
al-Mahabbah (Love of Allaah)

al-Mahabbah (Love of Allaah)

People have discussed about mahabbah (love of Allaah); its causes and what brings it about, its signs, its fruits, and its rulings. The most comprehensive saying about this is what Abu Bakr al-Kattaanee (d.322H) relates about al-Junayd (d.297H).

Abu Bakr al-Kattaanee (d.322H) said: “A discussion about mahabbah took place in Makkah during the Pilgrimage month. The Shaykh’s who were present spoke about this matter, and al-Junayd was the youngest of them. They said to him: ‘O ‘Iraqi, what do you have to say?’ So he bowed his head and tears were flowing from his eyes, then he said:

‘A servant should overcome his soul;
And be continuous in the remembrance of his Lord;
Establishing the rights of his Lord;
Focusing upon Him with his heart;
The light of fear letting ablaze his heart;
Whilst drinking from the vessel of true love;
And certain realities become unveiled for him.
So when he talks, it is due to Allaah.
When he speaks, it is from Allaah.
When he moves, it is by the Command of Allaah.
And when he is serene, then it is from Allaah.
He belongs to Allaah, is for Allaah, and is with Allaah.’
So the Shaykh’s started to weep and said: ‘How can that be increased upon. May Allaah reward you with good, O crown of the knowledgeable ones!’.”

Taken from: Madaarij-us-Saalikeen, 3/9 (of Imaam ibn Qayyim)

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