1. Meaning of Udheeyah:
It is every sacrifice where blood is spilt for the sake of Allah in a specific sime from the Baheemah Al An'aam (Camels, Cows, Goats and Sheep). As for Al Hady' it is in Makkah.
2. Lawfullness of Udheeyah:
It is lawful according to the Qur'an and Sunnah and Ijmaa (consensus) and this is from the statement of Allah: "And pray to your Lord and sacrifice."
3. Its virtue:
i. The one who is sacrificing is coming closer to Allah.
ii. It is from the outward manifestations of Islam.
iii. It is from the greatest of actions on the day of 'Eid Ul 'Adha
4. Ruling of Udheeyah:
There is difference of opinion of the 'Ulama concerning it. However, the strongest opinion is that it is Sunnah. Because the Prophet :saw: said: "If the ten days (of Thul Hijjah) comes and one of you wishes to sacrice then let him not touch anything from his hair or his skin."
Narrated by Muslim
Therefore, it does not require a Nisaab (specific amount of money) like Zakaat.
5. Conditions of the sacrificial animal:
i. It should be from camels, goats, sheep or cows.
Note: Ages of the animals:
It is every sacrifice where blood is spilt for the sake of Allah in a specific sime from the Baheemah Al An'aam (Camels, Cows, Goats and Sheep). As for Al Hady' it is in Makkah.
2. Lawfullness of Udheeyah:
It is lawful according to the Qur'an and Sunnah and Ijmaa (consensus) and this is from the statement of Allah: "And pray to your Lord and sacrifice."
3. Its virtue:
i. The one who is sacrificing is coming closer to Allah.
ii. It is from the outward manifestations of Islam.
iii. It is from the greatest of actions on the day of 'Eid Ul 'Adha
4. Ruling of Udheeyah:
There is difference of opinion of the 'Ulama concerning it. However, the strongest opinion is that it is Sunnah. Because the Prophet :saw: said: "If the ten days (of Thul Hijjah) comes and one of you wishes to sacrice then let him not touch anything from his hair or his skin."
Narrated by Muslim
Therefore, it does not require a Nisaab (specific amount of money) like Zakaat.
5. Conditions of the sacrificial animal:
i. It should be from camels, goats, sheep or cows.
Note: Ages of the animals:
- Camels should be at least 5 years of age
- The cows should be at least two years of age
- The sheep and the goats should be one year of age
And the exception to this is the sheep that is six months old. And the scholars have agreed upon this.
ii. It should be free from defects like blindness, sickness, being crippled and exteme weakness. However, if part of the horn of an animal has come off then this is not from the defects that warrants it being excluded from the animals to sacrifice.
6. The rulings pertaining to the one who sacrifices:
i. The intention
ii. The statement Bismiallah or Bismillah Allahu Akbar or Allahumma Minka Wa Laka is Waajib. However, if it is forgotten then the sacrifice is correct. If it is left off intentionally then the sacrifice is not correct.
However, if a person remember when doing the actual sacrifice he must say it. And if he forgot completely the sacrifice is correct as mentioned.
iii. Time of sacrifice is after the 'Eid prayer otherwise it is considered meat only according to a Hadeeth narrated in Bukhari and Muslim where the Prophet :saw: said: "And whoever sacrificed before the prayer then let him replace it with another."
Note: This is why sending money to Pakistan and India for sacrifice is incorrect since we are praying the 'Eid prayer at least 10 hours after they pray. So how are we to know whether or not our animal has been sacrificed before we have prayed??
7. Conditions and description of the sacrifice.
The conditions of sacrifice are four:
i. That the person should be sane and have the ability to sacrifice. And in the case of the Udheeyah he should be a Muslim since it is a sacrifice concerning worship and not a sacrifice for simply eating.
ii. To say the name of Allah over it
iii. That what is used should be the likes of knives and cutalasses etc. It should not be bones or teeth.
iv. That what is sacrificed must be alive before it is sacrificed.
The Pillar of sacrifice
i. That the throat and the esophogus should be cut.
And it is better to cut the two jugular veins the esophogus and the throat.
Description of sacrifice: The cows, goats and sheep should be placed on their right side facing the Qiblah and should be sacrificed with a sharp knife.
As for the camel they are sacrificed in an upright position.
8. How the animals are shared:
i. Seven shares from the cow and the camel and one from the goats and sheep.
Note: If there are shares for an animal like in the case of the cow, one cannot intend to take a share for 'Aqeeqah and a share for 'Eid Ul Adha. Once the animal is intended to be sacrificed for the festival of 'Eid it remains upon such an intention.
9. The sacrifice of one member of the household is enough for the rest. Abu Ayyub Al Ansaari said: "A man used to sacrifce a single sheep (during the Prophet's time) for himself and his family and they ate from it and fed others with it." Narrated by Tirmidhi
10. One can share the animal however he wishes. However, it is highly recommended that he gives to the poor as Allah said: "... and eat from it and feed the poor."
11. It is Haraam to sell any part of the animal.
12. One cannot give the butcher his price in Udheeyah meat in replacement for his services.
13. Sacrificing for the dead is lawful as Shaikh Ul Islam Ibn Taymeeyah said: "It is lawful to do the sacrifice for the dead as it is lawful to do Hajj for him and to give Sadaqah (charity) for him."
Differences between Eid Ul Fitr and Eid Ul Adha
1. On Eid Ul Adhaa the Takbeeraat are said from the day of Arafah until the final day of the days of Tashreeq (3 days after the 'Eid). And this is Mustahab at every time not only after the 5 prayers.
2. The Prophet did not go to the place of prayer on the day of Fitr unless he ate something first. As for Eid Ul Adha he did not eat anything until he prayed.
3. The 'Eid Salaat for 'Eid Ul 'Adha should be earlier to give those who are sacrificing a chance to leave early. As for the day of Fitr it is better to delay it.
And Allah knows best.
ii. It should be free from defects like blindness, sickness, being crippled and exteme weakness. However, if part of the horn of an animal has come off then this is not from the defects that warrants it being excluded from the animals to sacrifice.
6. The rulings pertaining to the one who sacrifices:
i. The intention
ii. The statement Bismiallah or Bismillah Allahu Akbar or Allahumma Minka Wa Laka is Waajib. However, if it is forgotten then the sacrifice is correct. If it is left off intentionally then the sacrifice is not correct.
However, if a person remember when doing the actual sacrifice he must say it. And if he forgot completely the sacrifice is correct as mentioned.
iii. Time of sacrifice is after the 'Eid prayer otherwise it is considered meat only according to a Hadeeth narrated in Bukhari and Muslim where the Prophet :saw: said: "And whoever sacrificed before the prayer then let him replace it with another."
Note: This is why sending money to Pakistan and India for sacrifice is incorrect since we are praying the 'Eid prayer at least 10 hours after they pray. So how are we to know whether or not our animal has been sacrificed before we have prayed??
7. Conditions and description of the sacrifice.
The conditions of sacrifice are four:
i. That the person should be sane and have the ability to sacrifice. And in the case of the Udheeyah he should be a Muslim since it is a sacrifice concerning worship and not a sacrifice for simply eating.
ii. To say the name of Allah over it
iii. That what is used should be the likes of knives and cutalasses etc. It should not be bones or teeth.
iv. That what is sacrificed must be alive before it is sacrificed.
The Pillar of sacrifice
i. That the throat and the esophogus should be cut.
And it is better to cut the two jugular veins the esophogus and the throat.
Description of sacrifice: The cows, goats and sheep should be placed on their right side facing the Qiblah and should be sacrificed with a sharp knife.
As for the camel they are sacrificed in an upright position.
8. How the animals are shared:
i. Seven shares from the cow and the camel and one from the goats and sheep.
Note: If there are shares for an animal like in the case of the cow, one cannot intend to take a share for 'Aqeeqah and a share for 'Eid Ul Adha. Once the animal is intended to be sacrificed for the festival of 'Eid it remains upon such an intention.
9. The sacrifice of one member of the household is enough for the rest. Abu Ayyub Al Ansaari said: "A man used to sacrifce a single sheep (during the Prophet's time) for himself and his family and they ate from it and fed others with it." Narrated by Tirmidhi
10. One can share the animal however he wishes. However, it is highly recommended that he gives to the poor as Allah said: "... and eat from it and feed the poor."
11. It is Haraam to sell any part of the animal.
12. One cannot give the butcher his price in Udheeyah meat in replacement for his services.
13. Sacrificing for the dead is lawful as Shaikh Ul Islam Ibn Taymeeyah said: "It is lawful to do the sacrifice for the dead as it is lawful to do Hajj for him and to give Sadaqah (charity) for him."
Differences between Eid Ul Fitr and Eid Ul Adha
1. On Eid Ul Adhaa the Takbeeraat are said from the day of Arafah until the final day of the days of Tashreeq (3 days after the 'Eid). And this is Mustahab at every time not only after the 5 prayers.
2. The Prophet did not go to the place of prayer on the day of Fitr unless he ate something first. As for Eid Ul Adha he did not eat anything until he prayed.
3. The 'Eid Salaat for 'Eid Ul 'Adha should be earlier to give those who are sacrificing a chance to leave early. As for the day of Fitr it is better to delay it.
And Allah knows best.