Someone asked that in eid al-adha the people make tabkeer and praise in loud voice in masajid, is it permissible?
Shaykh Responded by saying: this is sunnah. [then shaykh told about Takbeer of Eid al-fitr] accordingly, in Eid-Adha takbeer is sunnah in the first 10 days from the entrance of the month, from the first night of month of Dhul-Hijjah to night of the eid to day of the eid to day of the Tashreek, 13 days all of it takbeer in the month of the Dhul-Hijjah, the the first of the month to the sunset of 13th day, all of it takbeer, but in the day of Arafah and what is after it consists of limited and general takbeer, make limited takbeer after the five salawat and make takbeer for rest of the time, the muslim and muslimah, men and women after salat al-fajr from day of Arafah and day of Eid and days of the Tashreek at the end of salawat and rest of the period, meaning the rest of the day and night.
The Takbîr for ‘Eid
Ibn Mas’ûd – Allâh be pleased with him – used to say the takbîr during the Days of Tashrîq thus:Allâh is Greatest, Allâh is Greatest, none deserves worship but Allâh. Allâh is Greatest, Allâh is Greatest, and to Him is all praise.