
الأخلاق السلف من ثمرات الأثر

The Characteristics Of The Salaf FromThe Fruits Of The Athar (Authentic Narration)-Aboo Ruqayyah 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Umar

The Salaf had extraordinary manners along with a great amount of humility and they would behave well towards the young, non-relatives and the ignorant, let alone show respect and honor to the elders, relatives and knowledgable. Of their principles concerning manners is their acknowledgement of their own deficiencies and correctness in others. However, if someone sees himself as perfect seeing others shortcomings, this gives rise to arrogance, may Allaah protect us from this!

عن كنانة بن جبلة السلمي قال:قال

أبو بكر بن عبدالله المزني:إذا رأيت من هو أكبر منك فقل:هذا سبقني بالإيمان والعمل الصالح فهو خير مني
On the authority of Kinaanah bin al-Jubalah as-Sulamee that Imaam Bakr bin 'Abdillaah al-Muzanee rahimahullaahu ta'aalaa said,

 "If you see someone older than you then respect him (or her), saying to yourself, "He (or she) has beaten me to Islaam, Eemaan and righteous actions, he (or she) is better than me."

وإذا رأيت من هو أصغر منك فقل:سبقته إلى الذنوب والمعاصي فهو خير مني
If you see someone younger than you (then respect and lower the wing of mercy to him) saying to yourself, "I have beaten him in sins, he is better than me."

وإذا رأيت إخوانك يكرمونك ويعظمونك فقل: هذا من فضل الله علىّ لا أستحقه
And if you see your brothers (or sisters) honoring and praising you then say, "That is from the grace of Allaah upon me, but I do not deserve it."

وإذا رأيت منهم تقصيراً فقل:هذا ذنب أحدثته
If you see that they belittle and degrade you then say, "This happened as a consequence of a previous sin."
[صفة الصفوة لابن الجوزي 3/248]

[Aboo Ruqayyah 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Umar binWilliam bin James Hayes al-Atharee, narrationtaken from the book Sifatus-Safwah of Imaam IbnAl-Jawzee vol.3 page.248.]

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