From The Greatest Causes of Fitnah |
Shaykh-ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah Our shaykh [Meaning Ibn Taymiyyah] said : The general of the trials and tribulations (fitna) which have occured : the greatest of their reason is a decrease of Patience. And as such : Fitna has two reasons: 1. Weakness of knowledge or 2. Weakness of Patience Indeed ignorance and transgression are the causes of evil. And the doer of evil; he will do it due to : - his ignorance that the actions is indeed evil [and harmful] - Or due to the fact that his soul wants to do that. Therefore, by Knowledge ; ignorance ceases , and by Patience; he can hold back the desires. And thus the fitna will end. Shaykh-ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah Source : Translation by : Abu Waheeda as-Salafee |