Did you know - Arabic Talking Books/stories [ how to listen to the audios of these books] | by Nasrin for everyone |
did you know how to listen to the audios of these stories: http://bookstolearnarabic.wordpress.com/arabic-stories/,
if you click on the text in the ebooks, it will open up a dialog box, and after that you just have to allow it and then click on the text and audio will play itself off. alhamdulillah. the audio player is built in, in the books text. alhamdulillah. You have to download the books to your computer for this to happen.
didn't know that could happen as well maashaaAllah.
i hope these books are a benefit to us all, although the pictures are funny.
Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia ) | by Nasrin for everyone |
المنهج الدراسي للغة العربية في السعودية : ابتدائي اعدادي و ثانوي

Student's Arabic Books ( Saudi arabia )
تحتوي هذه الصفحة على جميع مناهج وزارة التربية والتعليم التي تدرس في المدارس السعودية بجميع مراحلها
ويسر المدرسة السعودية في برمنجهام ان تقدم لكم هذه الكتب بصيغتها الإلكترونيه في نسختها الأخيرة للعام الدراسي الحالي
كما تحتوي صفحة كل صف دراسي على ملخصات وحلول للتمارين ابتداء من الصف الرابع الإبتدائي وحتى الصف الثاني الثانوي لعام 1427/1428 هـ
الصف الأول الإبتدائي
القراءة والكتابة والأناشيد1
القراءة والكتابة والأناشيد2
القراءة والكتابة والأناشيد - كتاب النشاط
الصف الثــاني الإبتدائي
القراءة والكتابة والأناشيد1
القراءة والكتابة والأناشيد2
الصف الثــالـث الإبتدائي
القراءة والأناشيد 1
القراءة والأناشيد 2
الإملاء 1
الإملاء 2
الخط العربي
الصف الــرابــع الإبتدائي
القراءة والمحفوظات 1
القراءة والمحفوظات 2
قواعد اللغة العربية 1 / حــلول التــمــاريــن
قواعد اللغة العربية 2 / حــلول التـــمــاريــن
الإملاء 1
الإملاء 2
الخط العربي - بنين
الخط العربي - بنات
الصف الخـــامس الإبتدائي
القراءة والمحفوظات 1
القراءة والمحفوظات 2
قواعد اللغة العربية 1 / حــلـول التمـــارين
قواعد اللغة العربية 2 / حــلــول التمــارين
الإملاء 1 /
الإملاء 2
الخط العربي - بنين / حـلـول التمـارين
الخط العربي - بنات / حلــول التمــارين
الصف الســادس الإبتدائي
For more books visit: للمزيـد من المنــاهج زر الموقع التــالي
Two Stories From Lesson Four - Darahem of Juhaa and Donkey of Ash'Ab | by Nasrin for everyone |
Arabic Learning Resources | by Nasrin for everyone |
Arabic Learning Resources
Switch to - [Articles ] - [ Audio] - [ Madina Arabic ]Must Watch - Amazing DVDs of Learning Madinah Arabic language Course -
From Institute of the Language of the Quran in Toronto. LQToronto.com - Free . No Copy RightsSignificance of Arabic and its Learning
- Status of Arabic Language in Islâm - by Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
- Learning Arabic - By Abu Bakr Salmaan ibn Nasir
- The Language of the People of Paradise - By Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- [PDF]
Reading Arabic
- Madinah Reading Arabic Course - from http://www.madinaharabic.com
- Learn Arabic - Read Here. or - Download - (3 MB)
This multimedia course is based on "step by step Approach to reading and writing Arabic" by Mohi e-Din Saleh. It assumes that the reader knows nothing about the Arabic language. It has ten lessons and every lesson should take no longer than an hour . If you are a beginner, I recommend that you begin with Lesson One and progress through the course lesson by lesson. Just take your time and be sure to try all the problems. After you finish this course you'll be ready to read the holy Quran 'Insha'Allah', as well as to have the ability to write in Arabic. - Learn to Read Arabic - 6 Lessons
- Learning to Read Arabic - Short Online Book
- Learning to read Arabic for beginners - from fatwa-online.com [PDF]
- 36 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 4.65mb)
- this book begins with the Arabic alphabet ((alif, baa, taa...)) moving on to diacritics ((fat.hah, kasrah, dhammah...)), then word constructions, ultimately leading the student to be able to read Arabic, and most importantly - the Noble Qur.aan, inshaa.-Allaah.
Writing Arabic
- Arabic Writing Practice - Book 1
- 45 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 4.88mb) - (from fatwa-online.com)
- this book begins with practice exercises to assist in writing arabic letters, moving on to writing entire words. - Learn Arabic Alphabet writing - Adobe Flash exe File
- Check the posts from these forums - for Better writing practice of each arabic letter
Understanding Arabic - Arabic Grammer
- Exhaustiive Resources for studying and mastering the Books 1,2 and 3 of "Lessons in Arabic language"
[as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah] - written by Shaykh Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem - Madinah Arabic Language Course from http://www.madinaharabic.com
Based on one of the most popular courses being used today - the Madinah Book Series which are used by Madinah University to teach English speaking students the Arabic language. The course tutorials are being compiled by Shaykh Sulayman Gani and checked by Dr V Abdur Rahim (the author of the Madinah Book Course) - Amazing DVDs of Learning Madinah Arabic language Course -
From Institute of the Language of the Quran in Toronto. LQToronto.com - Free . No Copy Rights - [Link][Audio] Al-Aajurroomiyyah English Daroos - by Shaik Muhammad al-Maalikee
"And from the best of the texts of an-Nahw is al-Aajurroomiyyah, a summarized treatise that concentrates on the center piece (of an-Nahw) so for this reason I recommend whoever begins (the study of Nahw) to start with it because the principles (contained in the text) are those which are befitting for the student of knowledge to build upon." Shaykh al-Uthaymeen (rahimahullah), Kitaab-ul-Ilm page 79 - Dictionary Of The Qur'an - Abdul Karim Parekh [PDF]
- Learn Qur'an - abdulazeez [PDF]
An excellent file with summarised grammar rules and commonly occurring words found in the Qur'aan. - Verb Sheet (English Language) - Part1 [ PartII ] - eMuslim.com [PDF]
- Detailed conjugation lists of selected verbs for ease of learning [PDF]
- Brief Journey through Arabic Grammar [PDF]
- Grammer Charts [PDF]
- A Simplified and practical methodology of learning to understand Quran [PDF]
- Arabic-English Lexicon (Dictionary) - from http://www.studyquran.co.uk/
- http://fatwa-online.com/downloads/dow002/index.htm
Lessons in Arabic Language as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah - http://www.understandquran.com
A simple yet effective course to teach you almost 70% of the vocabulary of the Qur’an using Daily Recitations and other selections - http://www.emuslim.com/quran/lughat.asp
- http://english.ajeeb.com/
- http://www.madinaharabic.com
Free Arabic reading and writing course tutorials based on one of the most popular courses being used today - the Madinah Book Series which are used by Madinah University to teach English speaking students the Arabic language. The course tutorials are being compiled by Shaykh Sulayman Gani and checked by Dr V Abdur Rahim (the author of the Madinah Book Course) - http://www.turntoislam.com/forum/
- Arabic Learning Institutes
Mastering Madina Arabic Books | by Nasrin for everyone |
Mastering Madina Arabic Books
Switch to - [Articles ] - [ Audio] - [ Madina Arabic ]Use the below resources for studying and mastering the Books 1,2 and 3 of "Lessons in Arabic language"
[as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]
written by Shaykh Dr. V. 'Abdur-RaheemThe ARABIC COURSE for English-Speaking students is a comprehensive and popular course for the teaching of the Qura'anic and Traditional Arabic, originally devised and taught at the renowned Madinah Islamic University catering for the non-Arabic speaking students from all over the world. Over the years, this course has enabled students to become competent in their use of the Arabic language and to participate and benefit from scholarly pursuits such as Qur'anic exegesis, hadith, fiqh, serah, history, and classical and modern Arabic literature.* It is concise (consisting of only three books, reasonably short) but extensive in their coverage.
* It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology used in the Qur'an and Sunnah.
* It helps acquire an understanding of hundreds of Qur'anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry.Madeenah Arabic Language Program - Level 1Madina Arabic : Book 1:
Madeenah University Curriculum, taught by Abu az Zubayr Shadeed Muhammad
- Lessons in Arabic Language - Book 1; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]
- 127 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 8.29mb) (from fatwa-online.com)
-Author : Shaykh Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem- Arabic Grammar Rules for Madeenah Book One [Ms Word Doc] - from fatwa-online.com
- Translated Notes for Madeenah Book One [Ms Word Doc] - from fatwa-online.com
- Madina Book 1 - Arabic Solutions - book by Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem - [PDF - 78 pages - 7.3 MB ]
- Madina Book 1 - English Key - book by Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem - [PDF - 61 pages - 7.5 MB ]
- Madina Book 1 - Urdu Key - Book by Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem -[PDF - 61 pages - 2.5 M )]
- DVDs - Madinah Arabic Language Course - Book 1: Total 9 DVDs - from LQToronto.com
- Part 01 | Part 02 | Part 03a | Part 03b | Part 04 | Part 05a | Part 05b | Part 06a
- Part 06b | Part 07a | Part 07b | Part 08a | Part 08b | Part 09a | Part 09b
- You can purchase these from LQToronto.com Non-Profit Store
- MadinaBook 1 Handouts - Zip - for the above DVDs - from LQToronto.com
Download the above DVDs : 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09
Its in RAR Format, so you will need a program like WinRAR or 7Zip to extract the files. You will need to download all the parts for DVD 01 and then select Part 01 and click Extract here and you will have the files. This process applies to all of the DVD's.- Mp3 Audio - Madina Arabic - Book 1 - Audio in Arabic - These are read by. Dr. V. Abdur Rahim and are only in Arabic . No translation no grammar explanation. The aim is to teach the proper pronounciation.
Mp3 Audio - In English - for Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur-Raheem's Madina Arabic - Book 1, and recorded by Shaykh G M El Shukri (May Allah bless them both!).- Other mp3 audio for book 1 - This site covers the Madina Arabic books 1 & 2. Lesson by lesson and page for page
Madina Arabic : Book 2:
- Lessons in Arabic Language - Book 2; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]
- 223 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 14.32mb) (from fatwa-online.com)
-Author : Shaykh Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem- Madina Book 2 - Arabic Solutions - Book by Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem -[ PDF -68 pages - 5.7 MB ]
- Madina Book 2 - English Key - Book by Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem - [ PDF - 110 pages - 13.3 MB ]
- Madina Book 2 - Urdu Key - Book by Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem - [ PDF - 133 pages - 6.2 MB ]
- Translated Notes for Madeenah Book Two [Ms Word Doc] - from fatwa-online.com
- Umm Zakkee's personal study notes to Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem's ((Lessons in Arabic Language)) - Book 2; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]
- 276 pages, Adobe Acrobat document (size = 37.7mb) (from fatwa-online.com)- DVDs - Madinah Arabic Language Course - Book 2: Total 16 DVDs - from LQToronto.com
- Part 01a | Part 01b | Part 02a | Part 02b | Part 03a | Part 03b | Part 04a | Part 04b
- Part 05a | Part 05b | Part 06a | Part 06b | Part 07a | Part 07b | Part 08a | Part 08b
- Part 09a | Part 09b | Part 10a | Part 10b | Part 11a | Part 11b | Part 12a | Part 12b
- Part 13a | Part 13b | Part 14a | Part 14b | Part 15a | Part 15b | Part 16a | Part 16b
- Madina Book 2 & 3 Handouts - Zip - from LQToronto.com
- You can purchase these DVDs from LQToronto.com Non-Profit Store
Mp3 Audio - In English - for Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur-Raheem's Madina Arabic - Book 2 , and recorded by Shaykh G M El Shukri (May Allah bless them both!).
- Tapes wise Audio - 01a | 01b | 02a | 02b | 03a | 03b | 04a | 04b 05a | 05b | 06a | 06b | 07a | 07b | 08a | 08b |09a |09b | 10a | 10b | 11a | 11b | 12a | 12b | 13a | 13b | 14a | 14b | 15a | 15b | 16a | 16b |
- Chapter-wise audio: Madina-Arabic-Shukri.html - High Quality mp3
- [Link] Chapter wise Audio - Audio for Madina Arabic Book 2
- Other mp3 audio for book 2 - This site covers the Madina Arabic books 1 & 2. Lesson by lesson and page for page
Madina Arabic : Book 3:
- Lessons in Arabic Language - Book 3; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]
- 151 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 13.25mb) (from fatwa-online.com)
- Author : Shaykh Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem- Madina Book 3 - Arabic Solutions - Book by Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem - [ PDF - 140 pages - 14.5 MB ]
- Madina Book 3 - English Key - Book by Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem -[ PDF - 172 pages - 34.6 MB]
- Madina Book 3 - Urdu Key - Book by Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem - [ PDF - 179 pages - 11.5 MB ]
- Abu 'Abdullah's Personal study notes to Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem's (Lessons in Arabic Language)- Book 3; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]"
- 35 pages, Microsoft Word 2002 document (size = 597kb) (from fatwa-online.com)
- by Abu 'Abdullaah -- (important notes covering the topic of i'raab)- You can purchase DVDs for this book from LQToronto.com Non-Profit Store
- Madina Book 2 & 3 Handouts - Zip - for above DVDs - from LQToronto.com
- Mp3 Audio - In English - for Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur-Raheem's Madina Arabic - Book 3 , and recorded by Shaykh G M El Shukri (May Allah bless them both!).
Madina Side Books:These books are not the three medina books that everyone knows about; rather they are the books that are used alongside the medina books that are used in the Medina University, these books a wide variety of topics like phrase usage of verbs and terms, Fiqh, Dictation, Hadith, Reading in which the 3 Medina Books by themselves do not cover. [source]Others :
- Madina side book : Reading level 1 [pdf]
- Madina side book : Expression level 1[pdf]
- Madina side book expression level 2 [pdf]
- Madinah Arabic Language Course from http://www.madinaharabic.com
Based on one of the most popular courses being used today - the Madinah Book Series which are used by Madinah University to teach English speaking students the Arabic language. The course tutorials are being compiled by Shaykh Sulayman Gani and checked by Dr V Abdur Rahim (the author of the Madinah Book Course) - Amazing DVDs of Learning Madinah Arabic language Course -
From Institute of the Language of the Quran in Toronto. LQToronto.com - Free . No Copy Rights - Madina Books - Glossary - book by Dr. Abdur Rahim - from LQToronto.com - 256 Pages - [PDF]
A Glossary of words used in Durus al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah li ghair al-natiqina biha - by Dr. V.Abdur Rahim - Madina Books - Blank Verb Conjugation Sheet [PDF - 1 Page]
- [Link] Resources on esnips - audio for Madina Books
PDF: 36 Arabic Stories for Kids [for Learning of Arabic] | by Nasrin for everyone |
- Set_01_Book_01
- Set_01_Book_02
- Set_01_Book_03
- Set_01_Book_04
- Set_01_Book_05
- Set_01_Book_06
- Set_01_Book_07
- Set_01_Book_08
- Set_01_Book_09
- Set_01_Book_10
- Set_02_Book_01
- Set_02_Book_02
- Set_02_Book_03
- Set_02_Book_04
- Set_02_Book_05
- Set_02_Book_06
- Set_02_Book_07
- Set_02_Book_08
- Set_02_Book_09
- Set_02_Book_10
- Set_03_Book_01
- Set_03_Book_02
- Set_03_Book_03
- Set_03_Book_04
- Set_03_Book_05
- Set_03_Book_06
- Set_03_Book_07
- Set_03_Book_08
- Set_04_Book_01
- Set_04_Book_02
- Set_04_Book_03
- Set_04_Book_04
- Set_04_Book_05
- Set_04_Book_06
- Set_04_Book_07
- Set_04_Book_08
doc&pdf: Loyalty of a Dog - doc | by Nasrin for everyone |
doc&pdf: Story - A Trip From the Airport of Gazzah [Word List With Meaning Added] | by Nasrin for everyone |
How to Master the Vocabularies and build new words...? | by Nasrin for everyone |
I think i finally figured how to do it, and also figured why i didn't get to learn as much words as i should have. when i used to go over books, even madinah books, i wouldn't focus on learning new words, i would just say to myself inshaaAllah over time as i go over many books, the repetition of words will just help me master them. Thus i would not take time out to sit and read the text several times and write and then really concentrate on it.
maashaaAllah, alhamdulillah. i feel really blessed that Allah bought so many materials on my way that could help me learn new words. I shared everything with you all, so i hope you all make use of those sources too. inshaaAllah.
After hearing few words from a sister, i am like i do have to sit through and concentrate on learning words, inshaaAllah easier way. Instead of sitting down with LONG LIST of words, alhamdulillah putting them into flash cards - helps a lot to learn new words and then going over those flash cards.
I wrote out all words of madinaharabic.com into my notebook, and now putting them on index card, i finished over 100 cards still have verb sections to write out. there are 3 times that i go through writing the words in Arabic and 2 times writing the meaning.
and also, listening to the audio and having the img of the words helps a lot as well. I feel like listening is one of the best tool. Just listen as many times as you can. and then read OUT LOUD as you write and go over the words.
Reading out loud help you become better at speaking arabic a lot, and it helps you become better at reading as well.
and also going over different books. i really love umm qura books. they are amazing. alhamdulillah. they give you fair amount of words and img of them and then gives exercises on the words, all brings repetition of the words many times. i don't feel like it is too much of work and it doesn't look like LONG LIST of words. [that scares me off]
the reason i like index cards is because it is just like 4 words at a time, sometimes i put 5 or 6 as they are all easy. i think it helps as well to keep easy and hard words together so you can catch one fast and other slow and you feel confident because alhamdulillah out of 4 you are done with 2 or 1 or even 3. and one to go. it is easy. you push yourself up alhamdulillah.
and alhamdulillah i got my "arabic in a flash" books, both of them, they look so nice alhamdulillah.
and also going over stories and reading them several times, 10 times or more until you kind of memorized the words. in first couple of readings, read and look up words and then after you know the meaning, READ. and what is even better is that you have Kids books [link i posted last night] and also Palestinian school's book, check the grade 2 books, they are very easy ones.
there are exercises after each story as well. and they are nice. so going over the story and reading it several times and writing few times and taking time to do all exercises, inshaaAllah we will build our vocabularies.
Alhamdulillah, i feel really blessed to have all these materials.
i just read this http://www.scribd.com/doc/30269948/Set-01-Book-02 story and it has like 5 words i do not know the meaning of. so if i keep reading it knowing words inshaaAllah i will know those words really well. and these stories go by levels and they are sold at noorart.com, alhamdulillah they are online for FREE download. they are costly to buy.
my laptop shuts of when i use internet on it so alhamdulillah i hardly use internet on my laptop but i use my sisters' so i use mine to study now. alhamdulillah i love that.
NO internet and i save time and study. so no printing of all these materials out. i really do not want to print. no space to keep either and it is giving my sister hard time and Plus if i use computer to study then i can look up the words easily on my computer e-dictionary.
Verbace pro is a very nice tool for me alhamdulillah - good and fair cost dictionary alhamdulillah.
PDF download: Just Arabic Learning books of Palestinian School & Ummul Qura | by Nasrin for everyone |
Umm Qur'an Arabic Learning Course Books
- Alkitab Al Asasi Book 5 Part 1
- alkitab alasasi 3
- Book 2 - Alkitab Alasasi
- alkitab alasasi 4
- Alkitab Alasasi Book 5 Part 2
- alkitab al asasi 6
- Book 1 Part 1 Alkitab Alasasi
- Book 1 Part 2 Alkitab Alasasi
- Book 1 Part 3 Alkitab Alasasi
- Book 1 Part 4 Alkitab Alasasi
- Book 1 Part 5 Alkitab Alasasi
- Book 1 Part 6 Alkitab Alasasi
- Book 1 Part 7 Alkitab Alasasi
Palestinian Schools' Arabic Learning Books
Story - Loyalty of the Dog - (Added List of Words With Meaning) | by Nasrin for everyone |
3 files of aljaromiyah - with chart too. | by Nasrin for everyone |
2 files of aljaromiyah - with chart too.
Download Matan Al-Ajurumiyah
Syllabus Arabic Lessons for 2 Years at the Islamic University of Madinah al-Munawarah | by Nasrin for everyone |
Nahu Wadhih I, II & III | by Nasrin for everyone |
it is in ARabic.
Arabic Learning Book in Indonesian Language [looks good too] | by Nasrin for everyone |
- Al-Arabiyyatul Uulaa - Pelajaran I
- Al-Arabiyyatul Uulaa P2
- download atau Baca disini. Al-'Arabiyyatul Uulaa; Pelajaran VI
- Al-Arabiyyatul Uulaa Pelajaran III
- Al-Arabiyyatul Uulaa P4
- Al-Arabiyyatul Uulaa P5
New Sarf Book at RiMarket.Net: Lessons in Arabic Morphology | by Nasrin for everyone |
Changed the link of my blog "tools to learn ARabic" @ blogspot.com | by Nasrin for everyone |
This is the New LINK: http://toolstolearnarabic.blogspot.com/
and the old LINK was: http://pre-re-view.blogspot.com
just to note it here inshaaAllah.
make Your Own Flash Cards of Vocabularies [& others] | by Nasrin for everyone |
Madinaharabic.com has so many words on their site, i thought i should buy index cards and make my own flash cards, would be a good way to memorize and inshaaAllah i will record each group of words inshaaAllah and then go over them [words with audio, audios always help to memorize anything fast alhamdulillah.]
Good idea, don't you think? 'smile'. Alhamdulillah.
Really need to work on in building my vocabulary level a lot. and i hope you all are doing your best too. I also ordered for those books: Arabic in a flash vol 1 and 2. alhamdulillah.
i bought the ruled one thinking, this will help me write the Arabic in an organized manner, i am putting four words on each card, in each four corners. [didn't want to put only one or 2 as i will ran out of the cards, and i didn't want to put too many as card will become crowded to look at, then i won't even use the cards]
on one side, i am putting the Arabic and English version of the words, on the other side just Arabic version of the words.
i did this way because on the first hit i would like to study only the Arabic and English side to learn the word and then on the second hit i would like to check myself against Arabic version of the word only, i don't want to check against English. I don't know. i don't want to do it. i think it is better that way.
and Allah knows best. may Allah benefit me with what He has guided me to. Ameen.

Arabic Flash Cards [-Books-] BUY - | by Nasrin for everyone |
http://www.flashcardexchange.com/tag/arabic - just saving it here for now.
now these the books - i just found and inshaaallah i plan to order the 2nd vol. instead of first, if i find 2nd vol. helpful, then i will order the 1st vol. going backward but i hope it will be better inshaaAllah for me for now. i thought this was a perfect book for me that i found for a cheap price alhamdulillah and at noorart.com you have those kids books with pics and colors and stuffs for few words they charges like tons of dollars subhan Allah.

now these the books - i just found and inshaaallah i plan to order the 2nd vol. instead of first, if i find 2nd vol. helpful, then i will order the 1st vol. going backward but i hope it will be better inshaaAllah for me for now. i thought this was a perfect book for me that i found for a cheap price alhamdulillah and at noorart.com you have those kids books with pics and colors and stuffs for few words they charges like tons of dollars subhan Allah.

A mobile vocabulary application is also available, you can access it from your mobile by visiting | by Nasrin for everyone |
A mobile vocabulary application is also available, you can access it from your mobile by visiting