
List of Free Online Arabic Courses and Classes

List of Free Online Arabic Courses and Classes

Learn Arabic with these free online courses. See the full list of free Arabic courses and find the course that's right for you.

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Info On Free Online Courses In Arabic

Arabic courses generally cover learning Arabic (vocabulary and pronunciation) and writing Arabic script. The Web has many training materials of this nature. This article will highlight only a selection of them. None of the resources included in the article result in the viewer earning a credit.

Free Online Arabic Classes And Courses

Arabic Activities at San Diego State University

Most of the lessons are in Arabic, so prior knowledge of Arabic would be helpful. Lessons range from a unit for elementary students who are learning Arabic to intermediate and advanced reading activities. Some lessons include clips from YouTube.

Arabic Alphabet Chart at Stanford University

The lesson starts with a chart of various Arabic letters. The student can click on each letter to see how it is written; Apple Quick Time is needed to view the videos. Also available on this site are audio and video clips for letters that are written similarly, letters that are pronounced similarly and vowels. Furthermore, there are images of letters written in different positions, based on the surrounding context of written information.

Arabic for Beginners at Dalarna University

This course is composed of 15 video lectures. The student learns to pronounce, write and recognize the Arabic alphabet. The student will learn basic vocabulary words and grammatical constructions. He or she will be able to converse about familiar subjects, greet others and read and write simple texts after completing the program.

Arabic in Jordan by the Peace Corps

A series of audio files and a lesson transcript can help users learn Arabic as it's spoken in the country of Jordan. Topics covered include greetings, physical states, useful expressions, foods, directions and question words. Audio files are also available on iTunes.

Arabic Poetry at University of Washington

To enjoy the poems, a student needs to have Apple QuickTime 6 or later. A link is provided to download this software, along with a troubleshooting page. The student may listen to a selection of poems in Arabic. Topics of poems include mother, to my girl and peace.

Arabic Voices at University of Texas at Austin

This site is a resource for both teachers and students of the Arabic language. It is designed to help students with their listening comprehension. The materials available on the site range from beginning to advanced levels. Each listening segment is one to ten minutes in length and has accompanying activities and questions.

Introduction to Written Arabic at University of Victoria

Lessons on this website cover Arabic consonants and vowels, along with exercises in reading, listening and dictation. Users learn through flashcard, matching and typing exercises. Answers are checked, and the right answers provided if needed.

Step-by-Step Lessons in Arabic by Learn101

The site provides the user with step-by-step lessons to learn Arabic. Lessons cover the Arabic alphabet, adjectives, nouns, plural forms, gender, numbers, phrases, grammar, vocabulary and verbs. Lastly there is an exam. The lessons include mp3 audio files so the user can learn the correct pronunciation. The site contains an Arabic keyboard for practice.

Arabic Games by Purpose Games

The user can learn basic Arabic words by playing games. Games cover topics that include colors, the alphabet, numbers, kitchen vocabulary and Arabic verbs. Anyone using this site should know basic Arabic to play the games, though the correct answers are provided so that one can learn from his or her mistakes.

Vocabulary Flashcards/Multiple Choice Learning Tools at University of Washington

Students can learn or practice their Arabic vocabulary skills through flashcards or multiple choice problems. They may choose to practice with either English to Arabic or Arabic to English. There are seven sets of flashcards and seven sets of multiple choice questions. Knowing some Arabic would be beneficial before attempting the exercises.

Earn Real Credit From Free Courses

While the free courses above don't award credit directly, you can earn credit by passing an exam and transferring credit to your college. There are two widely recognized and affordable options forexams that award credit.

Option #1: CLEP Exams

The College Board's 33 CLEP exams allow you to test out of your general education requirements. Credit is accepted at 2/3 of colleges and universities in the U.S.

Option #2: Excelsior College's Credit-by-Exam

Excelsior College offers over 40 exams that lead to transferable credit. You can also earn three full degrees by taking free online courses and earning your credit by exam.
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