
Advanced Syrian Dialect Lesson

This lesson is a more advanced one. You can learn something from it at any level, but the clip is kind of difficult in places because a woman is basically cursing someone out. The clip is from the Syrian TV show Jamil wa Hanaa (جميل و هناء). You get really good authentic Syrian dialect watching it. The show was intended for Syrians and not for the entire Arab world, so they don't shy away from throwing in phrases specific to the region.

I've transcribed the clip's dialogue and translated it. A big part of learning Arabic dialects is actually knowing what words they are saying. You may know all the words, but they may say them in such an accent or string them together in such a way that you don't understand them. Transcripts help a lot with that.

To give you some context to the clip, there is a married couple, Jamil and Hanaa. Jamil is the boss at a government office and Hanaa is his jealous wife. She is at his office checking up on him when a woman walks in with a form she needs signed. Hanaa doesn't like the way the woman is acting toward Jamil and she goes off on her.

There are a few places in this clip where I'm not sure of a word or its meaning, so if anyone can clear it up I would be grateful.


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