
Receiving a Social Security subsidy

Fatwas > Miscellaneous Fatwas (Rabi` Al-Thany) > Receiving a Social Security subsidy
(Part No. 23Page No. 479)
Social Security
Fatwa no. 164
Q: In 1383 A.H., I applied to receive a Social Security subsidy as I was providing for a family of four and was going through difficult financial times. I was granted a monthly subsidy and now my sons are grown up and my daughters have married. I now support my wife and myself from a business that produces some income. Is it permissible for me to receive the subsidy given by Social Security? Please advise, may Allah grant you success!
A: If the case is as you have mentioned in your question, that when you were in financial difficulties you applied for Social Security to help you support your wife and young children, the money you received from the Social Security in this case was Halal (lawful). Since your children are now grown up and married and you have none to support but your wife, you are allowed to take the amount of money given by Social Security that suffices you and your wife. This is only if your children do not have enough to support themselves, in addition to yourself and your wife. But if they do, they are obliged to support you and their mother. You are not allowed to take the subsidy given by Social Security if your children can provide for you and your wife through their monthly or daily wages.
(Part No. 23Page No. 480)
It is incumbent upon them to support you and your wife, if you do not have what suffices you and her.
May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'

MemberMemberDeputy Chairman
`Abdullah ibn Sulayman Ibn Mani``Abdullah ibn `Abdul-Rahman ibn Ghudayyan`Abdul-Razzaq `Afify

Source: Fatwas of the Permanent Committee

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