do we say on Eidul Adhaa?
Answer: There isn't for this a known specific manner (way/form), so if he supplicates for him, he says: May Allah accept from us and you (Taqabbala Allahu minna wa minkum), or May you have blessed Eid (Eidkum Mubaarak), or the Eid is blessed (AlEid Mubaarak), or May Allah cause your Eid to be blessed (Jaala Allahu Eidkum Mubaarak), whether it is Eidul Adhaa or Eidul Fitr, all of it one (the same), and likewise in the Hajj, May your hajj be accepted (Hajjuka Maqbool), may Allah accept from you (Taqabbala Allahu minka), May your umrah be accepted, may Allah accept from you (Umrah Maqboolah Taqabbala Allahu minka), all of this and similar to it enough, because there is no specific known form for it.
As for the Eids of the disbelievers and the Christians, then it is not allowed to congratulate them in them (their holy days), nor joining them in them. So if you are in the place of the Eid for the disbelievers, Christians, or other than them, then it is not allowed for you to congratulate them in it, nor join them in it, nor attend them, due to what is in it of imitating them, and what is in it from showing pleasure with their unlawful Eid. There isn't for the Muslims except two Eids, the Eid of Sacrifice, and the Eid of Breaking Fast, and days of the Hajj are also called Eid, the day of Arafah, and the days of the Tashreek are also called Eid for the Muslims, because they repeat amongst them (for them), and they worship Allah in them, as for the Eids of the disbelievers from the Christians and other than them it is not allowed to attend them nor congratulate by them (by those days), nor sell the (holy day gift) cards regarding them, all of these evil are not allowed, and we ask Allah for the guidance and success for all.
Answered by: Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Bazz
Translated by: Nasrin As.Salafiyah
Date: July 30, 2012