"Question: Ya Shaykh I am looking for a marriage partner who is under salafee da'wah, with aqeedah and manhaj of the salaf, but there isn't anyone that i and my parents are happy with, rather the ones they are happy with are tableges and others who are under bid'ah or jahil, my parents are very cultural minded and will never agree to me marrying someone who is not pakistani, i don't want to help my parents but i want to preserve my deen as well, please advise o shaykh, my rights and what i should in situation like this?
Answer: tell to this brother, tablegee to come with the brother zayd in the center and then teach him, let him to discuss with brother zayd, tell him that i like to marry you but the reason i don't want the ways with you are related, that's why i like you to go to brother zayd like brother abu talha to discuss with him, (shaykh said) i know, i believe, he will become different because salafiyah is mubarakah, will make him different insha-allah, so what i said for the sister, said for her, i like to marry you, but i like you to be a salafee, and i like you to meet one of our brother abu talha to tell you what is salafiyah, what's the meaning of salafiyan, this is the way of daw'ah, this is one of the way of daw'ah illal allah. one of the sahabiyat, came to her a kafir, said i want to marry you, she said, be muslim, then i will marry you, this is sahabiyat and she do this way, she said, if you become muslim, i will marry you, same, if you become salafee i will marry you, this is easier way. good a way to do it. insha-allah.
Answered by Shaykh Aboo 'Uthmaan Muhammad al-Anjaree
in the audio: the introductory points of manhaj
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in the audio: the introductory points of manhaj
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