
After EId Salah is ONLY ***.ONE.*** Sermon/Khutbah

asalamualikum... i went to two masjid [including today's one] and both masjid imam leading the salah did TWO Khutbah after the Eid salah by sitting in the middle like the Jumua'ah khutbah... LET US SEEK KNOWLEDGE before we act, ya Rabbi, Increase us in knowledge. ameen.
After EId Salah is ONLY ***.ONE.*** Sermon/KhutbahSep 10, '10 5:02 PM
for everyone
CHAPTER - FIFTEEN : The Sermon After The Prayer
The Sunnah with respect to the 'Eid sermon is that it should be after the prayer. Al-Bukhaaree has titled a chapter in his book, Saheeh, with: "Chapter: The sermon after the 'Eid prayer.''91
Ibn 'Abbaas said: "I witnessed 'Eid with Allaah's Messenger (SAW), Aboo Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthmaan (may Allaah be pleased with them all) and they all used to pray before the sermon."92
Ibn 'Umar reported: "That the Prophet (SAW), Aboo Bakr and 'Umar used to pray the 'Eid prayer before the sermon."93
Wali-ullaah ad-Dihlawee, when explaining the previous chapter headings of al-Bukhaaree said: 94 "i.e. this is the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) and that which was acted upon by the rightly guided Khulafaa. The changes that occurred - I mean bringing the sermon before the prayer, which is based on analogous deductions from the Friday prayer - is an innovation that emanated from Marwaan."95
Imaam at-Tirmidhee96 said: "The people of knowledge, from the Prophet's Companions and others, acted upon this, that the 'Eid prayer precedes sermon. It is said that the first person to give the sermon before the prayer was Marwaan bin Hakam."97 

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