
Killing Time

قتل الوقت

يتضايق بعض الناس من الوقت ويعمل على تضييعه حتى في الحرام ، ولهذا تجد عند بعض الغافلين التعبير بكلمة «قتل الوقت» كأنه عدو!!، والوقت غنيمة وما ذهب منه لا يعود، والعاقل هو من يغتنم أوقاته ويحاذر من قتلها وتضييعها .

Killing Time

Some people are bothered by time such that they work to waste time even in doing what is forbidden. Therefore, you will find with some heedless people the expression with wording, "Killing Time," as if it is enemy. The time is booty (profit), and what leaves from it does not return, and the intellectual one is the one who takes advantage of his times and takes care not to kill it or waste it.

By: Shaykh Abdur Razzaq bin Abul Muhsin Al-Badr
Source: http://al-badr.net/muqolat/4220
Translator: Nasrin As.Salafiyah
Date: Thursday, Sept. 24th, 2015 @ 2:46 AM


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