
few rulings of EID.

It is a day in which there is a gathering. The word being derived from 'aada-ya 'oodu he returned, he is returning, as if they are returning to it i.e. 'Eid. It is also said that the word is derived from 'aadah custom/habit, because they have become accustomed to it. The plural of it being 'Ayaad. It is also said: "'Ayaadal Muslimoon" the Muslims celebrate 'Eid, meaning they witnessed their 'Eid.
Ibn-ul- 'Arabee said: "'Eid was named 'Eid because it returns every year with renewed happiness."8
The renowned scholar Ibn 'Aabideen said: "'Eid was titled by this name because in it is the customary benefi cence of Allaah, the Most High, i.e. various forms of kindness that return, everyday upon His servants. From these are: "Fitr" (eating) after food had been prohibited, Sadaqatul-Fitr, completion of the Hajj by the Tawaf of visiting, the meat from the sacrifices and many other acts. Also because the custom in 'Eid is joy, happiness, cheer fulness and gladness."9
CHAPTER-FOUR : Adornment / Beautification for 'Eid
Ibn al-Qayyim said in Zaad-ul-Ma'aad (1/441): "He (SAW) would wear his best clothes when proceeding to the two 'Eids and the day of jum 'ah. On one occasion he wore a green burdah and on another a red Burdah;21,22 but not one that was solely red as some people may think. For if that was the case it would no longer be called a Burdah. Rather it had red thread like the thread of Yemanee Burdah."
CHAPTER - FIVE : Proceeding to the Musallaa (Place of prayer)
Aboo Sa'eed al-Khudree (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (SAW) on the day's of 'Eid-ul-Fitr aud 'Adhaa, used to go out to the musallaa and the first thing that he would begin with was the prayer... "23
CHAPTER - SIX : Going to and Returning from the Musallaa
Jaabir bin 'Abdullaah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "When it was the day of 'Eid the Prophet (SAW) used to alter his route (of returning)."30
Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawzeeyah said: "The Prophet (SAW) used to change his route on the days of 'Eid, such that he went by one route and returned by another. It is said (he did this) to give salaam upon the people of both routes. Or so that both groups get some of his blessings. Or so that anybody who has a need can take care of it. Or to make manifest the rituals of Islaam.... - and this is the most correct opinion - for all of these reasons and for other reasons of wisdom which his (SAW) actions contain."31
CHAPTER - SEVEN : Takbeer in the 'Eids
Allaah, The Most High, says:
"(He wants you) to complete the same number (of days) and that must magnify Allaah (takbeer) for having guided you and so that you may be grateful to Him."34
Indeed it is established that the Prophet (SAW) used to emerge on the day of 'Eid-ul-Fitr and say the takbeer up until he reached the musallaa and up until he had performed the prayer. So when he had performed the prayer he stopped saying the takbeer.35

Ibn Mas'ood used to say: << Allaahu-Akbar. Allaahu-Akbar. Laa ilaaha illallah. Wa-Allaahu Akbar. Allaahu-Akbaar. Wa lillaahil-Hamd>>
(Allaah is the Greatest. Allaah is the Greatest. There is none who has the right to be worshipped except Allaah. Allaah is the Greatest. Allaah is the Greatest and to Allaah belongs all praise.)
Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) used to say: <>40
(Allaah is the Greatest. Allaah is the Greatest. Allaah is the Greatest and to Allaah belongs all praise. Allaah is the Greatest and the Most Sublime. Allaah is the Greatest to that which He has guided us to.)

CHAPTER - EIGHT : When to eat during the 'Eids
The renowned scholar Ibn al-Qayyim said: "...as for 'Eid-ul- 'Adhaa, then he (SAW) would not eat until he returned from the musallaa and he would eat from his sacrifice."45
The renowned scholar as-Shawkaanee46 said: "The wisdom behind delaying eating on the day of 'Adhaa, is because it is a day in which slaughtering and eating from the sacrifice has been legislated. Therefore it has been prescribed that the eating be from the sacrifice. This view was held by Ibn Qudaamah."47
REST FIND HERE: http://www.almuflihoon.com/media/ebooks/Celebrations/eid.pdf
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