
Advanced Library

Advanced Library

Nuur-un “alaa Nuur: An advanced Qur’aanic Arabic course and a profound Qur’aanic selection. The chosen aayaat speak of Allaah’s Greatness, Majesty and Divinity, promise and encourage believers towards greater iimaan and strike parables of unbelief with profound meanings…

… The Shaykh provides extensive lexical & grammatical notes; exegetical notes from the works of tafsiir with the Shaykh’s commentaries;  detailed additional notes; diverse exercises on grammar, comprehension & language skills and an exhaustive index in alphabetical listing for easy reference.

New feature: We have added an electronic menu of all the contents of Nuur “alaa Nuur for quick and easy access to all parts of the book, to navigate from the notes of one aayah to the next, and facilitate study & revision.

Suurat al-Hujuraat With Lexical and Grammatical NotesAn advanced Qur’aanic Arabic Course written and personally taught by our Shaykh on DVDs.  It is prepared for the graduates of the Madinah Arabic Course or who have attained proficiency in Arabic equivalent to it. This suurah is pivotal to help master the Arabic Sciences and mould the Islaamic character due to its profound character-building injunctions…

An advanced Qur’aanic Arabic Course, written and personally taught by our Shaykh on 6 DVDs. It is prepared for the graduates of the Madinah Arabic Course or who have attained proficiency in Arabic equivalent to it. Profound in depth and content, the course helps understand the grammar, language, style and eloquence of the Glorious Qur’aan …

Both These Lights Emanate From the Same Niche: Umm Salamah(radiyAllaahu “anhaa)’s Hadiith narrates the crucial event of the emigration of the early Muslims from Makkah to Abyssinia to escape persecution…

… The narration contains the powerful address of Ja”far ibn ‘Abii Taalib(radiyaAllaahu “anhu) who presents the case for asylum before the king andexplains the beautiful Islaamic code of life. At the king’s request, Ja”far recites the sacred chapter of suurah Maryam. Read how the king reacts and how events unfold. Bring to life this historical event with the copious lexical and grammatical notes.

Complete translation of the Hadiith is placed facing the Arabic text; copious explanatory notes; additional notes; diverse exercises; comprehensive index.

Complete download of  ‘Both These Lights Emanate From The Same Niche’:  

Hard copies available from us (for special cases).

Fii Balaat Hiraql is the astonishing dialogue that took place in Shaam between Abu Sufyaan radiyAllaahu “anhu  and Heraclius, king of Byzantine. The SaHaabiyy was summoned and questioned scrupulously by Heraclius to ascertain the Prophethood of Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu “alayhi wasallam

… Extensive lexical and grammatical notes. Points of benefit and moral lessons learnt from the narration are quoted from the great works of Imaam an-Nawawiyy rahimahullaahu. Extensive exercises test grammar, comprehension and language skills. Beautiful design.

Enter the majlis and listen to the dialogue…

Complete download of  ‘Fii BalaaT Hiraql’:

‘Abshir Bi-Khayri Yawmin is the heart-rending story of the repentance of Ka”ab ibn Maalik radiya Allaahu “anhu who remained behind from the Battle of Tabuuk in 9 AH …

Extensive lexical and grammatical notes. Extensive points of benefit and moral lessons learnt from the narration are extracted from the works of the great Imaams Ibn Hajr al-“Asqalaaniyy and Imaam an-Nawawiyy, rahimahuma Allaahu. Diverse exercises test grammar, comprehension and language skills. Exhaustive index. Beautiful design with parchment look on every page…

Complete download of  ‘Abshir Bi Khayri Yawmin’: 

See Book Fair to buy the syllabus (which we highly recommend). See the file below to study the entire syllabus simultaneously, on-line:

Tadriibaat Fii l-Muhaadathati: An  audio-visual  conversational course that drills-in Arabic speaking skills using the vocabulary, lexical and grammatical knowledge learnt in the 3 Madinah Books. Drills are meticulously structured with lively, every-day topics to talk about. Dialogues start from the simplest conversation to advanced conversational Arabic.
Enjoy the Shaykh’s beautiful spoken Arabic and the privilege of learning via the teaching methods used at the Islaamic University, Madinah.

New feature: We have added an electronic menu of all the contents of the course for quick and easy access to all the drills:

Kitaab Al-Mu”allim : Three outstanding, interactive guidance manuals tailored for:

1. Teachers of Arabic
2. Graduates of the Madinah Arabic Course
3. Advanced Students of Arabic.
4. Beginner’s  in Arabic (to use the on-line worksheets, oral drills, rule charts, flashcards & vocabulary aids. See Beginner’s Library).

Teachers of Arabic: Be privileged to follow our Shaykh’s teaching methodology as adopted at Madinah Islaamic University through interactive teaching, using practical and engaging examples and copious reference to daily life and usage. Practical methods to teach Arabic include having real conversations, use of physical actions and movements, use of samples, use of every-day objects, use of pictures and sketches, creating every-day scenes, interactions between teacher and students, interactions between classmates, etc.  All of this serves to create real contexts by which the Arabic language is understood and mastered in the most easy and natural way. (Please see the full features in ‘Overview‘)

Samples from the worksheets of Kitaab Al-Mu”allim, Vol. 1for Madinah Book 1:

Samples from the worksheets of Kitaab Al-Mu”allim Vol 2, for Madinah Book 2:

Hard copies available from us.


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