
An Important Advice to the Learners of Arabic

Blog EntryJan 20, '10 3:08 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Sale* - of DVD Sets of Three Madinah BooksJan 9, '10 1:44 PM
for everyone
Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu

In shaa Allah, i would like to sell my set of DVD of Madinah books.

I will sell all 3 sets together, in shaa - Allah, and all three set is for $69 dollars insha-Allah. this is less than what it will cost you to order from Canada. 


Insha-Allah anyone interested, please PM me in shaa - Allah.
The payment must be made via paypal and also i can only ship after your money is my bank as usual because i don't have money to ship anything. and the shipping cost is based on distance and weight. post office decides it.

my suggested shipping is $10 dollars, any money left i will send it back to you as usual.
12th Lesson, 1st Dialog - The Phase of Adolescence
2nd Lesson - 1st Dialog - How Do We Spend the Vacation
1st Lesson - First Dialog - There is Cure in the Honey
        Good for your Arabic Learning and also for your Deen.
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Student's Arabic Books Primary school: 3rd Level

Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالـمـرحلة الابتدائية :الـصـف الثــالثPrimary...

Student s Arabic Books Primary school : 4th Level

Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالـمـرحلة الابتدائية :الـصـف الرابــعPrimary..

Student's Arabic Books Secondary school : 1st Level

Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالـمـرحلة الابتدائية :الـصـف الخــامسSecondary...

Student's Arabic Books Primary school : 5th Level

Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالمــرحـلة الاولى : الصــف الخـــامسPrimary...

Student's Arabic Books Primary school : 6th Level

Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالمــرحــلة الأولى : الصـــف الســادسPrimary...

Student's Arabic Books Primary school : 1st Level

Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالـمـرحلة الابتدائية :الـصـف الاولPrimary...

Student's Arabic Books Primary school : 2nd Level

Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالـمـرحلة الابتدائية :الـصـف الثــانيPrimary...

Student's Arabic Books Secondary school : 2st Level

Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالـمـرحلة المـتـوسـطة :الـصـف الثــانيSecondary...

Student's Arabic Books Secondary school : 3rd Level

Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )ALL Books are in arabic . there is no English translationالـمـرحلة المـتـوسـطة :الـصـف الثــالثSecondary...


This series is designed for the non-Arab speaking, senior level student. With a collection of audiotapes and MP3 CD it helps the student learn Arabic through listening and conversation along with reading and writing. The series stresses communication and also offers glimpses into the Arabic culture, both Islamic and national. Divided into 3 grades, it contains textbooks and workbooks combined in one book. The entire series can be taught intensively in 300 classes (averaging 45 minutes one class,) 100 classes for each grade. If the program is not intensive, it can be taught within a three-year period.

CD 1 - CD 2 - CD 3


Blog EntryJan 11, '10 4:02 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Now only $13.50, Modern standard Arabic grammar: a concise guide by Azza HassaneinJan 10, '10 2:33 PM
for everyone
Modern standard Arabic grammar: a concise guide

 Modern standard Arabic grammar: a concise guide  by Azza Hassanein
My Price: $13.50 dollars [reduced from $15], Book is like NEW.- book is sold for over $15 and more over online.

Payment must be done over Paypal, and i can only ship after money in my bank, i don't have money to ship anything.

Anyone Interested, PM me please.

 By Azza Hassanein - American Univ. in Cairo Press (2006) - Paperback - 107 pages - ISBN 9774160126 

In a compact, easy-to-use format, Modern Standard Arabic Grammar offers a convenient guide to grammar for any student of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), the version of Arabic mostly commonly used in journalism, formal writing, and literature. Drawing on over a decade of experience as a full-time teacher of Arabic, Azza Hassanein explains the rules in straightforward English, illustrating usage with examples throughout. The book covers all the rules of grammar and morphology that students require for elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels of Arabic. As a compact guide, it is an ideal auxiliary, no matter what textbook the student is using. While students of the language will find Modern Standard Arabic Grammar extremely helpful, it is also a valuable tool for linguists who want to acquire a clear idea about the skeletal structure of the language, as well as translators who are working with written Arabic. Covering all the important grammatical rules of MSA, from nisba adjectives and nominal and verbal sentences to more complex constructions such as conditional sentences and the subjunctive, this unique handbook fills a real need for the growing number of people worldwide learning Arabic.
Don't you think you are blessed. Alhamdulillah. May Allah reward those who shared over online. 

shar aljaromiyah by shaykh uthaymeen - Saudi Print version.pdf


[كتاب pdf
شرح] متن الآجرومية. للشيخ العثيمين ـ رحمه الله ـ

ـ نبذة: هو كتاب أشرفت عليه مؤسسة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين الخيرية وأخرج اعتمادا من تسجيلات لشروحات الشيخ العثيمين ـ رحمه الله ـ لمتن الآجرومية التي أتمها عدة مرات في مسجده في العنيزة (الجامع الكبير) سنة 1407 وفي سنة 1411 هـ . ويعد من أحسن الشروحات لمتن الآجرومية ومهم لطالب العلم الشرعي أن يدرسه.
والمتن هو كتاب من تأليف : أبو عبد الله محمد بن محمد بن داود الصنهاجي، المعروف بـ "ابن آجروم" المتوفي سنة 723 هـ ـ رحمه الله ـ
ـ وستجد في آخر الكتاب ملحق عبارة عن مخطوطة في قواعد الإملاء كتبها الشيخ العثيمين ـ رحمه الله ـ سنة 1386 هـ، وستجد ملحق آخر يحتوي على متن الآجرومية مفرداً.

ـ صورة من واجهة الكتاب:

ـ عدد الصفحات: 576 صفحة

ـ صيغة الملف: pdf مصور

ـ رابط التحميل : من المرفقات (انظر إلى الأسفل)

الصور المصغرة للصور المرفقة

الملفات المرفقةشرح الآجرومية.مصور.للشيخ العثيمين.zip‏
Blog EntryJan 9, '10 1:45 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Sale* - of DVD Sets of Three Madinah BooksJan 9, '10 1:44 PM
for everyone
Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu

In shaa Allah, i would like to sell my set of DVD of Madinah books.

I will sell all 3 sets together, in shaa - Allah, and all three set is for $69 dollars insha-Allah. this is less than what it will cost you to order from Canada. 


Insha-Allah anyone interested, please PM me in shaa - Allah.
The payment must be made via paypal and also i can only ship after your money is my bank as usual because i don't have money to ship anything. and the shipping cost is based on distance and weight. post office decides it.

my suggested shipping is $10 dollars, any money left i will send it back to you as usual.

Don't you think you are blessed, the book is just online for you to benefit for FREEEEEEEEEEE
لتصنيـف العـام اللغة العربية
  بيانات الكتاب ..
العنوان الممتع في شرح الآجرومية
المؤلف مالك بن سالم بن مطر المهذري
نبذة عن الكتاب
تاريخ الإضافة 7-11-1430
عدد القراء 2324
رابط القراءة       
رابط التحميل اضغط هنا لتحميل الملف << اضغط هنا >>
Blog EntryJan 7, '10 5:29 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu

May Allah grant you and us success in our path to learn the Language of His Book.

I cannot advice the learners of Arabic except with what i learned from my experience in my striving to learn Arabic, that is:

If you really wish to learn Arabic fast and you want to actually learn Arabic, Then upon you is few things:

1st: of course sincerity
2nd: making dua to Allah constantly to grant you success, to make it easy for to learn fast
3rd: doing one thing at a time, and not jumping from one lessons to another, one dars to another, one book to another, one series of books to another, but Doing one book or one series of books, or one set of dars at a time, or at most TWO, that's it.
4th: the more time you will spend in learning Arabic, the faster you will learn Arabic
5th: the more organized way you will learn Arabic, the easier you will find it is to learn Arabic.

There is one thing i guess in most of us, starter of learning Arabic do, that is we want to learn Arabic fast and we jump around the books, without finishing a book in full or a set of books in full, we will starter another one, or while we are taking a teacher's lessons, we will be jumping to another one.

if you have read the book of knowledge of Shaykh Uthaymeen, you will know, this is not from the manners of seeker of knowledge, take things step by step and you should sit with a teacher and then finish with them and then do with others.

and you should study by stage by stage, do small book, then advance to big book, do not start with a THICK book and then half way through, you quit it and move on to another.

This is not to say, you don't buy books or dvds or cds to learn what you want to learn, rather you should buy and gather for yourself all tools of knowledge when you are able to afford before you are not able to afford. Alhamdulillah that Allah gave me tawpiq to buy many important books to Learn Arabic and trust me, i have not looked into some as of yet, there are so many books to study from, but i am being patient and not trying to read little from here and there.

But trying best to do a set of book and then finish them and then move on to another.

and the more time you will give yourself to learn Arabic the faster you will learn Arabic, so you decide for yourself, by when you want to be fluent in Araibc and then spend the time needed to learn the language by the time you want to have good hold of Arabic.

It is always important to have a goal and striving to it, otherwise, i don't know, you may not know where you are going???

I am in a hurry to wait too long or take too long time to Learn this language. May Allah grant you and us success in our Learning of Arabic seeking the nearness to Allah alone.

And Yes, my biggest tool in learning by myself is: always doing the study that motivates me and keeps me happy and firm upon my seeking knowledge, not studying in a way that makes me feel like, i am not good enough to do the study by myself or i cannot do this study etc. Nothing to stop me from my study. Always do the study such that you feel happy and proud that you did what you did. This is why i would always go by my level, i would not take something that is out of my level such that i feel i cannot do it.

There are many books to learn from but some are hard to understand for one at one stage of learning but that book could be easy if you have taken it after some time doing some study that will help you to do the book that is not for your level at the time. It is very important. and it will always prove fruitful for you inshaa-Allah and you will find motivation that way.

Also, you can check your level by going into other books, or reading materials, i would do this every now and then, and see if i find some books i want to read easy enough for me to start going over it, if i find i will take it, if not, i will leave it and do other studies. This is VERY Important also if you are studying on your own. 

Also, try to be around people that motivates you and encourages you to learn Arabic, trust me my company with Umm Kutubah motivated me a lot, may Allah reward my beloved sister for her encouragement always. i truly love her for the sake of Allah. and brother Aboo Imran's advice and blog and my friends of Yemen and other than them. May Allah reward everyone who encouraged me to keep up my study. Ameen.

Also, avoid paying attention to people who does not encourage, TRUST ME  this is SUPPER Important, i faced some of those people, it bothered me a lot but i never paid attention to them.

if i said anything good, then it is from Allah, anything evil then it is from Shaytan.
wasalamualikum wa rahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu

My mini Arabic Audio Mp3 CD store based on the works of the ScholarsJan 7, '10 12:15 PM
for everyone
Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum wa rahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu

This is my little store to support my study inshaa-Allah, Anyone interested in any items please PM me here at multiply:http://akthernasrin.multiply.com
My mini Arabic Audio Mp3 CD store based on the works of the Scholars

Mp3 - 3 CD - Shaykh Muhammad bin Saleh al-Uthaymeen
سلسلة لقاء الباب المفتوح   
+ Various topics khutubah of the Shaykh [on Marriage, Tafseer, Usool Ad-Deen etc]
Price: each CD $3.50 (*3)

Mp3 - 1 CD - Shaykh Muhammad bin Saleh al-Uthaymeen
ألفية ابن مالك  
+ Audio Matn of the Aljaromiayh & Alfiyah
Price: each CD $3.50 

Mp3 - 1 CD - Shaykh Muhammad bin Saleh al-Uthaymeen
المقدمة الآجرومية  
متن الآجرومية الجزء الأول 
الآجرومية الجزء الثاني 
الدرة اليتيمية  
+ Audio Matn of the Aljaromiayh & Alfiyah
Price: each CD $3.50

Mp3 - 3 CD - Shaykh Saleh Ali-Ashshaykh
ثلاثة الأصول و أدلتها
كتاب الأربع القواعد 
كتاب التوحيد
كشف الشبهات
أصول الإيمان
كتاب فضل الإسلام
مسائل الجاهلية
لمعة الإعتقاد
الفتوى الحموية الكبرى
العقيدة الطحاوية
الأربعين النووية
محاضرات متنوعة
Price: each CD $3.50 (*3)
The Family Between the Past and the Present

whoever is able to go, you BETTER go, can you believe so much given away opportunity, and we just sit and do nothing. you always have to give up something to get something. just save enough to stay and learn and then come back and teach us. plz.

if i could go, i would fly over there. i really wish i could go though. not kidding. there are many scholarship out there, if you are studying in CUNY - city university in NY or maybe other colleges in USA, you can take scholarship to go abroad to learn arabic. One of my classmate from Arabic class is now in Egypt studying with that study abroad program. Mash-Allah and that's a Kafir. you can go for 2 years or 4 years.

the women get stuck with mahram issue!!!! otherwise i would wait for no one. 

here check that out here: http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/classics/arabic/Scholarships.html

Qatar Scholarship Program

The Qatar Scholarship Program offers dedicated Arabic language students from the United States the opportunity to master their skills in an intensive Arabic language program at the Qatar University (QU) in Doha for an entire academic year (September to June). The scholarship includes tuition, room and board in university dorms, round-trip airfare, and books.
This program is designed for those who have already developed their Arabic at the intermediate and advanced levels. Students passing a proficiency exam at QU will also have the opportunity to audit regular undergraduate courses taught in Arabic in an array of subjects. As this is a non-degree program, students will receive a certificate upon completion of the academic year but no academic credit will be awarded.
The Department of Arabic has a number of specialized instructors who have extensive experience teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. Written and spoken Modern Standard Arabic are offered. The curriculum includes: reading, composition, phonetics, Arabic literature in the modern period, the Qur'an, Hadith, schools of poetry, rhetoric, Arabic grammar, semantics, and methods of teaching Arabic for non-native speakers.
For more information about the Arabic for Non-Native Speakers Program at Qatar University, please click here
For more information about the Qatar Scholarship Program application, visit "Application Information." To access the 2010-2011 Qatar Scholarship Program application, click here
Contact UsQatar Scholarship Program
Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
Georgetown University
ICC 241
37th and O Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20057-1020
Blog EntryDec 25, '09 2:48 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
I would like to sell these two books as well. anyone wishes to buy, PM plz.

Product Name: Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allum al-'Arabiyya with DVDs: A Textbook for Beginning Arabic, Part One Second Edition

Price: $37.00

This is the book that is used in many university in the USA, the book is very good and it comes with DVD.

Product Name: Answer Key To Al-Kitaab Fii Ta'allum Al-'Arabiyya 2nd Edition
Price: $4.50

This is the answer key book to the above textbook

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