
BEST NEWS: Online Arabic COURSES from Ibaanah Center in Cairo..


Online Arabic

Al-Ibaanah is launching it’s Online Arabic Language Studies Program.  We are currently accepting registration for the Women’s and Men’s Online Arabic Program.  Online classes are scheduled to begin after Ramadan, beginning the first week in August.
Al-Ibaanah has adapted its Arabic Language Program for online studies, offering the full range of levels, from Introductory levels to Advanced Levels. Our online studies program can benefit both those students who have little or no previous studies in Arabic, or those students who have a background in Arabic language studies.
In addition Al-Ibaanah also offers:
  • Advanced studies in Balagha
  • Arabic Literature and Poetry
  • Grammar and Morphology
  • Qur’anic Arabic and Grammar
  • Tajweed and Quraanic Memorization.
Class scheduling is flexible and is designed with the student in mind; making it easy to fit around any persons busy schedule. Students opting to study in private class may choose the number of hours, and number of days they study each week, depending on instructor availability.
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