So, this is how I started this cold shower, let's hope I can keep up. I felt so hot, so uncomfortable, so sweaty, and tired etc. I just went to the bath and took a plain cold shower unexpectedly. I just didn't care. I just wanted to feel cold. After I took the cold shower and put on my fresh clothes and was going about my normal day, I realized how LIGHT and FRESH my body felt. It is the feeling I have been searching for like ages. When was the last time I felt this good, I do not know.
I heard something about taking cold shower but I never read on it. When I realized how good I was feeling, I started reading on the cold shower. Just to boost my motivation. Let's hope I can keep up.
I took my showers in the evening. Morning shower, I have to think about it.
But it is really great to feel light. That's what I seek the most I guess these days. I just want to feel light, fresh, simple, and happy.