
cheapest ARabic & Quraan Teacher for Female & Male: skype id: arabic.forum1

cheapest ARabic & Quraan Teacher for Female & Male: skype id: arabic.forum1 – contact her, she is the Quraan teacher and ARabic teacher for female, i recommend you take with her, [name Fatma], she has a lot of sabr & also softer and also not like hizbes who looks down upon salafiyah etc. There is another teacher for Arabic name: Lamees, do not recommend her at all, very rough mannered and a hizbiyah who says so and goes on to talk and promotes what she is upon etc. They have male teachers as well as she has on her status i saw. Cost is around $3 to $3.50, they do give some discounts to those who needs it.
forgot to add, she is good in her Grammar, and also she [sister Fatma i mean] has izaza in Quraan and has been teaching Quraan for last 5 years, and she studied for 5 years in an inst., she knows her stuffs. so you can study ARabic and Quraan with her inshaaAllah.
and she is from Egypt, and in Egypt. OVERSEA classes.

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