
The congratulation on the Eid

The congratulation on the Eid

Question: The brother from Waashnatan, he is saying in his question: The people say in congratulating each other on the day of the Eid: "May Allah accept from us and you the righteous actions, (Taqabbala Allahu minna wa minkum alaamal assaalihah)," Isn't it the best O Noble Shaykh that people supplicates for the acceptance of all the actions? And is there any legislated supplication in the likes of this occasion? 

Answer: There is no problem that the muslim says to his brother on the day of the Eid or other than it, "May Allah accept from us and you the righteous actions, (Taqabbala Allahu minna wa minkum alaamal assaalihah)," and i do not know anything textual (clearly stated) in this, and the believer only supplicates for his brother with good supplications; due to many evidences mentioned regarding that, and with Allah lies success. 

Answered by: Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Bazz
Translated by: Nasrin As.Salafiyah
Date: July 29, 2012

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