
The completion of the Qur'an in order to seek a cure

ختم القرآن للاستشفاء

اختم القران للاستشفاء، وانفخه على المريض هل هذا يجوز أو لا؟

لا بأس في ذلك، القرآن جعله الله شفاء، فإذا قرأته أو بعضه على نفسك وأنت مريض ترجو من الله الشفاء، أو على بعض المرضى فلا حرج في ذلك، بل في ذلك الشفاء, قال تعالى: قُلْ هُوَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا هُدًى وَشِفَاء(44) سورة فصلت. فالقرآن فيه الشفاء والخير فإذا قرأته كله أو بعض الآيات كل ذلك خير والحمد لله.

The Finishing of the Qur'an in order to seek a cure

Question: The completion of the Qur'an in order to seek a cure or to blow it upon the sick person, is this permissible or no?

Answer: There is no problem in that. The Qur'an, Allah made it a cure. So if you read it or some part of it upon yourself while you are sick hoping from Allah the cure, or upon some sick people, then there is no sin [problem] in that. But in that is the cure. [Allah] The Exalted said, "Say, it is for those who believe, a guide and a healing" [Surah Fussilat 44]. So the Qur'an, in it is the healing and the good thus if you read it, all of it or some of the verses, all of that is good and to Allah being all Praises.


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