Home - "Learn the Arabic Language for it is from your religion"-'Umar bin Al Khattaab | by Nasrin for everyone |
BOoks to Learn Tajweed… | by Nasrin for everyone |
arabic learning games | by Nasrin for everyone |
Printable Arabic Learning Materials | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / www.yemenlinks.com/ Arabic_Download.htm#File%20Folder%20Games
Good stuffs are there for you to make use of
Arabic Selection 2 (Books & Audio) eSnips Folder | by Nasrin for everyone |
http://linguisticmiracle.com/markings.html | by Nasrin for everyone |
http://linguisticmiracle.com/alphabet.htm | by Nasrin for everyone |
khat-riqaa | by Nasrin for everyone |
Learning Arabic - A lot of resources... | by Nasrin for everyone |
sisters' only Arabic Classes - http://els.groups.live.com/ | by Nasrin for everyone |
eiktub - Arabic Search Engine, Arabic Transliteration Keyboard | by Nasrin for everyone |
learn arabic online | by Nasrin for everyone |
Good source - so much to learn of Arabic | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / www.reefnet.gov.sy/ education/ kafaf/ index.html
really nice page maashaaAllah, a lot of works and i like the section that gives you details for a lot of instrumental words of Arabic language
Gardens of Arabic | by Nasrin for everyone |
they offer arabic classes | by Nasrin for everyone |
AVA | Arabic Virtual Academy | by Nasrin for everyone |
Al Qaa-idatun Nooraniyyah website | by Nasrin for everyone |
teaching arabic for non-Arabic speakers | by Nasrin for everyone |
سلسلة تعليم اللغة « Arabic Learning books of Imam Saud Uni. | by Nasrin for everyone |
NOW ACTIVE - VerbAce Free On-Line Arabic-English-Arabic Dictionary | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / www.verbace.com/ dicthome.htm
alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, the online use of the dictionary is now active, has been since june. didn't even know until now [just checked back for someone who asked for it]. alhamdulillah.