
Amr Diab - With Herعمرو دياب - وياهWayah

Amr Diab - With Her

This is what I've always wanted
For chance to bring her together with me
Why would I waste the chance of a lifetime?
No way

She's looking into my eyes
This is more than I've ever dreamed of
This is the day that I've been waiting for
So I could say...

With her
Life will be sweeter by her side
This is what I've been hoping for
And when I see her, I feel
That she is the most beautiful and special person
She made my heart tell me, "that's it, calm down, we've found her"

Yeaaah, I'm gonna say it again and again
She's right here beside me, not far away
My heart's so happy it's like a holiday
Waiting for her

C'mon, the time has come
I'm not gonna wait another day
I gotta tell her I've had my eyes on her for so long

عمرو دياب - وياه

ده اللي كان نفسي فيه
لو تيجي صدفة تجمعني به
فرصة عمري أضيعها ليه ؟
مش معقول

عيني قدام عنيه
ده أكتر من اللي حلمت به
ده اليوم اللي أنا مستنيه
علشان أقول

الحياة هتحلي وأنا معاه
هو ده اللي أنا بتمناه
واللي عيني شايفاه إحساس
أنه أحلي وأغلي الناس
خلي قلبي يقولي خلاص
أهدى بقه لقيناه

أيوه هقول وأعيد
مهو بقه جنبي ومش بعيد
فرحة قلبي كأنه عيد

يا الله أهو جه الأوان
مش هستنى اليوم كمان
لازم أقوله انا من زمان
عيني عليه


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