The Takbîr for ‘Eid
Ibn Mas’ûd – Allâh be pleased with him – used to say the takbîr during the Days of Tashrîq thus:

‘Alî – Allâh be pleased with him – used to say the takbîr following the Fajr prayer on the Day of ‘Arafah until the ‘Asr prayer of the last day of Tashrîq – he used to say it after ‘Asr prayer (then stop).
Ibn Abî Shaybah, Al-Musannaf Vol.2 p72. Shaykh Al-Albânî said its chain of narration is good.
See Irwâ Al-Ghalîl Vol.3 p125.
Allâh is Greatest, Allâh is Greatest, none deserves worship but Allâh. Allâh is Greatest, Allâh is Greatest, and to Him is all praise.
Ibn Abî Shaybah, Al-Musannaf Vol.2 p74. Shaykh Al-Albânî said its chain of narration is Sahîh.‘Alî – Allâh be pleased with him – used to say the takbîr following the Fajr prayer on the Day of ‘Arafah until the ‘Asr prayer of the last day of Tashrîq – he used to say it after ‘Asr prayer (then stop).
Ibn Abî Shaybah, Al-Musannaf Vol.2 p72. Shaykh Al-Albânî said its chain of narration is good.
See Irwâ Al-Ghalîl Vol.3 p125.