
Artificial Fingernails and Eyelashes

Artificial Fingernails and Eyelashes

By Al-Alamah, Al-Faqeeh Abdur Rahman ibn Nasr Al-Barrak (may Allah preserve him) [i]

Question: What is the verdict on wearing artificial fingernails and eyelashes? Is this act considered among the acts of joining false hair with real hair?

Answer: Adding synthetic fingernails disagrees with the sunnah and (fitrah) natural disposition. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,”

خمس من الفطرة

“There are five things among the Fitrah…”

Following these words, he (peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned clipping the fingernails. Also He (peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned when the nails must be clipped; and that they shouldn’t grow unclipped beyond forty days. Intentionally extending the fingernails causes a person to resemble an animal or disbeliever. This act is disfeaturing for a woman not beauty. When a woman adds fake nails this shows she has a corrupt fitrah and decreased intellect.

Similarly, adding synthetic eyelash resembles the disbelievers and is among the acts of joining false hair with real hair. I consider both of these actions to be impermissible. And Allah knows best.

Taken from: http://albarrak.islamlight.net/index.php?option=com_ftawa&task=view&id=31346&catid=&Itemid=35

Translated by: Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle

Doha, Qatar 1430 H

[i] His full name is Abdur Rahman ibn Nasr Al-Barrak. His kunya is Abu Abdullah. He was born in Bukhara in the district of Qassem in 1352 H. His father died when he was young, so the shaykh never met him. This left his mother to raise him and she did and excellent job in nurturing him with good morals. Allah decreed for the shaykh to be afflicted with and illness that caused him to go blind at the age of nine.

His quest for knowledge: Shaykh Abdur Rahman began his studies at a very young age. He memorized the Quran at the age of 12. He began studying the Quran with his relatives then with some of the residents in his town. Later on Allah decreed for the Shaykh to travel to Mecca and study. He stayed there for about two years. While residing there he studied with; Shaykh Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al-Khualyfee-Imam Masjid Al-Haram and Shaykh Salih ibnHussain Al-Iraqee. And in 1369 both Shaykh Salih and Shaykh Al-Barrak traveledl and studied with Abdul Azeez bin Baz (may Allah have mercy on him). Shaykh Al-Barrak stayed with Bin Baz for two years, and at that time Shaykh Bin Baz was a judge in Dulum.

His enrollment in school: In 1371 Shaykh Al-Barrak enrolled in the Learning Institute in Riyad right after it opened. After graduating form there he registered and joined the college of Law in 1378H. While studying there he was blessed with the chance to study under some senior scholars like Muhammad Ameen Ash-Shanqeetee, Abdur-Razzak Al-Afeefee and Muhammad ibn Ibraheem Al-Shaykh (may Allah rest them in Paradise) The Shaykh who had the most influence on him was Bin baz ; as he was with the shaykh for about fifty years.

His memory: He has memorized the Quran, Bulugh al-Maram, Kitab At-Tawheed, Kashfu Shubahat, Usul Al-Thalatha, Sharut As-Salah, Aj-roomeeyah, Qatrun Nada, AL-feeyah ibn Malik and others.

The scholars praise for him:

Shaykh Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked during his last days about whom questions should be directed to for verdicts. He praised Shaykh Al-Barrak and said Shaykh Salih Al-Fowzan and Shaykh Al-Barrak are the two to ask.

· This is a summarized version. Please refer to the site for the entire bio of the shaykh at

www. http://albarrak.islamlight.net/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=1364&Itemid=45


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