
Children’s Library & Book Fair

Children’s Library & Book Fair

‘Madinah Arabic Reader : Arabic Course as Taught at the IslaamicUniversity, Madinah’ is the children’s version of our Shaykh’s world renowned Arabic Course: Duruus al-Lughah al-“Arabiyyah li Ghayr al-Naatiqiina bihaa. Through simple, methodical steps, lexical and grammatical elements are taught using bright colours, vibrant design, full-filled art-work and illustrations. Copious, creative exercises test all areas of the young learner’s grammar, language skills and comprehension. Read the story behind the creation of the series, enjoy the samples, sharpen your colouring crayons then hurry to purchase:


New ‘starter’ lessons for Madinah Book 1 are launched for schools, centres and homes who are teaching our Shaykh’s renowned Arabic course on an LCD projector for enhanced teaching. These lessons prepare children for the main content and elements of each lesson through stimulating aids, colourful pictures, structured art & design and enlarged print. They also contain simple, oral drills to quickly accustom a child’s tongue and mind to Arabic. These lessons should be taught with the complete course which is 
‘Madinah Arabic Reader‘ or ‘Duruus al-Lughah al-”Arabiyyah li Ghayri l-Naatiqiina bihaa’.
We recommend all schools and homes to teach our Shaykh’s course on an LCD projector using these lessons. Learning Arabic is greatly enhanced and understanding of material is quickly grounded. The material is also suitable for pre-schoolers  who have a complete and lively programme to learn Qur’aanic Arabic from the earliest age.
Adult beginners
 are also invited to benefit.
SAMPLES from the Madinah Arabic Reader Series:  Copyrighted material follows; available free for non-commercial use only. With kind permission of our Shaykh Dr. Abdur Rahim and Goodword books.

BOOK 1 Lesson 1:

BOOK 1 Lesson 2:

al-Kalimaatu l-Jadiidatu: ‘New Words’:

BOOK 1 Lesson 3:

BOOK 1 Lesson 4:

BOOK 1 Lesson 5:

BOOK 1 Lesson 6: Adjectives:

Advanced Exercises:

BOOK 1 Lesson 8:

BOOK 2 Lesson 1:

BOOK 2 Lesson 2:

BOOK 2 Lesson 5:

BOOK 2 Lesson 8:

NOTE: Madinah Arabic Reader Books 1-2, correspond to Duruus al-Lughah Vol. 1. Madinah Arabic Reader Books 3-5, correspond to Duruus al-Lughah Vol. 2.


Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 6:
Authored by our Shaykh, published by GoodWordBooks (2013 CE).

A4 size, coloured pages,  artwork and illustrations typographical devices,Harakaat placed on all the words, a wealth of new knowledge, and recommended for children and adult learners of Madinah Book 3. Madinah Arabic Reader, Volume 6, corresponds to Madinah Arabic Book 3 adult version: lessons 1-5.

Copyrighted material follows. For non-commercial use only. With kind permission of our Shaykh Dr. Abdur Rahim and Goodword Books (publisher).

Duruus al-Lughah al-”Arabiyyah li Ghayri l-Naatiqiina bihaa, lil-Atfaal(Published by Islamic Foundation Trust, India. A concise Arabic course in 2 Volumes): Children! Come and learn Qur’aanic and modern Arabic through bright colours and vibrant illustrations in this 2 Volume series by our Shaykh.

Creative lessons will build your knowledge and skills step-by-step…

… Short, easy conversations start your tongues talking in Arabic:

… Colourful exercises and colour-coded elements help your minds understand the rules, and colouring activities provide art and creativity:

Read the Introduction, enjoy the samples, sharpen your pencils and crayons then race to order:

Arabic Reader: Buy Volumes 1 and 2 on-line:
Arabic Reader is copyrighted. Samples are free for non-commercial use only.

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