: شرح نظم عبيد ربه الشنقيطي - رحمه الله - للآجرومية | by Nissho for everyone |
Al-jaromiyah audio download | by Nissho for everyone |
Great Video Lessons on Al-jaromiya book and also Arabic Letters. | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://thefiks.org/elearning/?cat=15
these lessons are great mash-allah, visit also download and audio section to download audios and booklets and worksheets
Excellent ARabic learning tools- Read - CHILDRENS BOOKS (No Faces) | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://arabicbooks.multiply.com/photos/album/17/CHILDRENS_BOOKS_No_Faces
here you have 39 arabic kids' books, mash-Allah, $3 each, no less mash-Allah.
by the tawpiq of Allah and His guidance i placed order for them, and i hope to have them soon to benefit insha-Allah and brother aboo imraan's advise helped me a lot, you know. he said he had so many kids books such that if one looked at his library, would say, that's a kid's library mash-Allah, it motivated me very much and made the pain i had to go through to place the order and gather its money much less in my eyes. it was a very tough order. i think i will never forget it. alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal. alhamdulillah for His countless blessings. alhamdulillah for His guidance.
by the tawpiq of Allah and His guidance i placed order for them, and i hope to have them soon to benefit insha-Allah and brother aboo imraan's advise helped me a lot, you know. he said he had so many kids books such that if one looked at his library, would say, that's a kid's library mash-Allah, it motivated me very much and made the pain i had to go through to place the order and gather its money much less in my eyes. it was a very tough order. i think i will never forget it. alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal. alhamdulillah for His countless blessings. alhamdulillah for His guidance.
Learn Arabic Grammar with Fun - stories - and more stories of Grammar | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://www.noorart.com/s.nl/sc.8/category.205/.f
there are so many books on arabic gammar, but in story form - it's fun -
Syntax Stories (6 Books) القصص النحوي
Teaching grammar through stories.
check these ones...nice ....
Syntax Stories (6 Books) القصص النحوي
Teaching grammar through stories.
check these ones...nice ....
free - software style - online use - Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://www.tyndalearchive.com/TABS/Lane/
so hard to find this book for a cheap price online - so far upto 179 dollars mash-allah. should i buy or not. i hope Allah suffice me without it. ameen. good to find it here as software type use..
Arabic Bookstores Over Online that sells arabic books of our scholars | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://arabicbookstoreonline.blogspot.com/
make use of these sites...if you need to. but most of these sites are deviant and unknown ones.
this page has explanation of aljaromiyah and alfiyah and other books of nahw | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://www.liveislam.net/archive.php?sid=&tid=1077
this page has explanation of aljaromiyah and alfiyah and other books of nahw by سليمان بن عبدالعزيز العيوني
don't know him...though so far.
don't know him...though so far.
- The Arabic Researcher- The Dictionaryof Arabic to Arabic - الباحث العربي: قاموس عربي عربي | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://www.baheth.info/index.jsp
ok this is a great great great source for us all insha-allah, just found - alhamdulillah - it has some famous dictionary it including lisan al-arab, qamus almuhit etc.
» ARABIC CLASS 2009 - all mp3 free audios download | by Nissho for everyone |
Arabic-English-Arabic Dictionary | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://www.welokee.nl/welokee/arabic/query_form_word.php?font_id=0
this one is nice. mash-allah.
Free Online Dictionary | English to Arabic | Arabic to English | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://dict.findarabic.com/?act=dict
mash-allah works, i hope it keeps working. trying to find a dictionary arabic-english-arabic so much.
Byki List - Intermediate Arabic Mini story 1 Flashcards in Arabic | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://www.byki.com/lists/ARABIC/Intermediate-Arabic-Mini-story-1-Flashcards.html
you subscribe to RSS feed of this site and receive update.
Learn Arabic | by Nissho for everyone |
Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allum al-'Arabiyya part 1 | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://books.google.com/books?id=Fe8uo-qXx5IC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0
alhamdulillah - found part 1, just like this part 2 of the book is here too, let me find it.
i don't like part 1 of al-kitab much but part 2 of it excellent, i have that book - i totally don't recommand anyone to watch any of those DVD stories of part 1 of al-kitab but for all DVD listening etc, you must listen and they are texts from books of history and literature, etc.
i heardly used DVD of part 1 - actually never. sometimes given for homework but i didn't listen.
i don't like part 1 of al-kitab much but part 2 of it excellent, i have that book - i totally don't recommand anyone to watch any of those DVD stories of part 1 of al-kitab but for all DVD listening etc, you must listen and they are texts from books of history and literature, etc.
i heardly used DVD of part 1 - actually never. sometimes given for homework but i didn't listen.
Al-Kitāb Fī Taʻallum Al-ʻArabīyah Part 2 | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://books.google.com/books?id=9U25TlUsTKwC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_book_other_versions_r&cad=1_2
this is the book alhamdulillah, it was so easy to find now. alhamdulillah. if you really wish to see how excellent this book, check it, and you will see why i like it so much.
despite the chapter 1 starting it a sufi man life story but it wasn't about that, rather his journey which made him well known - one of the longest journey in middle age and his detailed books on those country, it was not bad knowing and check the vocabulary lists mash-allah and listening excercises and reading and more. i like it.
i tried hard to finish the book but it was too much, i couldn't do it and so many things put me behind but alhamdulillah i got up to chapter 6 - and if you want to go over the book - please READ THE forward advice of the authors - mash-allah really nice encouraging advice, and i must say as he said, you must master the vocabularies before you move on to do anything otherwise you will keep flipping the pages.
excellent book, make use of it.
despite the chapter 1 starting it a sufi man life story but it wasn't about that, rather his journey which made him well known - one of the longest journey in middle age and his detailed books on those country, it was not bad knowing and check the vocabulary lists mash-allah and listening excercises and reading and more. i like it.
i tried hard to finish the book but it was too much, i couldn't do it and so many things put me behind but alhamdulillah i got up to chapter 6 - and if you want to go over the book - please READ THE forward advice of the authors - mash-allah really nice encouraging advice, and i must say as he said, you must master the vocabularies before you move on to do anything otherwise you will keep flipping the pages.
excellent book, make use of it.
DOWNLOADS \ Arabic Language | by Nissho for everyone |
Babylon - Dictionary and Translation Software | by Nissho for everyone |
Link: http://www.babylon.com/systems/affiliates/landing/download.php?id=55555&lang=eng
it is nice, but i am not 100% sure it is free or just free trail for sometime. i downloaded it. anyway!!
Arabic Gems ~ جواهر العربية | by DTSSBC for group studyarabic |