
Ahadeeth on Zakatul Fitr: When to Give it, What to give, & how much?

Ahadeeth on Zakatul Fitr: When to Give it, What to give, & how much?

Nasrin Akther Abdullah bin Umar radi Allahu anhu (narrated) that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam made zakatul fitr from Ramadan obligatory upon every individual from the Muslims: Freed (person) or slave or man or woman, young or old, a saa (4 handfuls cupped by both hands) from dried dates or a saa from barley. [It was reported by Imam Muslim)

Nasrin Akther What is the time of giving out of the Zakatul Fitr? The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said: Whoever gives it out before the (Eid) Prayer, then it is accepted zakatul (fitr), and whoever gives it out after the (Eid) prayer then it is charity from the charities. [Shaykh Albanee graded it Hasan]

Nasrin Akther Zakatul Ftir - Food or Money

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, "Zakatul Fitr is purification for the pasting person from mistakes and indecencies (immortalities) and (it is) food for the poor people." [Shaykh Albanee authenticated it.]

Nasrin Akther Food or Money?

Abu Sayed Alkhudree radi Allahu anhu said, "We used to give out zakatul ftir as a saa (4 handfuls cupped by both hands) from food, or a saa from barley or a saw from dried dates or a saa from yogurt or a saa from raisin." [Imam Muslim reported it.]

Nasrin Akther Zakatul Fitr

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam obligated Sadaqatul Fitr as a saa (4 handfuls cupped by both hands) from barley, or a saa from dried dates upon the young and the old, and the freed (person), and the slave. [Imam AlBukhari reported it]

Nasrin Akther Ibn Umar radi Allahu anhu narrated that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam ordered regarding the zakatul fitr that it should be given out before the people go out to the (Eid) prayer. [Agreed upon: AlBukhari & Muslim]

Nasrin Akther Two of the hadith together in here that were translated in the previous pictures. Look into the previous slides.

Nasrin Akther Ibn Umar radi Allahu anhu said, "The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam obligatedzakatul fitr as a saa (4 handfuls cupped by both hands) from dried dates, or a saa from barley upon the slave, freed (person), man, woman, young, and old from the Muslims and ordered regarding it that it should be given out before the people go out to the (Eid) prayer." [Agreed upon: AlBukhari and Muslim)

Nasrin Akther Two of the hadith together in here that were translated in the previous pictures. Look into the previous slides.

Translated by: Nasrin As.Salafiyah
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