
links 1

Islamic Sites for Learning

LinkJul 8, '12 6:00 AM
for everyone
Link: http://attasseel-alelmi.com/

The Website for Shaykh Haytham Sarhan in Madeenah.
LinkMar 1, '12 1:08 AM
for everyone
Link: http://www.al-abbaad.com/

The official website for Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al-Abbaad( May Allah preserve him)
LinkJan 23, '12 3:13 AM
for everyone
Link: http://www.alukah.net/Web/alaqeel/

a website to download Shaykh Abdullah ibn Aqeel's works.

Disclaimer: avoid the pop ups to the right of the page. The people who claim to be people of knowledge and callers to the Sunnah aren' t really who they say. Only take information from Shaykh Aqeel (may Allah have mercy on him) on this link!!!!!

Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle
LinkOct 27, '11 1:14 AM
for everyone
Link: http://www.salehs.net/

The website for Shaykh Salih As-Sindi.
Link: http://www.aoussat.com/

The Website for Shaykh Abdul Ghani Aoussat
Link: http://azeddin.ramdhani.com/

This is the website for Shaykh Azeddin Ramadhani al-Jaza'iree
LinkJun 7, '11 4:39 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.khalied.com/index.html#

This is the new website for the Shaykh.
Link: http://saif.af.org.sa/

The link for the Summer courses and classes with the senior ulema for 1432 A.H may Allah reward them and preserve them all.

Link: http://www.al-sunan.org/

The website for Shaykh Mahir Al-Qahtani (may Allah preserve him)
Link: http://www.drmalo.com/

The offical website for Ash-Shaykh Ad-Doctor Muhammad Ahmed Lowh (may Allah preserve him) in Senegal . They have an excellent Islamic university there in his country, that teaches the correct Minahj and Aqeedah.
Link: http://ahmadannajmi.net/default_ar.aspx

A new website for Al-Alamah Shaykh Ahmed An-Najmi (may Allah rest him in Jannah).
Link: http://g-olamaa.com/ibn-hmid/index.php

This is the website for Shaykh Abdullah ibn Humayd (1402 H) He was a member of the senior scholars in Saudi Arabia. Read his bio for more info. Also listen to his audio for the explanations for various books of Tawheed.
LinkAug 22, '10 9:07 PM
for everyone
Link: http://m-al-bassam.com/index.php

This is the official website for Shaykh Muhammad ibn Sulayman Al-Bassam. A student of Abdur Rahman As-Sa'dee. There is another Shaykh alive today as well who is also a student of Shaykh As-Sa'dee: Abdullah ibn Abdul Azeez Al-Aqeel (may Allah preserve him) and I am blessed to say that he is my Shaykh.
LinkAug 19, '10 6:44 AM
for everyone
Link: http://www.elbukhari.com/

This is the website for Shaykh Abdullah Al-Bukhari (may Allah preserve him and the rest of Ahulus sunnah)
LinkAug 11, '10 6:37 AM
for everyone
Link: http://ramadhan.af.org.sa/

A website for Ramadan from the Major Scholars . Visit this site and spread it to others.
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