
Exploits and Acievements of the Sahabiyat (Women Companion)

Exploits and Acievements of the Sahabiyat (Women Companion)

The Sahabiyat - Women Companions - were the noble women who were the contemporaries of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhe wa sallam. They were the pure, virtuous crusaders of Islam, and were honored during the very lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhe wa sallam with the prediction that they would live forever in Paradise inthe Hereafter. Their achievements and influence are found in every sphere of that momentous period in the history of the world, when the whole of humanity would be transfigured forever. They were as active in religion as in politics, as courageous in war as in the peaceful and persuasive propagation of the teachings of Islam. These noble selfless women could be found in the bettlefileds among the foremost ranks of those taking part in Jihad. They were to be found in the political arena, in the field of education, in the courts of Islamic jurisprudence, in the interpretation of Shari'ah, in trade and commerce, in agriculture, in medicine and in nursing. In short there was no sphere that did not benefit from their intellect, their wisdom and their gentle yet firm strength of character.

Industry, Trade and Commerce

The women Companions also practiced the practical or survival skills as we know them today. Agriculture, business, trade and commerce, writing, editing, cottage industries like weaving manufacture and designing of clothes - all these are mentioned in the Musnad - Collection of Ahadeeth - of Imama Ahmad. Agriculture was not so common, but was mainly practiced in the rural fertile areas around Al-Madinah, especially by the women of the Ansar. Among the immigrants, or Muhajir as they were known, Asma also practiced farming.

Some of the Sahabiyat also run business. Khadijah radi Allah anha wasa very successful businesswoman and used to send trading caravans to different countries. Khawlah, Maleekah, Thaqafiyah, and Bnt Fakhriyah radi allahunnah used to trade in the oriental oil-based perfumes known as 'Itar. Saudah radi Allahu anha operated a leather tanning industry. 

Taken from the Book: Great Women of Islam Who were given the good News of Paradise - Page 11, 15-16

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