هل يجوز للرجل أن ينظر أو يصافح أم زوجته؟
أم زوجته محرم، قال الله - تعالى -: وَأُمَّهَاتُ نِسَآئِكُمْ [(23) سورة النساء]. بينها في المحارم فله أن ينظر إليها وله أن يصافحها، لكن من غير شهوة، مصافحة العادة .... من غير شهوة.
Question: Is it permissible for a man to look or shake hands with the mother of his wife?
Answer: The mother of his wife is mahram. Allah said, "your wives' mothers," [Surah An-Nisaa 23]. The marriage with her is forbidden, so he can look at her and he can shake hands with her. But without desire. The shaking hands of habit without desire.
Question: Is it permissible for a man to look or shake hands with the mother of his wife?
Answer: The mother of his wife is mahram. Allah said, "your wives' mothers," [Surah An-Nisaa 23]. The marriage with her is forbidden, so he can look at her and he can shake hands with her. But without desire. The shaking hands of habit without desire.