
Sihr - magic

Fatwas of the Permanent Committee
Browse by Volume Number > Group 1 > Volume 1: `Aqidah (1) > Creeds > Sihr
Sihr: Is it lawful?
Difference between Sihr and the evil eye
Death and life predestined by Allah
Learning Sihr
The fabricated Hadith of "Learn Sihr, but do not practice it"
A sorcerer using something against Islam
A woman going to see a male doctor
Causing harm to others
Visiting a sorcerer to break a spell
Visiting a sorcerer to remove a spell
Ruling on going to soothsayers and believing them
Lawful treatment for a spell
Seeking treatment in unlawful means and consulting sorcerers and soothsayers
Visiting sorcerers and enchanters to treat diseases
Treating Sihr with Ruqyah and Shari`ah-approved supplications
Breaking the spell of a sorcerer using a counter spell
Breaking a spell by a counter spell
Believing that knot-tying cures diseases
Was the Messenger of Allah afflicted with Sihr?

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