
Picked up some nice Shurooh of al-Aajurroomiyyah!

Jun 5, '10 9:53 AM
by Nasrin for everyone

Picked up some nice Shurooh of al-Aajurroomiyyah!

I know it has been some time since I have posted but I have been blessed to pick up some very decent titles on the Aajurroomiyyah that I wanted to share. Allah willing these will assist the die hard Aajurroomiyyah followers out there in thier quest for seeking knowledge.

I won't go into detail about each book but the author name and publisher name is clear enough from the pictures to take down if you want to search for these precious gems. May Allah grant us all Tawfeeq in understanding His Book and the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.

This one is a gem. It is the Matn along with space to add notes. It is also used by the students of knowledge when they sit with the Scholars who teach the text.

Blog EntryJun 2, '10 9:08 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
أحروف الزيادة المجموعة في قولهم - " سألتمونيها" 
س - أ - ل - ت - م - و - ن - ي - ه -ا

اسم - يعرف بعلامات اختص بها عن الفعل و الحرف و هي خمس علامات مجموعة في قول ابن مالك -  
بالجر و التنوين و الندا و ال و مسند للاسم تمييز حصل

11:00pm KSA
09:00pm GMT
04:00pm EST
08:50pm KSA
06:50pm GMT
01:50pm EST
07:35pm KSA
05:35pm GMT
12:35pm EST
05:00pm KSA
03:00pm GMT
10:00am EST
05:30am KSA
03:30am GMT
10:30pm EST
Sharh Mukhtasar Sahih Al-Bukhari
(Arabic Only)
Question and Answer Session

Usool Al-Imaan
(Arabic only)

Zadul Maad Fi Hadiy Khiril-Ibaad BY Imam Ibnul-Qayyem
Arabic for beginners
Usooluth Thalaatha
(iMuwahhideen Publicaations Room)

Riyaadus Saaliheen
Sharh Mukhtasar Sahih Muslim
(Arabic Only)

Zadul Maad Fi Hadiy Khiril-Ibaad BY Imam Ibnul-Qayyem
Arabic for beginners
Thakhiratul-Uqba Sharh Sunan An-Nasaee  BY Shaikh Muhammad Adam  
Question and Answer Session

Zadul Maad Fi Hadiy Khiril-Ibaad BY Imam Ibnul-Qayyem
Arabic for beginners
Thakhiratul-Uqba Sharh Sunan An-Nasaee  BY Shaikh Muhammad Adam  
Question and Answer Session

Riyaadus Saaliheen

Sharh Mukhtasar Sahih Muslim
(Arabic Only)

Zadul Maad Fi Hadiy Khiril-Ibaad BY Imam Ibnul-Qayyem
Arabic for beginners

Arabic for beginners

12:00pm KSA/10:00am GMT/ 5:00am EST
LIVE : Jumuah Khutbah – Grand Mufti, Grand Mosque, Riyadh THEN – Shaikh Mohammad Al-Malki - Masjid Bara bin Malik, King Abdul Azeez Airport, Jeddah followed by translation then English Duroos (Aqeedah, Aajurumiyya, Bulughul Maraam)

asalamualikum wa rahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu

i wanted to share this little info. from brother shadeed's biography that he gave on this book: 

Order your copy of He Came to Perfect Moral Character... The Persona of Prophet Muhammad through My Eyes. 
Shadeed Muhammad's latest book
now available!

Brother shadeed said, toward the end of ARabic study in Arabic Inst. he started to attend Islamic classes offered by mashaykh in Madinah. Let me type up for you this part.

"Prior to me completing the last semester of the Arabic Inst. I would to pass by the crowded circles of knowledge in the Prophet's Masjid just to listen briefly to the lessons of the scholars. I did this because I still did not feel as though I was proficient enough in the Arabic Language, regardless of what my degree stated. 

I would listen for about 10 minutes to see how much i could grasp, this continued until i listened to a lesson one day of Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al-Abad, who was teaching the Sunan of Abu Dawud. I felt comfortable for the first time about how much i was able to grasp. 

he was getting ready to start his explanation of Imam Nawawe's 40 hadith, so i figured since i had already memorized the book, why not sit and learn the explanation. Across from him there was another scholar, Shaykh Ali Nasr al-Faqihi who was starting Imam as-Sadi's tafsir of Surah Al-Baqarah and i figured i would attend that lesson also. 

There was one more lesson that was brought to my attention, the lesson of shaykh ubayd al-jabiri who was giving the explanation of Imam barbaharee's Creed. I decided that i would continue with those 3 lessons, which became the foundation of my knowledge with the scholars outside of the university curriculum."

You see maashaaAllah our NOble Brother started to listen to ARabic dars and continued to listen until ONE DAY HE felt comfortable about the amount of language he understood. and He continued to LISTEN although he understood little and did not say, ah! forget about listening to these dars as i hardly understand anything. 

so my point of sharing this with you is that InshaaAllah let us all, those seeking to learn ARabic start listening to Arabic Dars and they are given for FREE LIVE ONLINE via: 

and also over paltalk @ LIVE SALAFI DURUS ROOM

and inshaaAllah here is the schedule of the dars below so continue to listen until you learn this Language fully. may Allah give me and you tawpiq on it. Ameen.

SATSh. Abdullaah bin Mar’aeeThe Book of Taharah9:00pmArabic / English 
Sh. Abu Umar Usamah 'AtaayaaThe Methodology of the Best of the Salaf11:00pmArabic only 

SUNDr. Muhammad bin Umar BazmoolMuwatta Imam Maalik7:00pmArabic only 
Sh. Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab al-AqeelCharacteristics of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)9:00pmArabic / English 
Sh. Ubayd bin Abdullah al-JabriForty Hadeeth Nawaweeyah10:00pmArabic / EnglishRe-started 16-05-2010
Sh. Abu Umar Usamah 'AtaayaaPoetry of Bayqooniyyah – Science of Hadeeth11:00pmArabic only 

MONMuhammad bin Ghalib al-AmriSigns of the End of Time4:45pmArabic only 
Dr. Muhammad bin Umar BazmoolBooks of Imaam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab7:00pmArabic only 
Sh. Abdul Qaadir al-JunaidMonthly Lecture9:00pmArabic only 
Sh. Abu Umar Usamah 'Ataayaa200 Questions & Answers about Aqeedah11:00pmArabic only 

TUESh. Abu Umar Usamah 'AtaayaaPrinciples of Jarh wa Ta’adeel5:00pmArabic only 
Sh. Abu Umar Usamah 'AtaayaaThe Book of Manners (Adaab)8:00pmArabic / EnglishStopped temporarily
Sh. Abdul Qaadir al-JunaidBulugh al-Maraam9:00pmArabic only 
Sh. Adil MansoorLecture of the Week10:00pmArabic onlyNot yet started
Sh. Abu Umar Usamah 'AtaayaaThe Three Principles11:00pmArabic only 

Sh. Muhammad bin Rabi'a al-MudkhaliAl-Aqueedah at-Tahawiyyah9:15pmArabic only 
Sh. Arafat bin Hasan al-MuhammadiLessons in Seerah10:00pmArabic only 
Readings & Translations of Kitaab at-Tawheed (The book of Islamic Monotheism)11:00pmEnglish only26-05-2010 Ch23 Less4


FRISh. Rabi'a bin Hadi al-MudkhaliAssets of the Sunnah & Believe in the Religion4:45pmArabic onlyNew from (07/05/2010)

 Lecture in Arabic Lecture is Translated Lecture in English*Click the 'Speaker' or 'Topic' to see our previously recorded lessons
All lectures are copyright (c) 2009 Miraath.net (Selling our audio files are strictly prohibited).
Blog EntryMay 29, '10 10:24 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
this is another tajweed teacher: mo7ebatalquraan [skype ID] - very good sister and very willing to teach anyone ask to learn. she is from egypt and in egypt, speak english good, alhamdulillah.

  1. http://www.wiziq.com/tutor-profile/669535-quran-jewel-arabic-and-quraan-teacher
This  sister give classes online for sisters for FREE - the 2nd teacher doesn't speak English, classes in arabic. she is giving aljaromiyah classes and tajweed classes

  1. http://www.wiziq.com/salharbi
  2. http://www.wiziq.com/tutor-profile/669535-quran-jewel-arabic-and-quraan-teacher
These two sisters give classes online for sisters for FREE - the 2nd teacher doesn't speak English, classes in arabic. she is giving aljaromiyah classes and tajweed classes

the first teacher is giving classes on madinah book 1 and two. 

They are both living in the Saudi...
check out this arabic program, application deadline is May 31sthttp://www.qu.edu.qa/students/services/is/arabic_program.phpyou can apply online also
Blog EntryMay 27, '10 8:02 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
bismillah, alhamdulillah i just found this page randomly from paltalk, the  brother is giving a book away, so take it and guess which book it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE7mFEZF_8o&feature=player_embedded

watch and comment... and ask for it..inshaaallah.
This comprehensive curriculum is highly recommended for the full time school or schools seeking to teach Arabic as a viable and fluent language. Each level comes complete with Grammar Text and Workbooks, Reading and Comprehension Text and Workbooks as well as Teacher Guides. An additional benefit includes supplemental storybooks as well as Science books. Themes are modern but not specifically Islamic.


  1. Arabic only

  2. Modern methodology

  3. Modern themes

  4. Clear layout and directions

  5. Colorful illustrations

  6. Supplemental material


School Series for Teaching Arabic Grammar (Set) السلسلة المدرسية لتعلم قواعد العربية


Author:Team of Authors
Publisher:Dar El-Ilm Lilmaliyeen
Ages:Middle School
List Price:$34.99
This comprehensive set for teaching Arabic Grammar contains five unique learning materials. Together, these items can help give learners a firm grasp of Arabic, and are an indispensable resource for researches and writers in the language. The set contains:
  • School Synonym Dictionary 
  • School Antonym Dictionary 
  • Student Guide in Dictation and the Case 
  • School Grammar Analysis Dictionary 
  • School Verb Conjugation (finite) Dictionary
Or buy individually:
  1. Students Guide in Dictation and the Case دليل الطلاب في الإعراب والإملاء 
  2. School Grammar Analysis Dictionary قاموس الإعراب المدرسي 
  3. School Synonym Dictionary قاموس المترادفات المدرسي 
  4. School Verb Conjugation Dictionary معجم تصريف الأفعال المدرسي 
  5. School Contrary Dictionary قاموس الأضداد المدرسي
School Contrary Dictionary قاموس الأضداد المدرسي
  • Contains more than 8000 entries and their synonyms

  • Detailed and comprehensive linguistic reference, alphabetically arranged, suitable for elementary and middle school students

  • A unique and useful dictionary, suitable for both students and researchers

  • Easy to use and search for words.

  • The dictionary includes basic vocabulary and their synonyms; entries are listed according to alphabetical order

  • An introduction of antagonism in the language in a word or sentence, illustrated with examples of this phenomenon
Student Guide in Dictation and the Case دليل الطالب في الإعراب والإملاء
This Guide:
  • Is a practical linguistic guide students can use to avoid making mistakes in writing and composition

  • Gives solutions to problems students may face in spelling or parsing words

  • Is a clear and concise guide containing many examples, so that theoretical principals are made clear through practical application

  • Contains many examples and exercises on parsing and spelling

  • Contains more than 100 grammar and spelling rules
School Grammar Analysis Dictionary قاموس الإعراب المدرسي
This Dictionary:
  • Contains more than 170 inflectional cases, supported by 200 poetic lines to increase literary interest

  • Provides lessons containing more than 35 grammatical rules explaining Arabic language grammar

  • Meets the needs of students hoping to learn the secrets of the language, as related to the syntax of its words and sentences

  • It explains the Arabic syntax in a clear, simple manner to help students improve their understanding of Arabic syntax
School Synonym Dictionary قاموس المترادفات المدرسيThis dictionary is a comprehensive language guide containing over 8000 word entries and their synonyms. It is arranged alphabetically, and is designed for students in elementary and middle school levels. The dictionary concentrates on essential words in the language and their synonyms, and is a useful resource for students and researches alike. In addition, writers will find the dictionary invaluable when writing compositions and looking for alternate words and expressions. This dictionary is an indispensable tool for understanding words and knowing their synonyms.

School Verb Conjugation (finite) Dictionary معجم تصريف الافعال المدرسي
This Dictionary:
  • Provide an easy way to understand the way of conjugating the verbs according to their cases and forms through this book development typical systemize.

  • Present the conjugate grammar through clear and specific explanation. This book presents more than one table of Classical and Modern Arabic Verbs.

  • These fully conjugated tables are used as paradigms for other verbs. Each table represents a very clear and typical example of a particular type of verb.

  • The book is intended to be a constant companion and an indispensable source of reference, to students, teachers, researchers, and scholars of Classical and Modern Literary Arabic learners and speakers.

  • This dictionary facilitates understanding the way of conjugating the Arabic verbs.

  • The tables give with examples the roots, the active and passive participles and the verbal Nouns of both the simple and derived forms of classical and modern Arabic verbs.

  • Provide more than 150 fully conjugated tables.

  • Clarify the explanation of each verb conjugate role.

Audio Samples
More Product Details
Dimensions:(6" x 9")
First Publishing Date:1/1/2009
Current Publishing Date:
Remarks:5 Books
Current Edition:
Run Time:minutes
Shipping weight:3.84 pounds
NOW it is a GOOD site inshaaAllah for the Arabic Learners for the practicing of their Listening of Arabic - http://nasrin.podbean.com/

the 29 stories are really good, i don't know which of you listen to them often, i listen to them often alhamdulillah, they are good reminders as regard to the deen and also good learning source of arabic.

and i kept the playlists of qur'an, and islamic lectures so all my listening tools are on one page and i kept alarabiyah bayna yadayk here as well because those books are GREAT SOURCE of listening exercises as well alhamdulillah.

i hope Allah benefits me and all of you.
Blog EntryMay 24, '10 5:38 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

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Blog EntryMay 22, '10 10:14 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

i have one audio left in grade 3, recorded today but then when started to edit saw half of it was not recorded!!! - so have to do it again.

Listening to these stories over and over again HELPS me at least a lot in comprehension so much and makes it so much easy to come up with my own conversation, alhamdulillah.

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Blog EntryMay 22, '10 11:15 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
CBOAW2_LIQ07I Love Arabic: Level 2 Workbook (Old Edition, This is 2007 Edition Has 75 Pages) أحب العربية كتاب التدريبات
CBOAW6_LIQ08I Love Arabic Workbook: Level 6 (Old Edition, This is 2008 Edition Has 50 Pages) أحب العربية كتاب التدريبات
CBOA2_LIQI Love Arabic Textbook: Level 2 (Old Edition, This is 2007 Edition Has 211 Pages) أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
CBOA6-LIQ08I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 6 (Old Edition, This is 2008 Edition Has 129 Pages) أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
CBBQAW3Badran Curriculum - Dictation and Arabic Grammar Workbook: Level 3 منهج بدران القواعد العربية والإملاء دفتر الأعمال التطبيقية
0113111402001Badran Curriculum - Dictation and Arabic Grammar Textbook: Level 3 منهج بدران القواعد العربية والإملاء كتاب الطالب
9789953636788School Contrary Dictionary قاموس الأضداد المدرسي
9789953636771School Grammar Analysis Dictionary قاموس الإعراب المدرسي
9789953636795Students Guide in Dictation and the Case دليل الطلاب في الإعراب والإملاء

NOW the class is going on now, it starts with 10:30pm EST time - in room - ilmforall know islam by shaykh muhammad almaliki

so JOIN in inshaaAllah...
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