Lisaan-ul Quran | Vol 1 & 2 | by Abdul Hakim for everyone |
Any body in the group know about these books are they work the buy ,
Let me knom
Let me knom
Sale on Arabic Books and study items for the Student | by Abdul Hakim for everyone |
Clearance Sale
Just when you thought Noorart couldn’t get any better, we’ve slashed our prices! If you’ve ever thought about purchasing educational material for your children or yourself, now is the time.
We're having a clearance sale! We have to move old items out of our warehouse to make room for our new, incoming items. To do so, we're not only placing some items at an 90% discount, we're passing some items on for FREE. Just pay for shipping and handling, and they're yours. (Limit of one free item of every kind of product per customer.)
At Noorart, we work hard to carry only the HIGHEST quality products. As a result, we've gained your satisfaction and trust. Our superior customer service is the main reason behind our growth (after Allah’s Blessings).
Please visit us online at and enjoy our clearance sale, it's only good until05/31/2010.
Just when you thought Noorart couldn’t get any better, we’ve slashed our prices! If you’ve ever thought about purchasing educational material for your children or yourself, now is the time.
We're having a clearance sale! We have to move old items out of our warehouse to make room for our new, incoming items. To do so, we're not only placing some items at an 90% discount, we're passing some items on for FREE. Just pay for shipping and handling, and they're yours. (Limit of one free item of every kind of product per customer.)
At Noorart, we work hard to carry only the HIGHEST quality products. As a result, we've gained your satisfaction and trust. Our superior customer service is the main reason behind our growth (after Allah’s Blessings).
Please visit us online at and enjoy our clearance sale, it's only good until05/31/2010.
Broken bina alaf' | by Nasrin for everyone |
broken bina alaf' - this is a 30 parts out of the 26min audio. broken into pieces for the ease of memorization. i hope all of you will take advantage inshaaAllah. also, if you need help - check this book along with the PDF of the matn -
this book is like bina al-af'al in the sense that it goes over the same things. so if you need help, look into this book, it should HELP YOU a LOT inshaaAllah and also, look into madinah book 3. inshaaAllah.
أرسلت فى متون صوتية
audio of matn bina alaf'al - متن بناء الأفعال في علم الصرف | by Nasrin for everyone |
YOU all should be SO happy. i am so so happy alhamdulillah. may allah reward our noble brother who takes out time to do this task of recording beneficial mutun. alhamdulillah.
i ordered these books, check if you wish to buy as well... | by Nasrin for everyone |
The last book: Ra'id-ut-Tulab - it is the dictionary that brother Dawud Adib advised to buy in his talk, the notes of which i shared with you all long ago. some notes from talk: how to approach studying the arabic language
remember! ... i just saw this book and i recalled brother dawud adib mentioning a dictionary so had to find my post here and check if that is the same dictionary. alhamdulillah... it is.
i bought the Qasas al-Nabiyeen (5 Volume Set) - as one of our brother here mentioned he was studying them as well... he is studying them... the cost is not too much compared to other story books so i thought is should get it. i hope the print is good inshaaAllah.
inshaaAllah and there is another story book: Kalilah wa Dimnah - it says it is a story book also - classical. so got that one.
Awdahu at-Tasheel li Sharh bin Aqeel (2 Vol set) this book i got - the cost is so low maashaaAllah. had to buy. 'smile'. first book sounded so good, i don't know when i hear there is exercises in books, i feel so interested in them. 'smile'. and third book of sarf, - really look for full arabic sarf book and found this one to be good price here. alhamdulillah. balagah book, just got it - inshaaAllah for future study as beginner in the field. dictionary of the qur'an, was confused if i should get or no, then i got it thinking inshaaAllah it will be of benefit as i sold my word for word noble qur'an. |
Stock# | Item | Quantity | Price | Total | Ship Src* |
1384 | Hidayatun Nahw (with lesson summaries and exercises) | $5.00 | $5.00 | USA | |
1647 | Awdahu at-Tasheel li Sharh bin Aqeel (2 Vol set) | $12.00 | $12.00 | USA | |
1330 | Irshadus Sarf | $8.00 | $8.00 | USA | |
1429 | Duroos al-Balagha with Shumoos al-Bara'a | $4.55 | $4.55 | USA | |
1572 | Kalilah wa Dimnah | $6.70 | $6.70 | USA | |
0368 | Qasas al-Nabiyeen (5 Volume Set) | $10.00 | $10.00 | USA | |
0995 | The Easy Dictionary of the Qur'an | $4.75 | $4.75 | USA | |
0755 | Ra'id-ut-Tulab | $14.00 | $14.00 | USA |
Grammar Books to BUY - Here: | by Nasrin for everyone |
I just found this site:
you can check through, i saw these to be interesting, and also cost is low.. maashaaAllah.. a lot of books in here are in Urdu and Urdu&Arabic.
Irshadus Sarf | |||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Al-Qir'atul Mushawwiqa grade 1 Text and exercises (2 volume set) | |||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Hidayatun Nahw (with lesson summaries and exercises) | |||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Al-Tatbeeq al-Sarfi | |||||||||||||
التطبيق الصرفي | |||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Al-Tuhfa al-Saniyya | |||||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Alfiyyah ibn Malik fin-Nahw was-Sarf (Pocket Size) | |||||||||||||||
ألفية ابن مالك في النحو والصرف | |||||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Bidayatun Nahw | |||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Sharah Ibn Aqeel (2 V
olumes in 1 Binding) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Mufeed ut Talibeen | |||||||||
Hidayatun Nahw ma Hashiyah | |||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Al-Kafiya ma'a Hashiya (New) | |||||||||||||
الكافية مع حاشيه لابن حاجب | |||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Ilm-us-Sarf (Awwaleen and Akhireen) and Ilm-un-Nahw NEW Edition (3 vol set) | |||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Awdahu at-Tasheel li Sharh bin Aqeel (2 Vol set) | |||||||||||||
اوضح التسهيل لشرح ابن عقيل | |||||||||||||
Click here to see larger image. |
Vocabularies of Alarabiyah Bayna Yadayk - 1s - Those at the End of the Book | by Nasrin for everyone |
Ar. - 10 Advice for Strengthing Your Memorization | by Nasrin for everyone |
Ar. - 10 Advice for Strengthing Your Memorization | for everyone |
Category: | Books |
Genre: | Religion & Spirituality |
Author: | Ash-Sheikh Badr Al-Utaybee |
I bought the book recently from - I finished the books i think yesterday or the day before, in the morning, just tried to read and get most out of the Book. Alhamdulillah. It was a very beneficial books.
there is so much i could share with you from the book if i could only look through it again and note out but i have the content of the book for you here and this will tell you enough about the book. inshaaAllah.
1 - the maintenance of Dhikr - remembrance of Allah and its repetition
2 - The distancing from the sins
3 - The actions by what is learned
4 - Training the mind and activate the memory
5 - The writing of the what is memorized even more than once
6 - The reviewing
7 - The conversation with what is memorized
8 - Connecting what is memorized starting with what came before its memorization
9 - Eating what will help on strenghening of the memorization
10 - Time management
Shaykh in the first section mentions how dhikr of Allah prevents one from forgetting and also if one forgets, one should remember Allah and also dhikr of Allah gives strength to oneself as our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam told his daughter to say subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu akbar 33, 33, 34 times before going to bed as replacement for having a servant girl to help out in the house.
and in the second chapter shaykh mentions how sins takes away the memorization and leaving sins is a way to strengthening your memorization and keep it with you. Shaykh mentions many narrations of the salaf on it and one that is well known which is imam assafi asking imam wakee about the cure for forgetting, he said to leave off sinning as knowledge is light and it is not given to the one who is disobedient.
[it is a fact and you can test your own self, may Allah help us ameen]
then in 3rd chapter shaykh mentions how knowledge is remembered by acting on it, as knowledge calls for actions, if responded it stays, if not, it leaves one. [very true as well, you can check yourself on it as well]. shaykh mentions narrations of the salaf as to how the acted on ahadeeth they memorized and helped themselves to remember them by acting on the hadith.
in forth chapter shaykh shared, how one should not just busy oneself in writing and recording but should also memorize and also if one always memorizes regularly, then memorization becomes easy, one could memorize then in short time more materials than one could before. and this increases one's desire to memorize more.
in fifth chapter, maashaaAllah it was an amazing lesson, shaykh advised to write what we memorize more than once, and he mentioned narrations from our salaf who wrote out books of ahadeeth more than 5, 6, 7 or more times maashaaAllah. and some of the salaf, they wrote and by writing more than one they memorized what they wrote.
and in the sixth chapter, it was another amazing lesson, i wish we did like our salaf did, shaykh mentions how our salaf used to get together and review works at night and other times. shaykh categorized this reviewing,
saying it could be by ones' self or with others, and with others he divided into categories as well, from that is one: research and review, and another is: reviewing by asking and answering like our prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam used to do, he used to ask his sahabah here and there questions of aqeedah and other than it as you see in many ahadeeth.
then another way of reviewing is by asking what have you memorized from such and such author/narrator of hadith, shaykh mentioned narration from salaf how they used to do it, they used to ask each others, about hadith and then go over it and mention its fiqh rulings and its explanation.
and also reviewing by attending lessons and durus, and taking about the materials memorized.
and reviewing my oneself is by repeating what is memorized like one should be reading Qur'an so one doesn't forget as our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam advised.
and then shaykh mentioned the importance of review and how salaf did and directed to it and mentioned the narration as to the time of the review, and said like in the morning and the night, and the quiet time.
in a narration it says, night is the best time. [also in one it says, first the pre-dawn time, middle of the night and afternoon]
and yes shaykh mentioned greatly about the importance of reviewing after fajr and warned against sleeping after it. [i wish i could do it, i really want to but everyone goes to sleep in my house after fajr prayer ah!!]
the 7th chapter: is talking about the materials memorized and shaykh showed its importance and said it is one of the best way to memorize and direct one to act upon the knowledge one memorized.
some of the salaf memorized by talking what they didn't memorize before.
our salaf were very active in reviewing and talking about the materials they memorized amongst themselves, alhamdulillah, maashaaAllah. i wish *we did it instead of chatting around but sadly, when you start talking about ilm, some people get up and leave and they get board and you hear things that only brings discouragement, discouraging one's self from seeking knowledge".*
the 8th chapter was an extraordinary one, i saw many people using it as well. Shaykh advised to connect one knowledge with another, he gave example like how some of the salaf were born in a year while others passed away on it. bringing about similarities between topics and relating it to other topics and making it easy to remember and memorize and also using like each letter of each word then making a term to memorize the big info behind each word. forgot what they call in English.
You know like in arabic you have a poem to memorize huruf as samsiyah and huruf alqamariyah, and also a word to memorize huruf almudaree' etc.
and in 9th lesson shaykh mentions to eat foods and drinks that will help in memorization and strengthen it. like: [زبيب - اللبان - شم الطيب - الحجامة - ] Raisins - Frankincense - smelling of the good - cupping - and drinking of zamzam water.
shaykh directed to a book that has this info in more detail. [ibnul qayyem said, honey is good for memory as well in book of medicine.]
and finally the 10th advice: shaykh advised for management of time and life with study, like 1 hour for hadith memorization, 1 hour for qur'an, 1 for review, one for mutun memorization etc. organizing the time and filling the time with beneficial study.
and shaykh reminded of the haidth, beloved act to allah is that which is done regularly. [may Allah aid me and all of us ameen].
and then shaykh closed the book with many advices and reminders and in this book there is mention of books that one should memorize in many field of islamic sciences and shaykh also directed to books that could help one get more advices in this matter and increase in ones zeal to memorize and work hard in seeking knowledge and memorizing. shaykh also noted some narrations as to how the salaf were in this matter in memorizing and working hard in seeking knowledge.
i hope Allah makes this review a benefit for myself and you all who stops by to read and benefit and may Allah aid us all in seeking knowledge of His deen and grant us beneficial ilm and righteous actions. ameen.
only one copy of the book is left so BUY it before it is out of stock:
there is so much i could share with you from the book if i could only look through it again and note out but i have the content of the book for you here and this will tell you enough about the book. inshaaAllah.
1 - the maintenance of Dhikr - remembrance of Allah and its repetition
2 - The distancing from the sins
3 - The actions by what is learned
4 - Training the mind and activate the memory
5 - The writing of the what is memorized even more than once
6 - The reviewing
7 - The conversation with what is memorized
8 - Connecting what is memorized starting with what came before its memorization
9 - Eating what will help on strenghening of the memorization
10 - Time management
Shaykh in the first section mentions how dhikr of Allah prevents one from forgetting and also if one forgets, one should remember Allah and also dhikr of Allah gives strength to oneself as our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam told his daughter to say subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu akbar 33, 33, 34 times before going to bed as replacement for having a servant girl to help out in the house.
and in the second chapter shaykh mentions how sins takes away the memorization and leaving sins is a way to strengthening your memorization and keep it with you. Shaykh mentions many narrations of the salaf on it and one that is well known which is imam assafi asking imam wakee about the cure for forgetting, he said to leave off sinning as knowledge is light and it is not given to the one who is disobedient.
[it is a fact and you can test your own self, may Allah help us ameen]
then in 3rd chapter shaykh mentions how knowledge is remembered by acting on it, as knowledge calls for actions, if responded it stays, if not, it leaves one. [very true as well, you can check yourself on it as well]. shaykh mentions narrations of the salaf as to how the acted on ahadeeth they memorized and helped themselves to remember them by acting on the hadith.
in forth chapter shaykh shared, how one should not just busy oneself in writing and recording but should also memorize and also if one always memorizes regularly, then memorization becomes easy, one could memorize then in short time more materials than one could before. and this increases one's desire to memorize more.
in fifth chapter, maashaaAllah it was an amazing lesson, shaykh advised to write what we memorize more than once, and he mentioned narrations from our salaf who wrote out books of ahadeeth more than 5, 6, 7 or more times maashaaAllah. and some of the salaf, they wrote and by writing more than one they memorized what they wrote.
and in the sixth chapter, it was another amazing lesson, i wish we did like our salaf did, shaykh mentions how our salaf used to get together and review works at night and other times. shaykh categorized this reviewing,
saying it could be by ones' self or with others, and with others he divided into categories as well, from that is one: research and review, and another is: reviewing by asking and answering like our prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam used to do, he used to ask his sahabah here and there questions of aqeedah and other than it as you see in many ahadeeth.
then another way of reviewing is by asking what have you memorized from such and such author/narrator of hadith, shaykh mentioned narration from salaf how they used to do it, they used to ask each others, about hadith and then go over it and mention its fiqh rulings and its explanation.
and also reviewing by attending lessons and durus, and taking about the materials memorized.
and reviewing my oneself is by repeating what is memorized like one should be reading Qur'an so one doesn't forget as our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam advised.
and then shaykh mentioned the importance of review and how salaf did and directed to it and mentioned the narration as to the time of the review, and said like in the morning and the night, and the quiet time.
in a narration it says, night is the best time. [also in one it says, first the pre-dawn time, middle of the night and afternoon]
and yes shaykh mentioned greatly about the importance of reviewing after fajr and warned against sleeping after it. [i wish i could do it, i really want to but everyone goes to sleep in my house after fajr prayer ah!!]
the 7th chapter: is talking about the materials memorized and shaykh showed its importance and said it is one of the best way to memorize and direct one to act upon the knowledge one memorized.
some of the salaf memorized by talking what they didn't memorize before.
our salaf were very active in reviewing and talking about the materials they memorized amongst themselves, alhamdulillah, maashaaAllah. i wish *we did it instead of chatting around but sadly, when you start talking about ilm, some people get up and leave and they get board and you hear things that only brings discouragement, discouraging one's self from seeking knowledge".*
the 8th chapter was an extraordinary one, i saw many people using it as well. Shaykh advised to connect one knowledge with another, he gave example like how some of the salaf were born in a year while others passed away on it. bringing about similarities between topics and relating it to other topics and making it easy to remember and memorize and also using like each letter of each word then making a term to memorize the big info behind each word. forgot what they call in English.
You know like in arabic you have a poem to memorize huruf as samsiyah and huruf alqamariyah, and also a word to memorize huruf almudaree' etc.
and in 9th lesson shaykh mentions to eat foods and drinks that will help in memorization and strengthen it. like: [زبيب - اللبان - شم الطيب - الحجامة - ] Raisins - Frankincense - smelling of the good - cupping - and drinking of zamzam water.
shaykh directed to a book that has this info in more detail. [ibnul qayyem said, honey is good for memory as well in book of medicine.]
and finally the 10th advice: shaykh advised for management of time and life with study, like 1 hour for hadith memorization, 1 hour for qur'an, 1 for review, one for mutun memorization etc. organizing the time and filling the time with beneficial study.
and shaykh reminded of the haidth, beloved act to allah is that which is done regularly. [may Allah aid me and all of us ameen].
and then shaykh closed the book with many advices and reminders and in this book there is mention of books that one should memorize in many field of islamic sciences and shaykh also directed to books that could help one get more advices in this matter and increase in ones zeal to memorize and work hard in seeking knowledge and memorizing. shaykh also noted some narrations as to how the salaf were in this matter in memorizing and working hard in seeking knowledge.
i hope Allah makes this review a benefit for myself and you all who stops by to read and benefit and may Allah aid us all in seeking knowledge of His deen and grant us beneficial ilm and righteous actions. ameen.
only one copy of the book is left so BUY it before it is out of stock:
Correction in Translation of The '3uchpuur and the Fire” | by Nasrin for everyone |
Correction in Translation in the file “The '3uchpuur and the Fire” – by Nasrin Ath-thalafiyah Lesson # 11 of book 1 of Grade 3 of Palestinian School
Bismillah ir rahman ir raheemAsalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu,
I am extremely sorry for the mistake that took place in the translation. It was due to how the sister who gives me lesson translated, she said she is not good at grammar so I should have paid attention while doing the translation, but I just ran fast in thinking the way she taught subhan Allah. May Allah forgive both of us.
But there is a Great Lesson to learn that is: knowing Arabic Grammar for US at least as non-Arab is paramount important, otherwise we will misunderstand the text and also mistranslate. Subhan Allah.So here is the mistake that took place and it is between the two forms of a verb with same root letters: first verb is: هرب – it is the original verb – form I of alfa3l aththulathee, and second verb is أهرب, which is the form IV [form four] of the same verb, it is alfa3l aththulatheee majed fihi, the meaning of the verb changes with the adding of the Hamza in front of the original verb and it takes maf3ulun bihi as you see it took “ه” – and also remember in 4 letters verbs the harf of mudare [أ - ي -ن - ت ] takes a Damma instead of a Fatha and the second to last letter of the verb gets a kasra, while in three letter verbs, the harf of mudare takes fatha and the 2nd to last letter could take fatha, damma, kasra.
Because of these rules now as I started to read the text, I figured what went wrong. Subhan Allah, it is not that the fire didn’t leave the forest nor the clouds of smoke but these are Fa3el [فاعل] of the verb أهرب, - didn’t I see dammah on the words: لنيرانا and سحب – Subhan Allah.
So the translation should be: The flared up fire could not make him (the bird 3uthpuur) flee, nor the clouds of smoke but he started working immediately with loyalty and honesty.
And my first translation lead me to think that the second verb بدأ – was for all so I said “they” as if verbs comes in the beginning before the doer/s – it is male/female singular but it is a misunderstanding due to first misunderstanding because the doer/s are already mentioned so if it was “they” then it should be plural. Subhan Allah. Alhamdulillah.
And I am amazed at my readers too, haven’t you noticed these errors. I love people correcting me. Please help each other get better and correct and advice each other.
And you can see how super IMPORTANT it is for us to know the Arabic Grammar rules. Alhamdulillah for the blessings of Allah.
Jazakum Allahu khayran Kathiran. Was-salamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
Al-Aaajaromiyah in Tree Diagram Form | by Nasrin for everyone |
Tachjire Ajromia - Tree Charts
Al-Aaajaromiyah in Tree Diagram Form
Bismillah alhamdulilah wa b’ad:
Ash-Sheikh Badr bin Ali bin Thamee Al-Utaybee’s Tree diagram version of Al-Muqadimatu Al-Aaajaroomiyah. - link broken now, so get the PDF below.
hidaya nahw - arabic grammar book | by Nasrin for everyone |
Issue of Copy Right - & - Removing from my accounts copy righted materials. | by Nasrin for everyone |
bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
I just wanted to say jazak allahu khayran to the brother who reminded me of this matter, i am not perfect and i forget and i need reminder like everyone else. So i hope you all excuse my shortcomings whenever you notice and advice me sincere for the sake of Allah. know that even if fail to act on what you advice me on right away but i will not reject your advice but i will try my best to act on it as far as i am able inshaaAllah, though sometimes it may take time. and Allah knows best.
i have tried to remove all doubtful and copy righted books from my pages, including the main sources. i believe we as muslims have more right to be away from stealing than the kuffar - some sites they automatically remove copy righted materials from the account when their system notice the file. maashaaAllah. if they are so strict on this, then why shouldn't we. may Allah forgive us and guide us.
and you know i truly understand this fact now, that this violation of copy right truly hurts others income, whose daily life means of earning is from selling of books after publishing them. i do not think it is fair that one should steal and use them like these. if it was my published books, i am sure i would be very hurt.
and trust me, i bought all these ebooks found online spending so much money bearing much hardship, and i do not want to say it to brag but i know there were days i didn't eat any lunch just to save that money to buy these books because i don't like ebooks. and it is sad to me that now that i want to sell some of these books back i cannot because they are online and people do not want to buy and prices are lower than what i bought the books for maashaaAllah. but Alhamdulillah.
the al-kitab series is copy righted
the gateway to Arabic as well
Arabic in a Flash
and some other grammar books like
Arabic Verb and Essential grammar
and Arabic: an essential grammar
[these last two are removed from scribd upon upload right away]
from the treasure of arabic morphology and Arabic Tutor
- it was online as PDF before it was published as Book - so i kept these books
and Alarabiyah Bayna yadayk does not have copy right
nor does Madinah Books
and the Saudi, Palestinian and Ummul Qura books are taken from their official sites, thus they are given out for free
and alkitab alasasi of Egypt
- it is the old version of the book not the newest version of it, so i kept it. for that
the talking story books -
i don't see any copyright on them, if you know let me know.
we need much blessing in our study, i surely do not want to lose any blessings by sharing any copy righted materials - while i don't even use any of these ebooks and have hard copy these books that i bought spending much money. Alhamdulillah.
I removed what i had doubt in.
Also, to give you assurance
Alhamdulillah you have
So don't Be Sad and do not be hesitant to stop using what is copyrighted that is shared online.
Visit this page again:
InshaaAllah you can see how much you have of materials to learn Arabic From Alhamdulillah.
and visit and buy USED/New books - some of the books are sold at a very cheap price really.
I don't want you to have gastric but to be honest people spend so much money on food and clothes and beautification, i wish they would save some money and use it to buy beneficial books to learn their Deen and take classes.
May Allah guide us to what is best for our deen, duniyah and akhira.
Forgive me for my shortcomings and guide me through as well. i need reminders like you all do.
jazakum Allahu khayran
was-salamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
GET IT : Sakhr 4.0 Multilanguage Dictionary قاموس صخر متعدد اللغات | by Nasrin for everyone |
Sakhr 4.0 Multilanguage Dictionary قاموس صخر متعدد اللغات
Sakhr 4.0 Multilanguage Dictionary قاموس صخر متعدد اللغات الاصدار الرابع
قاموس صخر الإصدار الرابع متعدد اللغات يحتوي علي قواميس للغة العربية و الانجليزية و الفرنسية و الالمانية و التركية كذلك يتضمن محرك بحث للكلمات و يتضمن لعة الكلمات المتطابقة
محتويات القرص المدمج:
1القاموس متعدد اللغات 4.0
محرك القاموس
قاموس اللغة العربية
قاموس اللغة الأنجليزية
قاموس اللغة الفرنسية
قاموس اللغة الالمانية
قاموس اللغة التركية
لعبة الكلمات المتطابقة
لعبة كلمة السر
Uploaded By MasteringArabic
Download from mediafire
Download from mirrorsSakhr.part01.rar

قاموس صخر الإصدار الرابع متعدد اللغات يحتوي علي قواميس للغة العربية و الانجليزية و الفرنسية و الالمانية و التركية كذلك يتضمن محرك بحث للكلمات و يتضمن لعة الكلمات المتطابقة
محتويات القرص المدمج:
1القاموس متعدد اللغات 4.0
محرك القاموس
قاموس اللغة العربية
قاموس اللغة الأنجليزية
قاموس اللغة الفرنسية
قاموس اللغة الالمانية
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Arabic Comes First: Resources For Teachers and Parents | by Nasrin for everyone |
Arabic Comes First: Resources For Teachers and Parents
REVISED: The '3uchpuur and the Fire | by Nasrin for everyone |
on Sale: book 1 of Alarabiyah Bayna Yadayk & From the treasure of Arabic Morphology | by Nasrin for everyone |
-PRICE: $16 dollars [i got ti from UK, and it is as i bought it]

asalamualikum - i would like sell the below books, anyone interested, please PM me....
Volume 1 of alarabiyah Bayna yadayk = $36 dollars.
[the book is like NEW - no sign of use or damage or anything, no writing in the book either or marks] and this is the newest version of the book, the online version is a older version of this book, so some lines here and there are different.
Shipping: $6 dollars as suggestion for USA only, postoffice decides what it is, if more i will ask for it, if less you will get your money back.
Jazakum Allahu khayran.
on sale book: History of Islam (3 Vols) | by Nasrin for everyone |
asalamualikum... InshaaAllah anyone interested to buy, please email me.
History of Islam (3 Vols)
Price: $40 dollars [the book is Like NEW, no sign of damage or anything] [$12 less than the actual price on online store]
Shipping: decided by the post-office, i can suggest only that is $6 dollars for USA people [if money lefts i will send it back to you as always.]jazakum Allahu khayran kathiran.
was-salamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
New Sarf class ONLINE | by Nasrin for everyone |
Abbas al Britanee : Arabic Lessons in Sarf and Medenah Book 1 For Brothers... Starting Monday 26th @ 9pm (will be on paltalk)
this brother posted.
10 New Kids storys - Saudi School - | by Nasrin for everyone |
A TIP in the methodology of Studying Books...[Memorize first then write] | by Nasrin for everyone |
I thought i could share this with you all, inshaaAllah, maybe you already know but i still would like to share in case it stands as reminders. when we were talking our arabic class with albaseerah, our teacher used to get upset because he used to ask us to repeat and read with him before writing.
but most of the students would write before they read. Did you figure, if you memorize a text first and know it really well and then if you write it benefits you more and let the memorization stick better than writing it out at the beginning.
our teacher used to tell us so much, first read and memorize and then write. do not write first.
and this will i believe help us a lot in our learning of words and building our vocabularies, whatever we read, let it be memorized then write it inshaaAllah.
it is a reminder to me...