

Assalam alykum WarehmatuAllahi Wabarakatuh
Dear sister, 
AlhamduliAllah I planned to start another english group for level 1 at 8:30p.m EST-9:30 EST on Monday / Wednesday / Thursday /Friday (Friday even later than this). or 11-12a.m ESt on Sunday/Tuesday.pls email me with ur suitable days or sutiable later time on Friday.
mail: Hina Malik   mayaabc@hotmail.com

class details:
The class will be on skype.
the duration of class is one hour per week.
No makeups if u missed the class.
try to record or request ur fellows to record the class if u know u will be missing.
Syllables:  we will be covering the first book of ustadha Kareema. u will be assesed after every chapter and u must pass it for graduating to the next chapter , and finally pass all the test of book 1 to complete level 1 to graduate into level2.
for passing all the 3 books will lead u to learn the Jazarriyah ( mathumatul muqadimah feema yajibo a'la Qar'el Qur'ani An ya'lamah) and acheive in ijazah in Jazariyyah which will lead to acheive an Ijazah in Hafs Un Asim Min tareeqat Ash Shatibiyyah.
students must be regular and punctual for the class.
Kindly don't register If u r not serious and do hard work.
u must revise ur reading practice lesson and try to acheive good level in it.
u must revise theory and do ur home work for better learning.
the fee is 25$ per month.
U must have to pay in advance and the fee is not reserved for the next month if u will leave in the middle of month.
u must have to inform a month before if u stop taking classes in a group.
u must have to pay for the vacations if u wnat to keep urself with the group.

email me back if u r interested .
 take a momemt to spread it to ur contacts may be it will reach to some one who is really in need.
Jazakum Allahu Khair

Hina Malik
Tajweed Instructor

The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it." [Bukhari]
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