
White Guy Speaking Sudanese Arabic

I was told of this video of an American guy speaking Sudanese like a native.  I mean if you close your eyes you would think he was a black Sudanese guy.  In the video he's trying to raise money to make a movie called Faisal Goes West about a Sudanese guy who goes to live in the US and the problems he faces.  The film's website is faisalgoeswest.com. It's pretty crazy how well this guy gets the accent down.  It makes me wonder how long he has lived there, because I imagine that the only way you could get an accent that good is actually living in Sudan.  I mean there aren't many resources to learn the Sudanese dialect online.

I know literally nothing about Sudanese Arabic.  The only way I can understand it at all are from its similarities to Egyptian, but I will write some of it in a transcript.

It seems that in Sudanese a man or person is called زول .  A couple of times in the clip he says اي زول meaning "anyone". 


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