Bismillah Assalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu, dear all.
I know you guys hardly hear from me but that should tell you that I take the time to share with you all what's ONLY IMPORTANT (to me, hopefully to you also).
Masjid Al-Fawzan & its community needs your/OUR help to buy 2 houses to make a big school and masjid. Perhaps some of you know, I worked in this masjid for few months as a teacher. What I can say about them is this: it is a community that needs HELP, a GREAT amount of HELP. I mean serious help. As I went to that Masjid, I always made dua that Allah allows them to buy the houses to make it a nice healthy place for children to come and learn about their religion and other knowledge that they need to survive as a Muslim and human being.
There are sisters who come to the masjid to home school their children. Honestly, I saw a lot of improvements in the masjid and its content in the few months I was there. My supervisor sister, X, was so kind and has much sabr. As a new Masjid, it is going through its share of hardships and trails. And I am positive inshaaAllah, it will become strong through those trails as well. I hope this masjid will be a place to bring about huge amount of reformation in that community and in the children.
Those children need help. I mean serious help. They need to be in a place where they can grow up like normal people with upright morals and manners.
I can talk long but the attached are the pictures of the masjid, the houses, the community wishes to buy. Also, the account # to send your donations. I would be super happy if all of you donate at least a cent. I have over 200 people in my list. That's 200 cents = $2 dollars. Every penny counts. Remember the hadith, save yourself from the fire even with half of a date.
so, this is the paypal email account:
For the Masjid's donation. You can send your donation to this email address via paypal.
Take care.
Bismillah Assalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu, dear all.
اتقوا النار ولو بشق تمرة ، فمن لم يجد فبكلمة طيبة
“Save yourself from the (Hell) Fire even with half a date (to be given in charity). And if you do not find, then with a good pleasant word.” – Collected by Al-Bukhari
“Save yourself from the (Hell) Fire even with half a date (to be given in charity). And if you do not find, then with a good pleasant word.” – Collected by Al-Bukhari
and I will leave you all with this.
But help them with whatever you can.
I would be so grateful to see that place improved.