

Book Fair

Al-Mus”if Fii Lughati Wa I”raabi Suurati Yuusif (Arabic-only):Enter the world of Qur’aanic Arabic with our Shaykh’s masterpiece. Wealth of lexical & grammatical notes for entire suurah Yuusuf; wealth of classical Arabic vocabulary; wealth of couplets from Ibn Maalik’s Al-Alfiyyah with explanations; exhaustive exercises and index.  Highly recommended for students, teachers, & Arabic Language curriculum.

Extracts: Note: In the Shaykh’s title, Yuusif is spelt with kasrah on siin & explained why in Extract 1:

Hard copies available from us (for special cases).  Buy Al-Mus”if here.

From Esfahan to Madinah In Search of Truth: Embark on the study of this classical text with the heart-felt and arduous journey in search of truth by Salmaan al-Faarisi (raDiya Allaahu “anhu)…

… Join the travels, learn the many lessons in strength, love of Allaah and sacrifice for His sake. Feel the story come to life with the copious lexical & grammatical notes. Unfold the Map of Travels then head-off to purchase:

‘Both These Lights Emanate From The Same Niche’ is moved to Advanced Library as a Free download.

Abshir Bi Khayri Yawmin is moved to Advanced Library as a Free download.

Fii Balaat Hiraql: Enter the following majlis and listen to the astonishing dialogue that took place between Abu Sufyaan (radiyAllaahu “anhu) and Heraclius, King of Byzantine …

Fii Balaat Hiraql is moved to Advanced Library as a Free download.

Arba”uuna Hadiithan40 sacred Ahaadiith of heart-softening content, gathered and explained by our Shaykh in one rich volume. Embark on a journey to diverse lands through the various narrations, master the Arabic Sciences and cultivate your iimaan according to the Prophetic Sunnah

Our Shaykh’s renowned Arabic language & Islaamic sciences syllabus is now published:
* in four, large, beautiful, colour volumes
* outstanding design and print
* complete Harakaatu l-i”raab on all the words.* colour-coded rules, illustrations, maps and diagrams
* large Arabic fonts, beautiful lay out & typesetting, generous spacing, typographical devises used to make learning, thoroughly enjoyable and easy
The four volumes contain a wealth of lessons, lively discussions, diverse & creative exercises and stimulating activities to master the Arabic language, learn the Islaamic sciences and establish a strong Islaamic character. The syllabus is part of our complete study programme and an essential part of it (see the complete programme in our on-line libraries).

A rich legacy of knowledge and Islaamic nurturing under the privilege of Madinah Islaamic University (published by ‘Al-Hadith Editions’, Belgium, 2009 CE).

Buy the syllabus, and study it simultaneously on-line. See Advanced Library.

NuSuuS Islaamiyyah:  A collection of classical Arabic texts ranging fromkhutbahs and biographies of the SaHaabah رضي الله عنهم,  Hadiiths from the Musnad of Imaam Ahmad رحمه اللهextracts from great scholarly works such asالبداية  والنهاية  by Ibn Kathiir رحمه الله, and stories of great historical and moral significance -  collected from the pages of Islaamic history.
* Wealth of lexical and grammatical notes * New grammar elements never learnt before * Wealth of exercises test grammar, comprehension and language skills *Enlarged print  * Enhanced lay-out and spacing  Harakaatu l-i”raab placed on all the words  *  Typographical devices employed to make reading, studying and teaching the book, easy. (234 pages).
Copies of NuSuuS Islaamiyyah available from us (for special cases).

Europe Speaks Arabic: A fascinating dialogue between a scholar and a lay-person who discuss the etymology of every-day words in English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, Polish, Romanian – and other European and non-European languages – proving beyond doubt that these words are originally Arabic words. Copious facts and evidences in a rich, humorous and non-technical style help discover the astonishing contribution of Arabic in developing world languages and convince the reader that EuropeSpeaks Arabic.  A journalist described this book as: ‘leaves the reader awe-struck!’

AL-AJWIBAH“ani l-’asilati l-”aammati: An essential book for every student, graduate and teacher of the 3 Madinah Books. It contains the solutions to the diverse and all-encompassing ‘General Questions Covering the Whole Book’ that appear at the end of Madinah Book 3.

Free download of the first 25 pages of ‘Al-Ajwibah’ along with study guidance for the new graduates:

Hard copies available from us (for special cases).  Buy Al-Ajwibah here.

For the graduates of our Shaykh’s entire study programme who have gained a firm understanding of the Arabic sciences  and desire reading the traditional Arabic grammar texts, our Shaykh recommends the famous and weighty text of SharHu Ibn “Aqiil “alaa ‘Alfiyyati Ibn Maalik.

An excellent exposition by Shaykh Ibn “Aqiil  رحمه الله  in a clear and easy style which a student of this level will understand. The above edition also contains the explanation of Ibn “Aqiil’s sharH, by Shaykh Muhammad Muhyiddiin “abd al-Hamiid and it is an ocean of knowledge.
Content includes:
* The complete i”raab of every line of the 1000 couplet with full lexical notes;
 Exhaustive explanations expanding and verifying Ibn Aqiil’s  commentary;
 Deep wisdoms derived from the couplets & sharH;
Copious citations from the Qur’aan and aHaadiith illustrating the rules;
 Gathering for the reader the vast understanding and opinions of the famous scholars of Arabic such as Siibawayhi, al-Farraa’, al-Akhfash, al-Mubarrid and many others (رحمهم الله) from the BaSrah and Kuufah schools of grammar.
Available from the publishers, Cairo.  

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