Ruling on leaving a Salah Intentionally? | for everyone |
السؤال # ٤١: ما حكم من ترك صلاة واحدة عامدا؟ و ماذا عليه؟
الجواب # ٤١: هو كافر مُرتدّ، و حكمه كاليهود و النصارى و المسركين، و عليه أن يتوب إلى الله.
Question # 41: What's the ruling of one who left a prayer intentionally? And what's upon him?
Answer # 41: He is a apostate disbeliever, and his ruling is like the Yahuud, and the Nasaaraa, and the disbelievers (Musrikeen), and upon him is to repent to Allah.
Translated by: Nasrin As-Salafiyah
Taken from the book of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saleh Al-Uthaymee: إعلام المسافرين ببعض آداب و أحكام السفر …