
Lebanese/Syrian Phrases

The shows I was watching when I came across these phrases are: Dunia (دنيا) and Bab al-Hara (باب الحارة). Both of those are Syrian and there is one phrase that is only used in Lebanon in the video. I don't remember what I was watching when I caught that one.

  • انت عم بتصف معها (Enta 'am bitsaf ma'a) - You're taking her side.
  • لساتك عم تتوحمي؟ (Lissaatik 'am tatwahhami?) - Are you still having cravings?
  • انا بحبها لندا (Ana bahiba lanada) - I love Nada. (Only used in Lebanon)
  • سلملي عليه (Sellimli 'alih) - Say hi to him for me.
  • لا تفهمني غلط (La tafhamni ghalat) - Don't get me wrong.
  • مقطوع من شجرة (Maqtoo' min shajara) - Cut from a tree (someone with no family).
  • خيرها بغيرها (khayra bighayra) - Maybe some other time.

Please let me know if there's any way I can improve on these videos. Am I choosing phrases that you don't care about? Am I saying them too fast? I worry that someone beginning in Arabic might need more explanation. Am I explaining enough? Thanks much for watching and I hope you're learning something. :)

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