Tajweed Makarej Charts | by Nasrin for everyone |
Download Mp3 files of Arabic talking books and Arabic Stories | by Nasrin for everyone |
asalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
To make it easy for you all to download all audios at once
http://www.4shared.com/file/QJzYeeS6/mp3_of_arabic_stories.html http://www.4shared.com/file/c8znk3cS/mp3_talking_Ar_stories_2.html
Jazakum Allahu khayran kathiran
was-salamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu
To make it easy for you all to download all audios at once
You can download the audios as single file by single file from this site: http://thuriayaa.podbean.com/
I hope this makes it easy for you to benefit from these audios inshaaAllah to learn Arabic InshaaAllah.You can view, read, and download the books of these audios along with listening to these and downloading them single file by single by from this site: http://nasrin.podbean.com
Jazakum Allahu khayran kathiran
was-salamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu
Arabic Learning BLOGS of mine... | by Nasrin for everyone |
Arabic Learning books of mine... | for everyone |
- http://bookstolearnarabic.wordpress.com
- http://aljaromiyah.wordpress.com
- http://www.scribd.com/Thuriayaa
- http://nisshoami.4shared.com
- http://thuriayaa.podbean.com
- http://nakther.podbean.com
- http://nasrin.podbean.com
- http://studyarabic.multiply.com
- http://arabicstudy.multiply.com
- http://toolstolearnarabic.blogspot.com
- http://arabicclassnotes2010.blogspot.com
- http://arabicclassnotes.blogspot.com
mp3 audio - broken nurani qayda - download FREE | by Nasrin for everyone |
mp3 audio - broken nurani qayda - download FREE | for everyone |
so alhamdulillah i have cut the audios into parts to make it easy for 'me' to listen and practice as i like using my mp3 [before anything else]. alhamdulillah. sharing with the world hoping someone out there will find this useful as well
and here is the link to the book: http://www.scribd.com/doc/39978053/%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%AF%D9%87-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%87-%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF-%D9%86%D9%88%D8%B1-%D8%AD%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%89-%D8%AA%D8%AC%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%AF
and also the book is found here with its audio embed even small pieces - it is a flash embed so i couldn't download the audios anyway.http://www.tardeed.com/
but you can download all flash files and use them offline if you like, just save each web page using this: click on file on the menu bar list, then click on save page as, and you save it. that's it. and after you saved the page, where you saved it, you will see a folder along with the page, and in that you will find all files & audios and pictures that is used to make that web page.
GOOD alhamdulillah.
two good set of books for beginners of Arabic..[full arabic books] | by Nasrin for everyone |
visit this link:http://www.noorart.com/school_section/badran_curriculum_arabic_curriculum
and here is another set of books: http://www.noorart.com/school_section/in-the-arabic-language-garden
====================SO these are the books - click on each book link to see more details about it==================
and here is another set of books: http://www.noorart.com/school_section/in-the-arabic-language-garden
====================SO these are the books - click on each book link to see more details about it==================
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================another set of books =================
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Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers الأسـاس | by Nasrin for everyone |
“Al-Asas” for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers of different nationalities uses modern and advanced educational techniques to provide students with a core understanding of the Arabic language and its proper usage. The series consists of three volumes that guide students from one level to the next in a gradual and logical fashion. The series is unique in that it approaches grammatical issues from a functional angle.
Volume I:
The Beginner Level starts with the alphabet and its phonetics and advances to 10 lessons that address everyday issues that would help students gradually integrate into society. It has nine appendices and comes with an audio CD.
Volume II:
The Advanced Beginner Level consists of 15 lessons that complement the previous volume. It is unique in that it contains several dialogue-themed exercises with a clear emphasis on four key skills: reading, conversation, listening, and writing. It has six appendices and comes with an audio CD.
Volume III:
The Intermediate Level consists of 23 lessons that revolve around Arab culture, key historic cities, and past civilizations. It has six appendices and comes with an audio CD.
Check 100 inner pages / Part 3
Learn & Memorise the whole Quran online with correct recitation within 2 or 3 years! Next term: Mon 1st Nov 2010] | by Nasrin for everyone |
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 20:56:54 +0100
Subject: Learn & Memorise the whole Quran online with correct recitation within 2 or 3 years! Next term: Mon 1st Nov 2010]
From: mailinglist@wasatiyyah.com
Bismiallahi al-rahmaani al-raheem
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu-allahi wa barkaauth,
Due to the large amount of applicants and the great need of non Arabic Speaking Muslim Women to learn the Quran and to teach their children and local community, our teacher Ummu Salmaan has opened the doors for another two classes to produce more Quran teachers.
Part-time evening Intermediate class: 24hrs a month Starting: Mon 1st Nov 2010.
Every Mon, Fri & Sat
Subject: Learn & Memorise the whole Quran online with correct recitation within 2 or 3 years! Next term: Mon 1st Nov 2010]
From: mailinglist@wasatiyyah.com
Bismiallahi al-rahmaani al-raheem
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatu-allahi wa barkaauth,
Due to the large amount of applicants and the great need of non Arabic Speaking Muslim Women to learn the Quran and to teach their children and local community, our teacher Ummu Salmaan has opened the doors for another two classes to produce more Quran teachers.
Part-time evening Intermediate class: 24hrs a month Starting: Mon 1st Nov 2010.
Every Mon, Fri & Sat
8pm – 10pm Cairo time (7pm -9pm UK time)
Weekend Beginners class: 24hrs a month Starting: Sat 30th October 2010
Every Sat & Sun 3hrs a lesson, {plus 15min break added in half way through the lesson}
11.00am – .2.15pm Cairo time (10.00am-1.15pm UK time)
Weekend Beginners class: 24hrs a month Starting: Sat 30th October 2010
Every Sat & Sun 3hrs a lesson, {plus 15min break added in half way through the lesson}
11.00am – .2.15pm Cairo time (10.00am-1.15pm UK time)
We are also still interviewing applicants for the 'Intermediate course' due to start Monday
25th October 2010 becasue we are looking for applicants who truly have a great love for
the Quran and a goal to teach it and are serious about seeking Islamic knowledge hence
helping us to fulfill our goal of spreading the knowledge of the Quran amongst non
Arabic speaking Muslim Women and children residing in the West.
Course structure:
Phase One: (Explanation of the Knowledge of Makhaarij & Sifaat & practicing to implement correctly)
Phase Two: (Explanation of remaining Tajweed rules with implementation)
Phase Three: (Correction of recitation of Juz 28, 29, 30 with memorisation)
Phase Four: (Correction of Quran recitation with memorisation from Juz 1 to end of 27.
Phase Five: Final: Authentic Ijaazah in the recitation of Hafs upon Aasim; being recorded on a Quran chain
transmitted to the Messenger peace be upon him. By private lessons; student will go over the
Quran memorisation until it is firm in the heart and reciting by heart upon our other teacher’s
who have Authentic Quran chain to transmit to others.
Please find attached a manual on how does learning the Quran online work.
To apply:
Please fill in the attached 'Quran Application form' if you are unable to open it due
to not having the latest word document, then please find the form below and e-mail
it to ummu_salmaan@hotmail.com
From the admin sisters at Al-Wasatiyyah Online Quran Institute.
Assalaamu alaikum
Quran Application Form
Mobile/Home telephone no:
First Name:
Year of Birth:
Maritual Status:
No of children:
Your Status: (House wife, studying, etc)
Ethnic Group:
Residing Country:
Residing City:
Any disabilities or learning difficulties that we should be aware of:
Any information you feel that we should know in regards to your Qur’anic studies:
Q: Have you studied Tajweed/Quran before and where?
Q: Please mention any organisations you have attended and classes, private lessons, in a group, anywhere at all, even Quran or Arabic lessons you attended as a chid:
Q: Please mention any Tajweed books you have studied from:
Q: How many parts of the Quran have you memorised? (If only one juz please list the actual surahs’)
Q: How fluent do you think you can recite the Quran?
Q: Where do you believe you find difficulty readingf fluently?
Q: How often do you read the Quran?
Q: Please mention the names of the Quran recitors which you often listen to?
Q: Why do you want to learn the Quran?
Q: Have you studied Classical Arabic Language before and where and what books?
Q: Up to what level do you wish to study the Qur'an?
Q: Have you learnt Islamic Studies or currently trying to learn?
Q: Please list at least 8 Islamic schoalrs in our time and students of knowledge and Islamic callers you listen to and benefit from?
Q: Please list at least 6 Islamic websites you use for reference to aid you to learn about Islam and frequently visit?
Q: Please list at least 6 Islamic books have you read or had a looked at?
FREE PDF download: AlQaedah An-Nuraniyah with AUDIO Used in our CLASS @ MASJID | by Nasrin for everyone |
Sorry for filling your Inbox with extra emails, was too excited after finding the book that forgot to look at the link below for the AUDIO of the Book, so here you - FREE MP3 AUDIO Download and Listening online FOR YOU.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
asalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu
this is the book our teacher is using in Ahlul Quraan was sunnah Masjid - quite short and brief nice book - i needed a copy of the book - very happy to find it online for FREE download, alhamdulillah. It is a GOOD book to have to teach your children at home or if you teach in masjid too inshaaAllah.
==== you can download from there as you like ===== and if you like you can download & VIEW the book from the below LINK as well ====
I hope some of you find this book useful in your life inshaaAllah.
Jazakum Alalhu kharyan kathiran
was-salamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
Sorry for filling your Inbox with extra emails, was too excited after finding the book that forgot to look at the link below for the AUDIO of the Book, so here you - FREE MP3 AUDIO Download and Listening online FOR YOU.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
asalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu
this is the book our teacher is using in Ahlul Quraan was sunnah Masjid - quite short and brief nice book - i needed a copy of the book - very happy to find it online for FREE download, alhamdulillah. It is a GOOD book to have to teach your children at home or if you teach in masjid too inshaaAllah.
القاعده النورانيه - محمد نور حقانى (تجويد)
http://www.4shared.com/==== you can download from there as you like ===== and if you like you can download & VIEW the book from the below LINK as well ====
القاعده النورانيه - محمد نور حقانى (تجويد)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/I hope some of you find this book useful in your life inshaaAllah.
Jazakum Alalhu kharyan kathiran
was-salamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
On SAT. Free Arabic Class @ Albaseerah.Org Masjid | by Nasrin for everyone |
"You are invited- FREE Arabic course every sat 4:30 pm. Aqeedah Course every sat at 6:30 pm. Tajweed Classes for sisters every sat at 1:30 pm. @ Masjid Ahlul Quraan Wa Sunnah, 109-06 Van Wyck Expy, Queens NY" - Sent out by Brother Zahid - the Imam and the Director and the President of the Masjid/organization
Nahw and Sarf Exercises-Arabic | by Abdul Hakim for everyone |
This site has PDF 's
FILE 01-01-4th-dars-1.pdf
FILE 01-02-4th-dars-2.pdf
FILE 01-03-5th-dars-1.pdf
FILE 01-04-5th-dars-2.pdf
FILE 01-05-6th-dars-1.pdf
FILE 01-06-6th-dars-2.pdf
FILE 02-01-1st-dars-1-Grammar.pdf
FILE 02-02-1st-dars-2-Grammar.pdf
FILE 02-03-2nd-dars-1-Grammar.pdf
FILE 02-04-2nd-dars-2-Grammar.pdf
FILE 02-05-3rd-dars-1-Grammar.pdf
FILE 02-06-3rd-dars-2-Grammar.pdf
FILE 03-01-1st-dars-1-nahw.pdf
FILE 03-02-1st-dars-2-nahw.pdf
FILE 03-03-2nd-dars-1-nahw.pdf
FILE 03-04-2nd-dars-2-nahw.pdf
FILE 03-05-3rd-dars-1-nahw.pdf
FILE 03-06-3rd-dars-2-nahw.pdf
FILE 01-01-4th-dars-1.pdf
FILE 01-02-4th-dars-2.pdf
FILE 01-03-5th-dars-1.pdf
FILE 01-04-5th-dars-2.pdf
FILE 01-05-6th-dars-1.pdf
FILE 01-06-6th-dars-2.pdf
FILE 02-01-1st-dars-1-Grammar.pdf
FILE 02-02-1st-dars-2-Grammar.pdf
FILE 02-03-2nd-dars-1-Grammar.pdf
FILE 02-04-2nd-dars-2-Grammar.pdf
FILE 02-05-3rd-dars-1-Grammar.pdf
FILE 02-06-3rd-dars-2-Grammar.pdf
FILE 03-01-1st-dars-1-nahw.pdf
FILE 03-02-1st-dars-2-nahw.pdf
FILE 03-03-2nd-dars-1-nahw.pdf
FILE 03-04-2nd-dars-2-nahw.pdf
FILE 03-05-3rd-dars-1-nahw.pdf
FILE 03-06-3rd-dars-2-nahw.pdf
Madrasas Do not Teach Arabic as a Living Language | by Nasrin for everyone |
Bismillah arRahman arRahim
This is an interviewed by Muqith Mujtaba Ali with the scholar of Arabic Language and the author of the famous “Madina Books”: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim (Bio)
Muqith: What led you to Arabic language scholarship?
V. AbdurRahim: Arabic as the language of the Holy Qur’an had fascinated me. When I was young, my father took me to a ‘Maulana’. The way he taught me was totally disgusting. Ha failed to tell me the Arabic word for ‘flower’. I deserted this ‘teacher’ and purchased books to learn Arabic through English. From then on, it was entirely my own effort that kept propelling me.
Muqith: Muslims consider Arabic a sacred language. Don’t you think that this fosters a complex among them which keeps them from serious learning of the language?
V. AbdurRahim: This should be rather the precise reason for which Muslims must learn the language of the Holy Qur’an. It is the method of teaching that keeps them away from the language.
Arabic is taught more or less in a traditional way. We don’t have the modern methods and aids to teach the Arabic language. We don’t have language laboratories with audio-visual aids. Here in the Islamic University at Madinah, we have full-fledged laboratories and we have produced about 100 video films and a lot of charts.
But in Indian Madrassas it will be considered a sacrilege to allow television sets.
Muqith: What best Audio-visual aids would you suggest?
V. AbdurRahim: The simplest aid is the blackboard with chalkpieces in different colours. These can create a very good effect. Unfortunately, even this aid is not put to use in madrassas.
Charts, slides, skits, language games, all these could be very effective tools for Arabic teaching.
Muqith: What does your rich experience suggest about the approach to Arabic language teaching?V. AbdurRahim: The best approach is the Direct Method. From the very first lesson you start speaking Arabic. The teacher has to guide the students. In language class, the students have to work more. The teachers need not lecture. Lecturing in language has no meaning.
Muqith: How do you see the ‘Translation Method’ adopted in the deeni Madaris?
V. AbdurRahim: By translation you cannot learn a language. Arabic is a living language. Unfortunately, it is approached as if it is a dead language. The teacher and the taught don’t use Arabic as a vehicle of communication.
Muqith: What about the ‘Grammar Method’?
V. AbdurRahim: Grammar is the basis. Without grammar one can’t learn any language. But, then, grammar should be taught according to the student’s need. The problem is that the whole grammar is taught in the beginning itself. Without application! without thought!
Through this method, the students know only one example. And that too old-fashioned. We need to teach diction which is used today.
Muqith: In literature too, the students are taught things which do not bear any relevance to Islam, e.g. Diwan -e- Mutanabbi?
V. AbdurRahim: In Islamic schools we want students to learn the language plus Islam. Diwan-e-Mutanabbi is neither relevant to Islam nor is its language a hujjah (authoritative source), Mutanabbi comes after the period of Hujjah. For me teaching this book in Islamic schools is a sinful act.
Students are not taught what they need today. Instead of teaching what Islam and Muslims need, we teach something which is of no use. Take the case of Kalila Dimna. It’s a translation of Panch Tantra written by a person whose ideology clashes with Islamic ideology. I don’t know why we teach such cock and bull stories in Madrassas where we need to mould the character and mind of the students.
Muqith: In addition to classical language, there is a need to teach Arabic as a modern language.
V. AbdurRahim: Yes, modern language is nothing but the usage of modern terminology along with classical language. We want the students to learn current language, to speak and write relevant Arabic. We also need people who can write for Islam, send rejoinders to anti-Islamic writings etc. Such combined talents of Muslims knowing Islam and Journalism is rarely found in our midst.
This is an interviewed by Muqith Mujtaba Ali with the scholar of Arabic Language and the author of the famous “Madina Books”: Dr. V. Abdur Rahim (Bio)
Madrasas Do not Teach Arabic as a Living Language
Mr. Muqith Mujtaba Ali met this distinguished scholar in Madras (Chennai, India) in July 1997 and interviewed him for Islamic Voice.(This interview was published in August 1997 issue of the Islamic Voice, a popular Islamic Monthly published from Bangalore, India)Muqith: What led you to Arabic language scholarship?
V. AbdurRahim: Arabic as the language of the Holy Qur’an had fascinated me. When I was young, my father took me to a ‘Maulana’. The way he taught me was totally disgusting. Ha failed to tell me the Arabic word for ‘flower’. I deserted this ‘teacher’ and purchased books to learn Arabic through English. From then on, it was entirely my own effort that kept propelling me.
Muqith: Muslims consider Arabic a sacred language. Don’t you think that this fosters a complex among them which keeps them from serious learning of the language?
V. AbdurRahim: This should be rather the precise reason for which Muslims must learn the language of the Holy Qur’an. It is the method of teaching that keeps them away from the language.
Arabic is taught more or less in a traditional way. We don’t have the modern methods and aids to teach the Arabic language. We don’t have language laboratories with audio-visual aids. Here in the Islamic University at Madinah, we have full-fledged laboratories and we have produced about 100 video films and a lot of charts.
But in Indian Madrassas it will be considered a sacrilege to allow television sets.
Muqith: What best Audio-visual aids would you suggest?
V. AbdurRahim: The simplest aid is the blackboard with chalkpieces in different colours. These can create a very good effect. Unfortunately, even this aid is not put to use in madrassas.
Charts, slides, skits, language games, all these could be very effective tools for Arabic teaching.
Muqith: What does your rich experience suggest about the approach to Arabic language teaching?V. AbdurRahim: The best approach is the Direct Method. From the very first lesson you start speaking Arabic. The teacher has to guide the students. In language class, the students have to work more. The teachers need not lecture. Lecturing in language has no meaning.
Muqith: How do you see the ‘Translation Method’ adopted in the deeni Madaris?
V. AbdurRahim: By translation you cannot learn a language. Arabic is a living language. Unfortunately, it is approached as if it is a dead language. The teacher and the taught don’t use Arabic as a vehicle of communication.
Muqith: What about the ‘Grammar Method’?
V. AbdurRahim: Grammar is the basis. Without grammar one can’t learn any language. But, then, grammar should be taught according to the student’s need. The problem is that the whole grammar is taught in the beginning itself. Without application! without thought!
Through this method, the students know only one example. And that too old-fashioned. We need to teach diction which is used today.
Muqith: In literature too, the students are taught things which do not bear any relevance to Islam, e.g. Diwan -e- Mutanabbi?
V. AbdurRahim: In Islamic schools we want students to learn the language plus Islam. Diwan-e-Mutanabbi is neither relevant to Islam nor is its language a hujjah (authoritative source), Mutanabbi comes after the period of Hujjah. For me teaching this book in Islamic schools is a sinful act.
Students are not taught what they need today. Instead of teaching what Islam and Muslims need, we teach something which is of no use. Take the case of Kalila Dimna. It’s a translation of Panch Tantra written by a person whose ideology clashes with Islamic ideology. I don’t know why we teach such cock and bull stories in Madrassas where we need to mould the character and mind of the students.
Muqith: In addition to classical language, there is a need to teach Arabic as a modern language.
V. AbdurRahim: Yes, modern language is nothing but the usage of modern terminology along with classical language. We want the students to learn current language, to speak and write relevant Arabic. We also need people who can write for Islam, send rejoinders to anti-Islamic writings etc. Such combined talents of Muslims knowing Islam and Journalism is rarely found in our midst.
Sarf and Balagah books - buy if you can... | by Nasrin for everyone |
Lessons in Al-Balaagha (Al-Utaymeen) | |||||||
| |||||||
A very beneficial work from Al-Allaamah Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen covering important topics of Al-Balaagah (Eloquence). |
Exp. Nathm Al-Maqsood (Arabic Verb Morphology) | |||||||
| |||||||
A beneficial work explaining an arabic poem about verb morphology, by Abu Abdur Rahman Ibrahim Al-Yemani, Arabic and Quranic Recitation Teacher in Daar Al-Hadith Damaaj, Yemen. |
| |||||||
Scheduled Programme Dawah Trip. UK - Shaikh Mohammad Al-Malki | by Nasrin for everyone |
Scheduled Programme Dawah Trip. UK - Shaikh Mohammad Al-Malki Dear respected brothers and sisters, hayyakumullah
We are pleased to inform you of the scheduled programme for Croydon Islamic Center in Croydon, London, which would be broadcasted on PALTALK, inshaa Allah.
Since the following time-table of of each Dars was base on the of Salah time, the following information is provided as a guide so that you can average when the each Dars would begin, inshaa Allah.
Salah Times For Croydon, London5:09 a.m. (GMT) / 7:09 a.m. Saudi / 12:09 a.m. EST = Fajr
12:51 p.m. (GMT) / 2:51 p.m. Saudi / 7:51 EST - Zuhr
3:58 p.m. (GMT) / 5:58 p.m. Saudi / 10:58 a.m. EST - Asr
6:41 p.m. (GMT) / 8:41 p.m. Saudi / 1:41 p.m. EST- Maghrib
8:26 p.m. (GMT) 10:26 p.m. Saudi / 3:26 p.m. EST - Ishaa
PALTALK => Religion & Spirituality => Islam => ilmforall Know Islam
The Shaikh would then proceed to Tobago on 15th October and the schedule of that trip would be provided when it becomes available, inshaa Allah.
Updates regarding the programmes & Duroos of Shaikh Mohammad Al-Malki in Paltalk – Room – ilmforall Know Islam and his Dawah Trips, You can subscribe to : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IlmForAll_KnowIslam/ – inshaa Allah. Schedule of Duroos - http://ilmforall.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/schedule.doc.
Bio-data for Shaikh Mohammad Al-Malki - http://ilmforall.net/about
We are pleased to inform you of the scheduled programme for Croydon Islamic Center in Croydon, London, which would be broadcasted on PALTALK, inshaa Allah.
Since the following time-table of of each Dars was base on the of Salah time, the following information is provided as a guide so that you can average when the each Dars would begin, inshaa Allah.
Salah Times For Croydon, London5:09 a.m. (GMT) / 7:09 a.m. Saudi / 12:09 a.m. EST = Fajr
12:51 p.m. (GMT) / 2:51 p.m. Saudi / 7:51 EST - Zuhr
3:58 p.m. (GMT) / 5:58 p.m. Saudi / 10:58 a.m. EST - Asr
6:41 p.m. (GMT) / 8:41 p.m. Saudi / 1:41 p.m. EST- Maghrib
8:26 p.m. (GMT) 10:26 p.m. Saudi / 3:26 p.m. EST - Ishaa
PALTALK => Religion & Spirituality => Islam => ilmforall Know Islam
SH.MOHAMAD AL-MALKI DAWRAH Week 1: Fri 1st October to Thurs 6th October 2010
Fajr | Duhr | Asr | Magrib | Ishaa | |
Fri 1st | Khutbah | Shurah/Dawah (Private) | Advice to Muslim Youth Shaikh Ar Ruhaili | Advice to Muslim Youth Shaikh Ar Ruhaili (contd) | |
Sat 2nd | Usool Thalatha (Arabic) | Dawah to Allah: Manhaj of the Prophets | Deviant Groups: All in the Fire | Remaining steadfast: Holding on to hot coals | Questions and Answers |
Sun 3rd | Usool Thalatha (Arabic) | Establishing Islamic Marriage: Picking a spouse | Successful Marriage: The good wife/husband | Lasting Marriage: How to deal with problems in your marriage | Questions and Answers |
Mon 3rd | Usool Thalatha (Arabic) | Ahkam Nisaa Al Albanee Sisters only | Manners of Taalib al-Ilm Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid | Ettiquettes/Ahkam of Masjid | Advice to Muslim Youth Shaikh Ar Ruhaili |
Tues 4th | Usool Thalatha (Arabic) | Ahkam Nisaa Al Albanee Sisters only | Manners of Taalib al-Ilm Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid | Ettiquettes/Ahkam of Masjid | Advice to Muslim Youth Shaikh Ar Ruhaili |
Weds 5th | Usool Thalatha (Arabic) | Ahkam Nisaa Al Albanee Sisters only | Manners of Taalib al-Ilm Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid | Brixton masjid | Brixton masjid |
Thurs 6th | Usool Thanlatha (Arabic) | Ahkam Nisaa Al Albanee Sisters only | Manners of Taalib al-Ilm Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid | Ettiquettes/Ahkam of Masjid | Advice to Muslim Youth Shaikh Ar Ruhaili |
SH. MOHAMMAD AL-MALKI DAWRAH Week 2: Fri 7th October to Tues 12th October 2010
Fajr | Duhr | Asr | Magrib | Ishaa | |
Fri 7th | Ajrumiyah (Arabic) | Khutbah | Shurah/Dawah (private) | The Love of Allaah | The Love of the Messenger |
Sat 8th | Ajrumiyah (Arabic) | Muslims in the UK: Role and Responsibilites | Fitnah: How to fight temptations | Ahlul-Kitaab: Calling Christians to Islam | Questions and Answers |
Sun 9th | Ajrumiyah (Arabic) | Raising Family: Purification of the Soul | Raising Family: Cultivating the Muslim Personality | Raising Family: Advice to my child | Questions and Answers |
Mon 10th | Ajrumiyah (Arabic) | Ahkam Nisaa Al Albanee Sisters only | Manners of Taalib al-Ilm Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid | Usool Ahlus-Sunnah wa Jamaah | Advice to Muslim Youth Shaikh Ar Ruhaili |
Tues 11th | Ajrumiyah (Arabic) | Ahkam Nisaa Al Albanee Sisters only | Manners of Taalib al-Ilm Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid | Usool Ahlus-Sunnah Usool Ahlus-Sunnah wa Jamaah | Advice to Muslim Youth Shaikh Ar Ruhaili |
Weds 12th | Shaykh leaves | ||||
Thurs 13th |
The Shaikh would then proceed to Tobago on 15th October and the schedule of that trip would be provided when it becomes available, inshaa Allah.
Updates regarding the programmes & Duroos of Shaikh Mohammad Al-Malki in Paltalk – Room – ilmforall Know Islam and his Dawah Trips, You can subscribe to : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IlmForAll_KnowIslam/ – inshaa Allah. Schedule of Duroos - http://ilmforall.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/schedule.doc.
Bio-data for Shaikh Mohammad Al-Malki - http://ilmforall.net/about
some vocabularies from dars # 12 of unit 2 of alarabiyah tu bayna yadayk vol 2 | by Nasrin for everyone |
• مَلَّ ( 1, ـَ )
[v] get bored
• سَأَم [اسممص.] ملل [n/src] boredom, weariness
• نَشَاط (ج. ـات)
[n/src] activity, movement, energy, animation, briskness, busyness, verve, vivaciousness, vivacity
• أَجَازَ ( 4)
[v] permit, allow, accredit, license, legitimize, legitimatize, authorize, tolerate, endorse, legalize, provide for, vouchsafe
• مَزَحَ ( 1, ـَ )
[v] joke, make fun, banter, jolly
• داعِب
[adj] humorous, joking
• دَاعَبَ ( 3)
[v] play with, joke with, jest
• إِنْشاء (ج. إنشاءات)
[اسممص.] تأسيس
[n/src] establishing, establishment, production
[اسممص.] بناء
[n/src] building, construction
[اسممص.] تأليف
[n/src] writing, composition
• بَعِير (ج. بُعْرَان)
[n] camel
• إِجْتِهَاد
[n/src] diligence, painstaking, industriousness
• مَازَحَ ( 3)
[v] joke, make fun, banter
• مَازِح
[adj] playful, jocular
• طرائف
[n] facetiae
• حِكْمَة (ج. حِكَم)
[n] wisdom, foresight, wiseness
• فَرَاغ
[n] blank, voidness, vacancy, emptiness, vacuum
• أَعَانَ ( 4)
[v] support, help, back
• إِبَاحَة
[اسممص.] إجازة
[n/src] legalization, permission
• هَزْل
[n/src] jesting, jocularity, fun, joking
• تَغَلَّبَ على ( 5)
[v] overcome, conquer, surmount, quench, outfight, vanquish
• مَرَح
[n/src] happiness, cheerfulness, cheeriness, gayness, airiness, jubilation, gaiety, vivaciousness, vivacity
• مَرِحَ ( 1, ـَ )
[v] be happy, rejoice, have fun
• تَبِعَ ( 1, ـَ )
[v] follow, succeed, adhere, pursue
• ضَاعَ ( 1, ـِ )
[v] be lost
• تَخَلَّفَ ( 5)
[v] be left, retard, be delayed, be absent, remain behind
• تَخَلُّف
[n/src] backwardness, barbarism, underdevelopment, lag, retardation
• عَابث
[adj] trifling, frivolous, sporty, mischievous
• هَدَرَ ( 1, ـِ )
[فعل] ضيّع
[v] lose, waste
[فعل] زمجر
[v] growl, roar
[فعل] الرعد
[v] thunder
• هَدْر
[n/src] loss, waste
• أَبَاحَ (أبح, 4)
[فعل] سمح
[v] allow, permit, legitimate
• مُزَاح
[اسممص.] هَزْل
[n/src] joke, fun, jocularity, kidding, joking
• مَزَّاح
[n] joker, jester
• مِزَاح
[اسم] هَزْل
[n] jocularity, joking
• مُدَاعَبَة (ج. ـات)
[n/src] flirtation, foreplay, dalliance
• إِنْتِشار
[n/src] circulation, currency, propagation, incidence, spread, prevalence, diffusion
• معاصرة
[n] contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, contemporariness
• إِيذَاء
[n/src] damaging, offending, harming, mutilation, wrongdoing
• سُخْرِيَة
[n/src] mockery, ridicule, sarcasm
[v] get bored
• سَأَم [اسممص.] ملل [n/src] boredom, weariness
• نَشَاط (ج. ـات)
[n/src] activity, movement, energy, animation, briskness, busyness, verve, vivaciousness, vivacity
• أَجَازَ ( 4)
[v] permit, allow, accredit, license, legitimize, legitimatize, authorize, tolerate, endorse, legalize, provide for, vouchsafe
• مَزَحَ ( 1, ـَ )
[v] joke, make fun, banter, jolly
• داعِب
[adj] humorous, joking
• دَاعَبَ ( 3)
[v] play with, joke with, jest
• إِنْشاء (ج. إنشاءات)
[اسممص.] تأسيس
[n/src] establishing, establishment, production
[اسممص.] بناء
[n/src] building, construction
[اسممص.] تأليف
[n/src] writing, composition
• بَعِير (ج. بُعْرَان)
[n] camel
• إِجْتِهَاد
[n/src] diligence, painstaking, industriousness
• مَازَحَ ( 3)
[v] joke, make fun, banter
• مَازِح
[adj] playful, jocular
• طرائف
[n] facetiae
• حِكْمَة (ج. حِكَم)
[n] wisdom, foresight, wiseness
• فَرَاغ
[n] blank, voidness, vacancy, emptiness, vacuum
• أَعَانَ ( 4)
[v] support, help, back
• إِبَاحَة
[اسممص.] إجازة
[n/src] legalization, permission
• هَزْل
[n/src] jesting, jocularity, fun, joking
• تَغَلَّبَ على ( 5)
[v] overcome, conquer, surmount, quench, outfight, vanquish
• مَرَح
[n/src] happiness, cheerfulness, cheeriness, gayness, airiness, jubilation, gaiety, vivaciousness, vivacity
• مَرِحَ ( 1, ـَ )
[v] be happy, rejoice, have fun
• تَبِعَ ( 1, ـَ )
[v] follow, succeed, adhere, pursue
• ضَاعَ ( 1, ـِ )
[v] be lost
• تَخَلَّفَ ( 5)
[v] be left, retard, be delayed, be absent, remain behind
• تَخَلُّف
[n/src] backwardness, barbarism, underdevelopment, lag, retardation
• عَابث
[adj] trifling, frivolous, sporty, mischievous
• هَدَرَ ( 1, ـِ )
[فعل] ضيّع
[v] lose, waste
[فعل] زمجر
[v] growl, roar
[فعل] الرعد
[v] thunder
• هَدْر
[n/src] loss, waste
• أَبَاحَ (أبح, 4)
[فعل] سمح
[v] allow, permit, legitimate
• مُزَاح
[اسممص.] هَزْل
[n/src] joke, fun, jocularity, kidding, joking
• مَزَّاح
[n] joker, jester
• مِزَاح
[اسم] هَزْل
[n] jocularity, joking
• مُدَاعَبَة (ج. ـات)
[n/src] flirtation, foreplay, dalliance
• إِنْتِشار
[n/src] circulation, currency, propagation, incidence, spread, prevalence, diffusion
• معاصرة
[n] contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, contemporariness
• إِيذَاء
[n/src] damaging, offending, harming, mutilation, wrongdoing
• سُخْرِيَة
[n/src] mockery, ridicule, sarcasm
Madinah Arabic Course Supplementary Material | by Nasrin for everyone |
Madinah Arabic Course Supplementary Material
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
While in Egypt, a brother passed on a whole set of work/excercise books that supplement the popular Madinah Arabic Course. They’re around thirty in number and comprise of four levels, which is probably inline with the old four-book curriculum, whereby book three of the series was actually two parts (I haven’t confirmed this).
There is a good variety of content. Students can study Arabic in the context of fiqh, hadîth, tajwîd, sîrah, tafsîr etc.
The files are split up into hundreds of pdfs, which is useful if your working with your computer, yet a pain if you want to print them. There are also .exe files, so I imagine that Windows users have a full-program/interface to make studying and browsing through the material easy.
Anyway, here they are! I’ve zipped them according to level, but for some reason, the material for the end of Level 4 is missing. The specific files missing are the entire folder, “History of the Rightly Guided Caliphs”. Jazâk Allâhu khayrâ. The filenames are in French and Arabic. There are also some notes in French contained in some of the folders.
File: Level 1
File: Level 2
File: Level 3
File: Level 4
[Update: The whole two year curriculum can be downloaded as an executable Windows program from fatwa-online. I have now found a way of obtaining the missing files, walhamdulillâh. As soon as I can, I will add them to the last zip.]
*FREE* ARABIC LANGUAGE CLASSES * FREE * | by Nasrin for everyone |
WHAT: Free Arabic language classes (sarf: morphology)
WHEN: Starting in October - three days/week
WHERE: WIZIQ (JOIN TODAY and add teacher: Fahad Al tahiri)
WHO: Taught by brother Fahad Al-Tahiri BIO
EMAIL: Fahadaltahiri@hotmail.com
شذا العرف في فن الصرف | by Abdul Hakim for everyone |
Here is a link to a nice Sarf book , I just found it I did a quick review
the writer tells you what Sarf is in the Arabic Lang and then he starts to tell how the Terms are broken down in sarf from the position of the Arabic Grammer position
this the PDF
and if you want to buy the book you can buy it here:
and I here is coupon code ( 15 off) that expires Dec 31 2010
the writer tells you what Sarf is in the Arabic Lang and then he starts to tell how the Terms are broken down in sarf from the position of the Arabic Grammer position
this the PDF
and if you want to buy the book you can buy it here:
and I here is coupon code ( 15 off) that expires Dec 31 2010
Sign up NOW: in NY - FREE Tajweed & Qur'an Class for SISTERS - SERIOUS Class starting | by Nasrin for everyone |
Sign up NOW: in NY - FREE Tajweed & Qur'an Class for SISTERS - SERIOUS Class starting | for everyone |
bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu noble sisters!!
if you are interested, please contact this Nasrin
it is the BEST NEWS for YOU that i can give you after the RAMADAN
and it is the Class for YOU TO MASTER your recitation of
-----------------> the QUR'AN <------------------
that was revealed in the MONTH OF RAMADAN - the Preserved BOok of Allah. Ramadan ended
but that only brings about a fresh new STARTS - Starting with Learning and implementing and perfecting the recitation of the Qur'an, the Book of Allah,
So it is a FULL FREE Class - TWO - [2] - HOURS LONG class with a QUALIFIED Teacher
Who has an ijaza in tajweed that she took while she was in Egypt, she is a native Egyptian, she knows the Qur'an by heart as well. Alhamdulillah.
she has been in USA for about 3 hours so knows little English - that means we get to practice our Arabic with her too. i took 2 classes with her in her house and maashaaAllah she is a good caring serious teacher. Alhamdulillah.
and the BONUS of the class is that if we have 10+ SERIOUS sisters to join us then
we may even have a class on ARABIC
with a sister who is qualified to teach ARABIC AS WELL - another Native Egyptian. Alhamdulillah.
i must have 10 committed sisters at my hand to attend the classes from the 1st day to the last day
and everyone has to SIGN a CONTRACT promising that they will attend the classes
Because our Sister Faridah - Toobaah Academy Director will offer the class free for us while she will pay the teacher
and she is giving us her place to take the classes in for free that she is paying rent of
and on top of that she is taking her time out to come down to the school to open it for us and to set it up for us
and all we have to do is
and it perfectly make sense to me that she puts such conditions.
We want serious and committed sisters
to support us by their attendance and then it is up to you to be serious and keen about YOUR LEARNING OF YOUR RELIGION
ALL OF YOU WHO DOES NOT HAVE PROFICIENCY IN TAJWEED - unless you are proficient in tajweed - don't miss the class.
LOcation for the Classes:
Toobaa Academy For Girl
28-18 Steinway Street, Suite #206
Astoria, New York 11103
Phone: (718) 626-5100
New Web Site: www.toobaa.org
or email us at: toobah.academy@yahoo.com
asalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu noble sisters!!
if you are interested, please contact this Nasrin
it is the BEST NEWS for YOU that i can give you after the RAMADAN
and it is the Class for YOU TO MASTER your recitation of
-----------------> the QUR'AN <------------------
that was revealed in the MONTH OF RAMADAN - the Preserved BOok of Allah. Ramadan ended
but that only brings about a fresh new STARTS - Starting with Learning and implementing and perfecting the recitation of the Qur'an, the Book of Allah,
So it is a FULL FREE Class - TWO - [2] - HOURS LONG class with a QUALIFIED Teacher
Who has an ijaza in tajweed that she took while she was in Egypt, she is a native Egyptian, she knows the Qur'an by heart as well. Alhamdulillah.
she has been in USA for about 3 hours so knows little English - that means we get to practice our Arabic with her too. i took 2 classes with her in her house and maashaaAllah she is a good caring serious teacher. Alhamdulillah.
and the BONUS of the class is that if we have 10+ SERIOUS sisters to join us then
we may even have a class on ARABIC
with a sister who is qualified to teach ARABIC AS WELL - another Native Egyptian. Alhamdulillah.
i must have 10 committed sisters at my hand to attend the classes from the 1st day to the last day
and everyone has to SIGN a CONTRACT promising that they will attend the classes
Because our Sister Faridah - Toobaah Academy Director will offer the class free for us while she will pay the teacher
and she is giving us her place to take the classes in for free that she is paying rent of
and on top of that she is taking her time out to come down to the school to open it for us and to set it up for us
and all we have to do is
and it perfectly make sense to me that she puts such conditions.
We want serious and committed sisters
to support us by their attendance and then it is up to you to be serious and keen about YOUR LEARNING OF YOUR RELIGION
ALL OF YOU WHO DOES NOT HAVE PROFICIENCY IN TAJWEED - unless you are proficient in tajweed - don't miss the class.
LOcation for the Classes:
Toobaa Academy For Girl
28-18 Steinway Street, Suite #206
Astoria, New York 11103
Phone: (718) 626-5100
New Web Site: www.toobaa.org
or email us at: toobah.academy@yahoo.com
Good Arabic Story Series... BUY if you can | by Nasrin for everyone |
Sami towards the Best (7 Books)
سامي نحو الأفضل
Author: | Dima Sa'ad |
Voice: | |
Publisher: | Dar Al Roqe'i |
Theme: | Arabic Titles |
Language: | Arabic |
Ages: | 9 - 12 Years |
List Price: | $44.99 |
Eid Gifts هدايا العيد
Author: | Hana Haroun |
Voice: | |
Publisher: | Jerboa Books |
Theme: | Eid, Hajj & Ramadan |
Language: | Arabic |
Ages: | Baby - 3 Years |
List Price: | $11.99 |
Laila and the Wolf ليلى والذئب
Publisher: | Lebanon Library |
Theme: | Arabic Titles |
Language: | Arabic |
Ages: | 4 - 8 Years |
List Price: | $3.89 |
List Price: | $5.99 |
Web Price: | $3.89 |
more here: http://www.noorart.com/shop_by_age/books_4_8_years
سلسلة النحو الميسر وتدريبات على الإعراب | by Nasrin for everyone |
سلسلة النحو الميسر وتدريبات على الإعراب http://www.sahab.net/home/index.php?Site=News&Show=995 |
المحرر : إدارة الموقع - التاريخ : 2010-08-30 05:21:32 - مشاهدة ( 102 ) |
منبر اللغة العربية وعلومها : إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينهُ ونستغفرهُ ، ونعوذُ باللهِ من شرور أنفسنا وسيئات أعمــالنا، من يهده الله فلا مضل له ، ومن يضلل فلا هدي له ، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له ، وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله. ﴿يَا أَيُهَا الذِينَ آمَنوُا اتَقُوا اللهَ حَقَ تُقَاتِهِ وَلاَ تَمُوتُنَ إِلاَ وَأََنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُونْ﴾ . آل عمران :102 ﴿يَا أَيُهَا النَاسُ اْتًقُوا رَبَكُمْ الذِي خَلَقَكُمْ مِنْ نَفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَـالاً كَثِيراً وَنِسَـاءً ، وَاْتَّقُوا اللهَ الذِي تَسَاءَلُونَ بِهِ وَالأَرْحَام إِنَ اللهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيباً﴾ . النساء:1 ﴿يَا أَيُهَا الذِينَ آمَنوُا اْتَّقُوا اللهَ وَقُولُوا قَوْلاً سَدِيداً يُصْلِحْ لَكُمْ أَعْمَالَكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنوُبَكُمْ وَمَنْ يُطِعْ اللهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ فَازَ فَوْزاً عَظِيماً﴾ . الأحزاب 71-72 . أما بعد ، فإن أصدق الحديث كتاب الله ، وأحسن الهدي هدي محمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم - ، وشر الأمور محدثاتها ، وكل محدثة بـدعة ، وكل بدعة ضلالة ، وكل ضلالة في النار. من المعروف أن الإعراب فرع المعنى ، وإن أهم ما ينبغي أن يفهمه الطالب جيداً ويعيه هو أن النحو ليس ترفاً فكرياً كما يظن بعض من تأثر باللغات الأجنبية ، وإنما هو أمرٌ ضروري لمن أراد أن يفهم آية قرانيةً أو حديثاً نبوياً فهماً صحيحاً ، وكذلك هو أمرٌ ضروري لمن أراد أن يركب أية جملة تركيباً صحيحاً ، ولهذا رأيت أنه من واجبي أن أضع بعض الدروس المختصرة وخاصة وأنه قد لاحظت أثناء قيامي بتدريس مادة اللغة العربية في مراحل التعليم الأساسية والمتوسطة أن مشكلة الطلاب تكمن في أنهم لا يميزون بين الاسم و الفعل والحرف و بين الفاعل والمفعول ، والمبتدأ والخبر ، والمضاف والمضاف إليه ، وأنهم يقرؤون ولا يفهمون ، فقد كانت هذه المادة عندهم من المواد الصعبة ولاجد أحدهم يقبل عليها إلا من قبيل الاضطرار من أجل الامتحانات فقط ، وهذا بمثابة تناول المريض الدواء المرَّ . ومن هنا حزمتً أمري متوكلاً على الله الحي الذي لا يموت أن أضع شرحاً مختصراً اسميته " النحو الميسر وتدريبات على الإعراب " هو عبارة عن تدريبات ميسرة ومختصرة عن النحو وعن الإعراب الذي هو فاكهة اللغة ، يليها تطبيقات سهلة لمعرفة مستوى الفهم . ولا ادعي الكمال فـالكمال للـه وحــده – سبحانه وتعالى – قال ابن رجب – رحمه الله: " ويأبى الله العصمة لكتاب غير كتابه ، والمنصف من اغتفر قليل خطأ المرء في كثير من صوابه " القواعد: ص: 3 قال المُزَنِي – رحمه الله - : " قرأتُ كتاب الرسالة على الشافعي ثمانين مرة ، فما من مرة إلا وكان يقف على خطأ ! فقال الشافعيّ : هيْه ! أبى الُله أن يكون كتابًا صحيحًا غير كتابه " حاشية ابن عابدين الطبعة الثانية : ( 2 / 27 ) ورحم الله العماد الأصفهاني فقد قال: " إني رأيتُ أنه لا يكتب إنسان كتابًا في يومه إلى قال في غده: لو غير هذا لكان أحسن ، ولو زيد كذا لكان يستحسن ، ولو قدم هذا لكان أفضل ، ولو ترك هذا لكان أجمل ، وهذا من أعظم العبر وهو دليل على استيلاء النقص على جملة البشر " العماد الأصفهاني لمفدمة كتاب جمهرة الأدبــاء ( رَبَّنَا لاَ تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِن نَّسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا رَبَّنَا وَلاَ تَحْمِلْ عَلَيْنَا إِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهُ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِنَا رَبَّنَا وَلاَ تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لاَ طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنَّا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا وَارْحَمْنَآ أَنتَ مَوْلاَنَا فَانصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ) . ( رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا إِنَّكَ أَنتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ ) . يقدمها لكم الأخ الفاضل : أبو الحسن عمران الليبي |