Attending Eid Khutbah is NOT WAJIB - Obligatory | Sep 10, '10 4:54 PM for everyone |
CHAPTER - SIXTEEN : The Sermon and Choosing To Attend It
Aboo Sa'eed al-Khudree (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The Prophet (SAW) used to proceed to the musallaa on the day of 'Eidul-Fitr and 'Adhaa and the first thing that he would begin with was the prayer. After the prayer he would move and stand in front of the people - the people being seated in their rows - and he would admonish, advise and command them ..."98
The 'Eid sermon is just like all other sermons - opened by praising and exalting Allaah, the Mighty and Sublime.
Ibn al-Qayyim said: "He (SAW) used to begin all his sermons by praising Allaah. However not a single hadeeth has been preserved from him saying that he used to begin the 'Eid sermons with takbeer. Rather Ibn Majah relates in his book as-Sunan99 upon the authority of S'ad al-Quradh the Prophet's mu'adhin* - that he (SAW) used to make the takbeer fre quently in between the sermons, and he (SAW), also made the takbeer in the 'Eid sermons. However this does not indicate that he (SAW) used to begin the 'Eid sermon with it ..."100
It has not been authentically reported in the sunnah that the sermon of 'Eid is two sermons divided by sitting down between them!
Since, that which is found regarding this is a very weak hadeeth transmitted by al-Bazzar in his Musnad [No.53 from the Musnad of Sa'd] from his teacher, Abdullaah Ibn Shabeeb with his chain of narration of Sa'd (may Allaah be pleased with him). That the Prophet used to give two sermons and seperate them by sitting down (between them).
Al-Bukhaaree said about Abdullaah ibn Shabeeb, "He is munkar-ul-hadeeth (makes a hadeeth Munkar)"
Thus the 'Eid sermon remains on the original basis, which is as one sermon.
Attending the 'Eid sermon is not obligatory, unlike the 'Eid prayer, which is obligatory. This is due to what is established from 'Abdullaah ibn Saa'ib, who said: "I witnessed 'Eid with the Prophet (SAW) and when he finished praying he (SAW) said: 'Verily we shall give a sermon, so whoever wishes to stay for the sermon then let him stay and whoever wishes to depart then let him depart'"101
Ibn al-Qayyim102 (may Allaah have mercy upon him), said: "He (SAW) gave permission for those who attended the 'Eidprayer to stay for the sermon or to leave.''103