
links 4

Islamic Sites for Learning

LinkNov 17, '07 12:35 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.liveislam.net/archive.php?sid=&tid=954

Here is a direct link to classes given by a scholar of Hadeeth, currently alive in Mecca-Muhammad Adam Ethiopia(May Allaah preserve him).Classes are in various subjects and hadeeth.
Link: http://www.salemalajmi.com/

he has published some very timely topics about the youth and their problems in the Arab world. Also he gives excellent khutbahs that motivate the servant to practice good deeds.
Link: http://sh-khaled.bizhat.com/

The web-site for Shaykh Khaled ibn Muhammad Al-Misree. Shaykh Rabee's praise for him can be found on his home page.
Link: http://abumalik.net/

The web-site for shaykh Abdul Hameed .
LinkSep 27, '07 5:41 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.amanjami.jeeran.com/index.htm

The web site for Muhammad Aman Jami(May Allaah have mercy on him)
LinkSep 27, '07 3:08 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.muqbel.net/

The Web site for Shaykh Muqbel(May Allaah have mercy upon him)
LinkSep 27, '07 3:02 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.sh-emam.com/

The Web site for Shaykh Muhammad Al-Emam(May Allaah preserve him)
LinkSep 27, '07 2:58 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.alifta.com/default.aspx

The Web site for the permanent committee for religious verdicts in Saudi Arabia
LinkSep 22, '07 2:50 PM
for everyone
Link: http://alkhadher.islamlight.net/

web site for Abdul Kareem Al-Khadher
LinkSep 22, '07 2:45 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.sh-rajhi.com/rajhi/

Web site for Abdul Aziz Ar-Rajhi. very informative for Tawheed, minhaj and fiqh.He currently teaches and lives in Riyadh.
LinkSep 22, '07 2:40 PM
for everyone
Link: http://albarrak.islamlight.net/

This is the site for Abdur Rahman Al-Baarak. Read the Shaykh's bio and gain benfit from his ilm.
Link: http://njza.net/web/

This is the website for Ahmed Najmee, Zayd Madkhalee and Ahmed Madkhalee ,who reside in Jizan Sumtah
LinkSep 13, '07 3:52 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.haddady.com/index.php

The webiste for Shaykh Ali haddady. A well-known student of Shaykh Fawzan. May Allaah bless him for spreading the Sunnah.

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