

Link: http://www.madinaharabic.net/

the only problem with them is that they charge too much, how can you charge this much for Quraan classes at least?

it is like only for the RICH people. may Allah provide for us all ameen.
LinkSep 10, '11 6:33 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
Link: http://www.eton.ac/languages/arabic.php

they offer online classes too, you can check the lists.
LinkSep 10, '11 6:16 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
Link: http://radif.sourceforge.net/

Type of tool:

Dictionary of synonyms.
Dictionary of antonyms.
Dictionary of Rhymes: search words by their ends.
Glossary of Broken Plural.

Platform: Windows, Mac
Cost: Free / open source
Access: Web-based (online) & Desktop-based (offline)
Support: http://radif.sourceforge.net
Link: http://radif.sourceforge.net/
LinkSep 9, '11 12:07 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Link: http://learnonl.webs.com/learnarabiconline.htm

she is good and she has a lot of students too.
LinkAug 24, '11 9:46 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Link: http://www.scribd.com/Thuriayaa

Stories of Mothers of the Believers uploaded, they are beautiful. alhamdulillah. i finished reading 2 books out of 20 only.
Link: http://www.alsalafway.com/media/Kids/frsanelkher.wmv

this is clean one of any music. alhamdulillah.
amazing, some people take videos and add musics to them. Allahul Musta'an... http://www.alsalafway.com/cms/multimedia.php?action=listen&id=116778
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