The reactions these people have are hilarious! Redbull put a camera in the dashboard of a car while the driver drifts all over the place. The driver is Lebanese and it seems like this was filmed somewhere in the Gulf. UAE probably. My favorites are the first hot Lebanese girl, (the driver keeps telling her to quit touching him because he's married lol) and the 3rd guy in the Kufiya who almost craps his pants from fear.
Here's a translation of the 3rd dialogue:
- So you're telling me you already do drifting right
- Yeah
- So it's nothing new to you, you have no fear. God bless! .....
- This is normal to you right?
- yy.yyeah
- You're not afraid of this, right. Good. ...
- Everything good right?
- huh?!
- You're not feeling anything right? ...
- You're not afraid right? Everything good. ...
- Are you trying to tell me something?
- Nn...nno ...
- You don't look afraid at all...
- Nnn..nno..nooo