سلسلة قطر الندى | by Nasrin for everyone |
جميع الملقين->اللغة العربية->شرح متن قطر الندى(في النحو) لابن هشام | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http://www.alfuzan.islamlight.net/index.php?option=com_sound&catid=1481&Itemid=46
جميع الملقين->اللغة العربية->شرح متن قطر الندى(في النحو) لابن هشام
شروح أشهر المتون النحوية | by Nasrin for everyone |
Shar Qatar ananda | by Nasrin for everyone |
فيلم الكرتون الرائع انا واخي كامل 300 دقيقة | نقاء NAQA | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http://www.naqatube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=5e24754e2c318eaf6a76&page=4&viewtype=basic&category=
Better than anything I saw. May Allah benefit us to practice in our lives.
Story - Ar&Eng - Certificate of Appreciation | by Nasrin for everyone |
Glorious-Quraan-Lesson-7-Worksheet-and-Answers.pdf | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http://drvaniya.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Glorious-Quraan-Lesson-7-Worksheet-and-Answers.pdf
GREAT of course, very beneficial too and take it and check your answers. alhamdulillah.
مجموعة أحكام القرآن | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http://www.way2allah.com/var-group-64.htm
these are of course great. i just do not like that ding dong sound at the beginning and end, i see one didn't have it at the beginning that i am listening to.
قصص من التاريخ | by Nasrin for everyone |
kids stories...Video... | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http://www.way2allah.com/var-group-307.htm
this series is really nice and funny. no music at all.
اللغـــة العربيــــة ، | by Nasrin for everyone |
النحو والصرف | by Nasrin for everyone |
النحو والصرف | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http://membres.multimania.fr/makuielys/3/nahwsarf/index.htm
madina uni. links and works... GREAT works..maashaaAllah and very easy to understand as well. alhamdulillah
PDF ar_Explanation_alagormiah_AbdulHamid.pdf | by Nasrin for everyone |
PDF - Exp. Nathm Al-Maqsood (Arabic Verb Morphology) | by Nasrin for everyone |
A beneficial work explaining an arabic poem about verb morphology, by Abu Abdur Rahman Ibrahim Al-Yemani, Arabic and Quranic Recitation Teacher in Daar Al-Hadith Damaaj, Yemen.
[DRAFT] http://lao-intermediate.wikispaces.com/العربية+بين+يديك+الجزء+الثاني | by Nasrin for everyone |
[DRAFT] http://lao-intermediate.wikispaces.com/العربية+بين+يديك+الجزء+الثاني | by Nasrin for everyone |
[DRAFT] http://lao-intermediate.wikispaces.com/العربية+بين+يديك+الجزء+الثاني | by Nasrin for everyone |
Part 1 upto page 68 - Durus Al-balagah by Shaykh Uthaymeen.pdf - 4shared.com - document sharing - download | by Nasrin for everyone |