asalamualikum.. check below fatawa to learn the fact that zakatul fitr is given as food and it is an obligation..|
In response to the multiple requests made to know the obligatory measures to be given asZakât Al-Fitr (a charity given to the poor at the end of Ramadan), the administration of the website put at the disposal of its honorable visitors the following table: |
The measures of Zakat Al-Fitr Semolina | 2000grams | Raisin | 1640 grams | Flour | 1400grams | Couscous | 1800 grams | Lentil | 2100grams | Couscous with big grains | 2000 grams | Bean | 2060grams | Date | 1800 grams | Crushed pea | 2240grams | Chickpea | 2000 grams | Wheat | 2040grams | Rice | 2300 grams |
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There are currently 7 fataawa in this category