
Rulings on women's clothes

Browse by Volume Number > Group 1 > Volume 17: Hijab and adornment > Women's Hijab and dress > Rulings on women's clothes
Wearing tight clothes
Clothes of a Muslim woman
Islamic dress code for women
The skirt's opening
Decorated clothes
A man paying no attention to his women's clothes
Women removing body hair, applying make up, wearing trousers, and uncovering their hair
Men neglecting their Mahrams
Going out while wearing adorned clothes
Women who are dressed yet naked
Wearing tight shirts
Having openings at the end of women’s clothing
Women wearing sheer clothes
Women wearing black socks when going out
Wearing a cloak over the shoulders
Woman's Hijab color
A husband's response when his wife refuses to wear Hijab
Wearing black clothes
Women wearing black clothes

Browse by Volume Number > Group 1 > Volume 17: Hijab and adornment > Women's Hijab and dress > Rulings on women's clothes
Saying that those wearing black clothes will be in Hell forever
The look of a woman when going out of home
Including school girls in dancing shows while wearing tight clothes
Is it permissible for the guardian to accept this?
Forcing school girls to attend celebrations
Women wearing trousers
Ruling on lewd magazines
Wearing high heels and applying henna during menstruation
Women wearing perfume to remove bad smells
Ruling on perfume, nail polish, and long nails for women
Parting hair on a side
Women wearing ornamented clothes at weddings
Women going out while applying kohl
Is it lawful for an unmarried woman to apply make up and Kohl?
A woman removing hair from her body
Beautifying the hair
Ruling on a hairdresser removing undesirable hair
Women trimming eyebrows
Ruling on trimming eyebrows and the hair in between
Using artificial nails, eye lashes, and colored contact lenses

Browse by Volume Number > Group 1 > Volume 17: Hijab and adornment > Women's Hijab and dress > Rulings on women's clothes
Women shortening their hair
What a man sees from his fiancee
Applying Henna during menstruation
Using a menstruating woman's comb
Women wearing gold
Circular shaped gold jewelry
On which finger can a woman wear a ring and man wear silver ring?
Piercing the girl's ears to wear earrings
Women wearing tight cloaks
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