الطواق الذهب كتاب البلاغة | by Nasrin for everyone |
شرح كتاب البلاغة للشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين رحمه الله | by Nasrin for everyone |
Learn Arabic, Arabic Tuition, Free Online Arabic Course, Arabic Language, Learn Qu'ran | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / www.madinaharabic.net/
the only problem with them is that they charge too much, how can you charge this much for Quraan classes at least?
it is like only for the RICH people. may Allah provide for us all ameen.
it is like only for the RICH people. may Allah provide for us all ameen.
Learn Arabic in Dubai | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / www.eton.ac/ languages/ arabic.php
they offer online classes too, you can check the lists.
A E D - Arabic Etymological Dictionary | by Nasrin for everyone |
الرديف، المعاجم العربية | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / radif.sourceforge.net/
Type of tool:
Dictionary of synonyms.
Dictionary of antonyms.
Dictionary of Rhymes: search words by their ends.
Glossary of Broken Plural.
Platform: Windows, Mac
Cost: Free / open source
Access: Web-based (online) & Desktop-based (offline)
Support: http://radif.sourceforge.net
Link: http://radif.sourceforge.net/
Dictionary of synonyms.
Dictionary of antonyms.
Dictionary of Rhymes: search words by their ends.
Glossary of Broken Plural.
Platform: Windows, Mac
Cost: Free / open source
Access: Web-based (online) & Desktop-based (offline)
Support: http://radif.sourceforge.net
Link: http://radif.sourceforge.net/
e-Arabic Teachers Portal (eATP) | by Nasrin for everyone |
Learn Arabic Online - Learning Online | by Nasrin for everyone |
- Very NICE Kids Land of stories and games and more in Arabic - بنين وبنات | by Nasrin for everyone |
learn arabic in arabic online | by Nasrin for everyone |
mutun of grammar | by Nasrin for everyone |
مجموعة المكتبة الخضراء للأطفال 53 كتابا.part7.rar - 4shared.com | by Nasrin for everyone |
arabic grammar books and more | by Nasrin for everyone |
قطرب: برنامج تصريف الأفعال | by Nasrin for everyone |
dictionary of words of quraan | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / www.scribd.com/ doc/ 63436917/ %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%AC%D9%85-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%83%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B1%D8%A2%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A9
very good arabic to arabic, the def. is easy and short. alhamdulillah.
Arabic Stories for kids! | by Nasrin for everyone |
Stories of Mothers of the Believers uploaded, | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / www.scribd.com/ Thuriayaa
Stories of Mothers of the Believers uploaded, they are beautiful. alhamdulillah. i finished reading 2 books out of 20 only.
فلم {فرسان الخير} - أفلام كرتون - 58دقيقة | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / www.alsalafway.com/ media/ Kids/ frsanelkher.wmv
this is clean one of any music. alhamdulillah.
amazing, some people take videos and add musics to them. Allahul Musta'an... http://www.alsalafway.com/cms/multimedia.php?action=listen&id=116778
amazing, some people take videos and add musics to them. Allahul Musta'an... http://www.alsalafway.com/cms/multimedia.php?action=listen&id=116778
فلم كرتون نوادر جحا.wmv - download file | by Nasrin for everyone |