
How To Prevent The Flu Naturally

How To Prevent The Flu Naturally

Learn how to prevent the flu naturally using a simple remedy that’s been used for thousands of years!

How To Make and Use Thieves Oil to Prevent the Flu Naturally PrimallyInspired.com
One of my favorite and most effective ways I’ve found to prevent the flu naturally is using THIS Germ Fighting Essential Oil Blend (comparable to “Thieves” from Young Living).
Flu Season is upon us and I wanted to tell you about a remedy that’s been working wonders keeping my family flu and cold free.  My family has been around a handful of people with colds or the flu and we have managed to stay flu-free so far with this Germ Fighting Essential Oil Blend. I even accidentally drank after one child who had the flu and did not get the flu!
If you keep reading, I’ll tell you exactly how to use this blend, how you can make your own or where to get it so that you can help prevent the flu naturally. We use the Germ Fighting Blend when we are around a large group of people. Or we use it immediately after we’ve unknowingly been in contact with someone who is sick. We also use this at the first sign of a sore throat, runny nose or other cold symptoms and our symptoms disappear within a few hours. I hope you have similar success!
History of this Germ Fighting Oil Blend
The history of this germ fighting, bacteria killing natural remedy is fascinating. The story happened all the way back in the 15th century when many people died of the Plague. Thieves would prey among the dead and dying, robbing them of their belongings, but somehow the robbers never managed to get sick themselves. A group of four thieves finally got caught in France robbing plague victims. In exchange for a lighter sentence, they had to confess how they never contracted the plague despite being around the very sick and dead. They revealed their secret at trial. Apparently, they rubbed themselves with a special blend of oils, known today as THIS germ fighting blend.
This special germ fighting blend is comprised of 5 special oils known for their extremely powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-septic and anti-fungal properties:
  • Clove
  • Lemon
  • Cinnamon Bark
  • Eucalyptus
  • Rosemary
You can buy this Germ Fighting Oil already pre-blended (I, personally use THIS one) or you can easily make it yourself! 
Want to make it yourself? Recipe for Homemade Germ Fighting Essential Oil Blend
How to Prevent the Flu Naturally

1 Tablespoon Clove Essential Oil 
1 Tablespoon Lemon Essential Oil
Blend oils together and pour into dark, glass bottles that have a dropper (like THIS). Store in a dry place away from sunlight. 
Before applying to the skin, you must dilute the blend with a carrier oil. I like to use melted coconut oil (THIS is where I get mine) as my carrier oil because of the added anti-bacterial properties, but you can use any oil you prefer. Many people like using sweet almond oil (find HERE). Dilute 20 drops of your thieves oil into 2 tablespoons of your carrier oil.
If you plan on ingesting this blend or using it on your body, please make sure that you are using 100% pure oils that are specifically designed for therapeutic use. Many of the cheaper oils available at places like the health food store are typically NOT safe for ingestion. The oils I have linked to are the ones I personally use and are chemical free and designed for therapeutic use.

How To Use This Germ Fighting Blend To Prevent The Flu Naturally

Ways To Use Thieves Oil To Prevent the Flu Naturally
  • Dilute with a carrier oil and apply to your body. Many people like to rub it on the bottoms of the feet or on the chest area. 
  • Diffuse 10 drops in a diffuser (like THIS) to kill airborne bacteria.
  • Put a few drops in water, tea or beverage of choice and drink daily.
  • Add a drop to your toothbrush before brushing your teeth.
  • Mix 1-2 drops in a teaspoon of raw honey (also very effective for coughs).
  • Add 5 drops to ¼ cup of water and use as a disinfecting spray (spray down doorknobs, toys, computer keyboard, remotes, etc.).
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How To Make and Use Thieves Oil to Prevent the Flu Naturally  PrimallyInspired.com
Want to find other ways to prevent the flu naturally? Read my article HERE

Do you use thieves oil? Or do you have any other tried and true remedies to prevent the flu naturally that you could share? 

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