
How To Learn Arabic Quickly Directions in Arabic | Arabic Words and Phrases Lesson

How To Learn Arabic Quickly Directions in Arabic 


Getting directions in Arabic will be much easier after this free audio lesson.

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ممكن تقوللي محطة القطر فين, لو سمحت؟
Momken t2oly ma7atet el 2atr feyn, lao sama7t?
Can you please tell me where the train station is?
اروح محطة القطر ازاي؟
Arou7 ma7atet el 2atr ezay?
How do I get to the train station?
حضرتك تعرف محطة القطر فين؟
7adretak te3raf ma7atet el 2atr feyn?
Do you know where the train station is? (formal)
تعرف محطة القطر فين؟
Te3raf ma7atet el 2atr fen?
Do you know where the train station is? (casual)

Learn Arabic For Free Online 

Speak 7 Arabic Rocket Arabic team is here to arm you with the Arabic words and phrases you’ll need to find your way around an Arabic-speaking country. Learn Basic Arabic Language. If you've found it difficult to perfect the way you say Arabic words and phrases, this lesson will help you.

بعد اذن حضرتك! ممكن تقوللي فين محطة القطر من فضلك؟
Ba3d ezn 7adretak! Momken t2oly feyn ma7atet el 2atr men fudluk?
Excuse me! Could you please tell me where the train station is? (formal)
ممكن تقوللي فين محطة القطر من فضلك؟
Momken t2oly ma7atet el 2atr fen, men fudluk?
 Excuse me please! Could you please tell me where the train station is? (casual)
 Easiest Way To Learn Arabic


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